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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 01-03-29

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>


(K) Anaskophsh Kypriakoy Typoy

KYPE 29/03/2001 H xqesinh paralysh ths Dhmosias Yphresias kai toy Trapezikoy tomea logw ths 24wrhs apergias se endeijh diamartyrias gia thn prowqhsh toy Eqnikoy Sxedioy Ygeias kyriarxei stis shmerines efhmerides. O kypriakos Typos proballei epishs tis epafes toy YPEJ Iwannh Kasoylidh sto Beligradi, th synanthsh stis Bryjelles toy GG toy AKEL me thn Epitropo ths EE Anna Diamantopoyloy, thn paroysiash twn dyo elikopterwn poy paraxwrhse h Ellada sthn Kypro, plhrofories gia topoqethsh kalpwn sto ejwteriko gia toys foithtes kai toys apodhmoys kai thn katrakyla sto Xrhmatisthrio.

H "Alhqeia" sto kyrio qema ypo ton titlo "Sta plokamia ths skopimothtas to ESY" grafei oti katw apo to baros twn apergiakwn metrwn gia to Eqniko Sxedio Ygeias ta kommata me dhlwseis ekproswpwn toys epibebaiwsan oti to mellon toy ESY einai abebaio. Anaferei oti to AKEL qa epimeinei stis dyo tropopoihseis poy exei ypobalei, enw to DHKO symfwna me ton Proedro toy Tasso Papadopoylo qa katachfisei to nomosxedio an ayto "bohqa sthn aporrich toy". Alloy grafei oti o YPEJ Iwannhs Kasoylidhs tonise sto Beligradi thn etoimothta ths Kyproy na synergastei mesa sta plaisia ths kypriakhs nomoqesias gia opoiesdhpote ereynes prokeimenoy na diapistwqei kata poso xrhmata poy anhkoyn sto gioygkoslabiko dhmosio briskontai sthn Kypro h perasan apo to nhsi.

"H Maxh" sto kyrio qema ypo ton titlo "Boytia qanatoy 20xronhs Rwsidas" grafei oti h 20xronh Rwsida Ojana Rantseba sthn prospaqeia ths na apodrasei apo to diamerisma opoy htan periorismenh, katarrixhqhke apo to mpalkoni, alla xanontas thn isorropia ths epese sto keno me apotelesma na brei akariaio to qanato. Alloy grafei oti h xqesinh xrhmatisthriakh synanthsh den staqhke ikanh na anatrecei to dysmenes klima kai thn kaqodikh poreia toy Genikoy Deikth, o opoios kategrace ptwsh katw apo to epipedo twn 180 monadwn dhmioyrgwntas etsi "klima apaisiodojias".

O "Poliths" grafei sto kyrio qema ypo ton titlo "Xamena ekatommyria se Synergatikes" oti "empisteytikh ekqesh" ths Elegktikhs Yphresias toy Synergatismoy gia to 1999 katadeiknyei oti ta Synergatika Idrymata kindyneyoyn me episfalh xreh arketwn ekatommyriwn ta opoia qewroyntai pleon "adynato na eispraxqoyn". Alloy grafei oti o DHSY anamenetai na kataqesei sth Boylh protash, h opoia stoxeyei sthn askhsh toy eklogikoy dikaiwmatos se foithtes stis xwres poy foitoyn kai oti o Proedros Klhridhs "antikryzei me qetiko fako" thn protash toy DHSY.

"H Shmerinh" sto kyrio qema katw apo ton titlo "Polemos gia to ESY" grafei oti "h ergatikh eirhnh apeileitai na tinaxqei ston aera" gia to Eqniko Sxedio Ygeias kai xarakthrizei "krisimh" th shmerinh synedria ths Koinoboyleytikhs Epitrophs Ygeias opoy ta kommata qa topoqethqoyn kata poso to nomosxedio qa odhghqei sth Olomeleia ths Boylhs. Alloy grafei oti h kybernhsh ejetazei to endexomeno na topoqethsei kalpes stis kypriakes presbeies pente xwrwn prokeimenoy na mporesoyn na chfisoyn oi Kyprioi foithtes kai apodhmoi. Oi pente poleis einai h Aqhna, to Londino, to Parisi, to Monaxo kai h Nea Yorkh.

"O Fileleyqeros" grafei sto kyrio qema ypo ton titlo "Pros ypotrophn ths krisews" oti "sthn koch toy jyrafioy" brisketai to Eqniko Sxedio Ygeias meta thn paralysh toy Dhmosioy, toy Trapezikoy tomea alla kai twn aerometaforwn, enw PASYDY kai ETYK proeidopoihsan me klimakwsh twn kinhtopoihsewn se periptwsh poy h Boylh proxwrhsei sthn egkrish toy nomosxedioy gia to ESY. Alloy grafei oti xqes to brady entopisthke apo th Limenikh Astynomia mikro kaiki 3-4 naytika milia anoikta ths Kyproy mesa sto opoio epebainan pente Syrioi, o opoioi qewrhqhkan ypoptoi ws laqrometanastes.

H "Xaraygh" sto kyrio qema ypo ton titlo "Anagkh syntonismoy" grafei oti kata th diarkeia synanthshs stis Bryjelles me thn Epitropo ths EE Anna Diamantopoyloy, o Genikos Grammateas toy AKEL Dhmhtrhs Xristofias tonise thn anagkh syntonismoy twn prospaqeiwn olwn twn politikwn dynamewn Kyproy kai Elladas kaqws kai twn dyo kybernhsewn gia entajh sthn EE oloklhrhs ths Kyproy akoma kai xwris prohgoymenh lysh toy Kypriakoy. Alloy grafei oti me to synqhma "Katw apo ton idio oyrano" h EDON, se synergasia me th neolaia toy Repoymplikanikoy Toyrkikoy Kommatos, diorganwnei Dikoinotiko Festibal Neolaias to Sabbato, 31 Martioy, sto Lhdra Palas.

H agglofwnh "Cyprus Mail" sto kyrio qema me titlo "H apergia paralyei basikes yphresies" grafei oti xqes parelyse o Dhmosios kai Trapezikos tomeas apo thn 24wrh apergia diamartyrias gia to Eqniko Sxedio Ygeias. Shmantika problhmata paroysiasthkan sto Limani Lemesoy, opoy oi epibates pernoysan xwris elegxo apo to Telwneio. Alloy grafei gia thn paroysiash xqes apo ton Ypoyrgo Amynas dyo elikopterwn poy paraxwrhse h Ellada sthn Eqnikh Froyra.


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