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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 01-02-14

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>


(K) Anaskophsh Kypriakoy Typoy KYPE - 14/02/2001 Oi nees xqesines egklhmatikes energeies poy hrqan na prosteqoyn sto hdh makry katalogo ths drashs twn paranomwn, oi dhlwseis toy Proedroy Klhridh kata thn epistrofh toy xqes apo thn Aqhna, ta aithmata poy eqese enwpion toy Ypoyrgoy Oikonomikwn o Syndesmos Ependytwn kai h synexizomenh kaqodikh poreia toy Xrhmatisthrioy kaqws kai h ``kontra'' AKEL kai Ypoyrgoy Gewrgias gia thn agrotikh politikh einai merika apo ta qemata poy proballei o shmerinos kypriakos Typos.

H ``Alhqeia'' grafei sto kyrio qema me titlo ``H Kypros sthn EE to 2002'' oti thn kathgorhmatikh proeidopoihsh pws ``o,ti kai na lete, opws kai na xarakthrizete thn Kypriakh Dhmokratia, prepei na to antilhfqeite oti qa entaxqei to 2002 sthn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh, asxeta me to ti pisteyete h qelete eseis. Ayto na to katalabete kala'', aphyqynan thn perasmenh ebdomada ajiwmatoyxoi toy bretanikoy Ypoyrgeioy Ejwterikwn kai ths EE se Toyrkoys kai T/K politikoys kai ajiwmatoyxoys kata th diarkeia seminarioy sth Bretania. Alloy h efhmerida anaferei oti oloklhrwqhke o katalogos twn kat'epiloghn ypochfiwn toy DHSY.

``H Maxh'' me kyrio titlo ``Iatriko laqos skotwse eqnofroyro'' anaferei oti "sth stratiwtikh giatro rixnei thn eyqynh gia to qanato toy stratiwth Iwannh Kyprianidh ek Lemesoy o qanatikos anakriths, o opoios ejetase kai diereynhse thn ypoqesh". H etymhgoria toy anakrith einai oti o qanatos toy eqnofroyroy ofeiletai se ojeia myokarditida (mh iogenh) h opoia prokalese pneymoniko oidhma to opoio epefere to qanato. Se allo qema h efhmerida anaferei oti stoys Neoys Orizontes prosxwrhse o Antidhmarxos Paralimnioy Andreas Eyaggeloy, o opoios se dhmosiografikh diaskech anakoinwse thn apoxwrhsh toy apo to DHSY.

O ``Poliths'' grafei sto kyrio qema me titlo ``Htan Trith kai dekatreis'' oti "xaos" einai isws h monadikh lejh poy mporei na apodwsei me akribeia thn katastash poy epikratei sto XAK. To DS toy Syndesmoy Ependytwn eqese xqes enwpion toy Ypoyrgoy Oikonomikwn 15 shmeia - aithmata, ajiwnontas metajy allwn, na teqoyn se diaqesimothta o dieyqynths kai alloi leitoyrgoi toy XAK. Se allo qema shmeiwnei oti se mia dhmoskophsh apedwse o Proedros Klhridhs to erwthma poy ypebale o Amerikanos Presbhs Ntonalnt Mpantler gia to qema twn dyo xwristwn kratwn.

``H Shmerinh'' me kyrio titlo ``Mparaz ekrhjewn'' anaferei oti liges mono wres meta tis proxqesines kaqhsyxastikes dhlwseis toy Ypoyrgoy Dikaiosynhs kai Dhmosias Tajhs Nikoy Kosh, me tis opoies prospaqhse na ypobaqmisei thn ejarsh twn egklhmatikwn energeiwn sth Lemeso kai sth Leykwsia, tria nea epeisodia ekrhjewn bombwn kai emprhsmoy stis dyo aytes poleis, "hrqan na ton diaceysoyn me ton pio ... ekkwfantiko tropo". Alloy h efhmerida grafei oti o Aystriakos Eyrwboyleyths Gioxanes Sbompota xarakthrise th stash ths Toyrkias sto Kypriako ws ``realistikh kai ypeyqynh''!

``O Fileleyqeros'' grafei sto kyrio qema me titlo ``Foboyntai ta xeirotera'' oti se "anammena karboyna" kaqetai kyriolektika h hgesia ths Astynomias, ws apotelesma sobarwn plhroforiwn, alla kai endeijewn poy yparxoyn, gia epideinwsh ths katastashs oson afora thn paranomia. Alloy h efhmerida anaferei oti "aprokalypth epiqesh" kata toy Ypoyrgoy Ergasias kai Koinwnikwn Asfalisewn Andrea Moysioytta ejapelyse xqes h OEB, katalogizontas toy proswpikh eyqynh gia th qesh toy KEBE toso gia to pagwma misqwn oso kai gia to qema ths ryqmishs apergiwn se oysiwdeis yphresies.

H "Xaraygh" sthn kyria eidhsh me titlo "Idoy ta epiteygmata ths" proballei thn apanthsh toy ekproswpoy Typoy toy AKEL Nikoy Katsoyridh stis epikriseis toy Ypoyrgoy Gewrgias oti h symbolh toy agrotikoy tomea to 1992 htan 6,1%, to 1998 htan 4,3% kai to 2000 mono 3,5% kai oti to 1993 dapanhqhkan perissotera ston tomea ths gewrgias para to 2000. Grafei oti h Koinoboyleytikh Epitroph Oikonomikwn zhta pio emperistatwmena stoixeia apo ton Ypoyrgo Oikonomikwn anaforika me thn proqesh twn Kypriakwn Aerogrammwn gia rizikh ananewsh toy stoloy toys, symfwna me ton boyleyth toy AKEL Kikh Kazamia, o opoios xarakthrise "elliph" thn enhmerwsh poy eixe h Epitroph apo to Dioikhtiko Symboylio ths etaireias.

H agglofwnh "Cyprus Mail" anaferetai sthn kyria eidhsh ths me titlo "Anhsyxia gia eyrwpaikh odhgia gia metallagmena proionta" se odhgia ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs gia ta metallagmena trofima poy qa ypoxrewnei thn Kypro na epitrepei thn kalliergeia kai thn eisagwgh metallagmenwn trofimwn otan katastei melos ths EE. Grafei oti oi prosfyges poy zoyn se synoikismo sta Latsia qa xasoyn thn aylh twn spitiwn toys logw laqoys poy egine apo to Tmhma Poleodomias alla oi diamartyries twn katoikwn den eisakoyontai, symfwna me thn efhmerida.

H oikonomikh agglofwnh "Financial Mirror" katw apo ton tilto "Jeno endiaferon qa enisxysei to XAK;" grafei oti h xrhmatisthriakh agora ths Kyproy dynato na enisxyqei me ejwterikes ependyseis afoy oi shmerines times paroysiazontai poly elkystikes stoys jenoys. Grafei oti ekantotades ependytes anamenetai na symmetasxoyn ayrio se poreia diamartyrias poy organwnei o PASEXA apaitwntas na termatistei h boytia twn timwn twn metoxwn kai na yioqethqoyn apotelesmatika metra yposthrijhs ths agoras.


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