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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 00-12-23

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>


(K) Anaskophsh Kypriakoy Typoy KYPE - 23/12/2000 Oi ejelijeis sthn ypoqesh toy apaxqenta apo toys Toyrkoys Panikoy Tziakoyrma, h synexizomenh krish sthn paideia kai o "polemos" gia ejagora ths ependytikhs "Kyknos" einai ta qemata poy kyriarxoyn sto shmerino kypriako Typo.

H "Alhqeia" ypo ton titlo "To kleidi stoys Bretanoys" grafei oti "ayto poy apo thn prwth stigmh ofeile na kanei h bretanikh kybernhsh gia thn apeleyqerwsh toy Panikoy Tziakoyrma to ekane telika xqes, enteka meres meta thn apagwgh" kai prosqetei oti o Bretanos Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn Rompin Koyk edwse to enaysma gia amesh kai dynamikh parembash. Se allo shmeio grafei oti apebiwse xqes se hlikia 75 etwn o gnwstos megalos epixeirhmatias Stayros Galatariwths, poy noshleyotan toys teleytaioys mhnes se klinikh.

"H Maxh" ypo ton titlo "Paignidia me thn 'Kyknos'" grafei oti "sta Dikasthria endexetai na katalhjei h ypoqesh ejagoras ths 'Kyknos', afoy symfwna me plhrofories orismena xrhmatisthriaka grafeia endexetai na kataqesoyn enantion ths etaireias 'Hra'". Alloy grafei oti symfwna me plhrofories h Eqnikh Froyra diorise xqes stratiwtiko anakrith "me skopo na diapistwqei katw apo poies synqhkes traymatisthke o eqelonths pentaetoys ypoxrewshs, o opoios metaferqhke xqes sto Geniko Nosokomeio Leykwsias me elafra qlash sth dejia toy pleyra" kai oti aytotraymatisthke gia na ekdikhqei to Dioikhth toy.

O "Poliths" katw apo ton titlo "Mponamas gia apelpismenoys" grafei oti "o polemos twn mnhsthrwn gia thn ependytikh Kyknos synexizetai, kai Hra kai Sharelink diastayrwnoyn ta jifh toys mexri telikhs nikhs poy den einai allh apo thn apokthsh ths pleiochfias toy sygkekrimenoy kefalaioy". Alloy grafei oti para tis dieykriniseis toy Ypoyrgoy Paideias Oyranioy Iwannidh pros thn POED, paramenei to aisqhma adikias kai shmeiwnei oti symfwna me thn ergodotikh pleyra, h protash poy doqhke sthn OELMEK einai adiapragmateyth.

"H Shmerinh" ypo ton titlo "Klhridhs kata Markidh" grafei oti enoxlhqhke o Proedros ths Dhmokratias giati o Genikos Eisaggeleas ton enepleje sthn ypoqesh toy Panikoy Tziakoyrma kai prosqetei oti "ta politika paignidia dinoyn kai pairnoyn ta teleytaia eikositetrawra sthn ...'plath' ths ypoqeshs toy Tziakoyrma". Se allo shmeio grafei oti oi ypallhloi toy Radiofwnikoy Idrymatos Kyproy zhthsan to diorismo Genikoy Dieyqynth, poy na exei plhrh gnwsh olwn twn tomewn kai drasthriothtwn toy Idrymatos.

"O Fileleyqeros" katw apo ton titlo "Oi Aggloi anazhtoyn diejodo" anaferetai sthn ypoqesh toy Ellhnokyprioy Tziakoyrma kai shmeiwnei oti amesh apeleyqerwsh toy Toyrkokyprioy laqremporoy dhmioyrgei kindynoys apoanagnwrisews mas, enw prosqetei oti kybernhsh kai kommata problhmatizontai gia ton tropo me ton opoio qa prepei na epidiwxqei h apeleyqerwsh toy apaxqenta E/K. Se allo shmeio grafei oti periptera exoyn metatrapei se paratrapezes antallassontas jena xartonomismata me kypriakes lires, apokomizontas kai thn analogh promhqeia.

"H Xaraygh" katw apo ton titlo "Sto eleos toy Attila..." grafei oti "h kypriakh politeia parakoloyqei adynamh thn omhria toy Panikoy Tziakoyrma sta mpontroymia toy Attila kai enapoqetei tis elpides gia apeleyqerwsh toy ... stoys synypeyqynoys gia th syllhch toy Bretanoys, oi opoioi eixan xqes polywres paraskhniakes diaboyleyseis me to Raoyf Ntenktas". Alloy grafei oti h epitimh projenos ths Kyproy sth Dhmokratia toy Kogko Kyriakh Xristodoyloy synelhfqh sto aerodromio Larnakas na metaferei diamantia.

H agglogwnh "Cyprus Mail" katw apo ton titlo "To Hnwmeno Basileio se epeigoyses energeies gia apeleyqerwsh toy E/K" anaferetai kai ayth sthn ypoqesh Tziakoyrma kai grafei oti to Forein Ofis edwse odhgies ston presbh ths xwras Entoyarnt Klei na dieyqethsei epeigoysa synanthsh me ton T/K hgeth Raoyf Ntenktas kai to legomeno "presbh" ths Toyrkias sto ceydokratos. Alloy grafei oti xqes h Arxh Hlektrismoy Kyproy dieceyse dhmosieymata symfwna me ta opoia h idia den dhmosiopoihse arnhtikh gi' aythn ekqesh gia tis diakopes reymatos toy perasmenoy Ioylioy.

H ebdomadiaia oikonomikh "Ependytikh" ypo ton titlo "Xoros ekatommmyriwn gia ta matia ths 'Kyknos'" grafei oti "anastrofh twn rown kefalaioy dhmioyrghse aprosmena h apofash ths 'Etairias Ependysewn Xartofylakioy Hra' gia ejagora pleiochfikoy posostoy ths ependytikhs etairias 'Kyknos'". Se allo shmeio grafei oti xaroymena Xristoygenna anamenetai na perasei to ependytiko koino afoy sth xqesinh xrhmatisthriakh synanthsh o Genikos Deikths shmeiwse ayjhsh 3,21%.

H ebdomadiaia oikonomikh "Neos Typos" ypo ton titlo "Den akoysthke kykneio asma" shmeiwnei oti "dramatikes diastaseis phre telika h ypoqesh ejagoras ths ependytikhs etaireias 'Kyknos', afoy h deyterh dhmosia protash ejagoras apo ton Omilo etaireiwn 'Hra' kai h synepakoloyqh 'ekrhjh' ths timhs ths metoxhs sto 'patwma' dhmioyrghsan ena prwtognwro skhniko". Alloy grafei oti h forologikh metarryqmish qa syzhthqei sthn Epitroph Oikonomikwn ths Boylhs stis 8 Ianoyarioy.

H epishs ebdomadiaia "Oikonomikh" katw apo ton titlo "Agries kontres gia thn Kyknos" grafei oti "to asxhmopapo poy egine Kyknos einai o titlos ths istorias poy jekinhse sto 'patwma' me dyo mnhsthres na prosferoyn 'gh kai ydwr' prokeimenoy na apokthsoyn ton elegxo ths Kyknos Ependytikh". Alloy grafei oti "kypriakes synergatikes pistwtikes etaireies sthn Ellada isws doyme sto orato mellon, afoy o Synergatismos fainetai diateqeimenos na ekmetalleytei plhrws tis prooptikes poy dianoigei h enarmonish me to eyrwpaiko kekthmeno".


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