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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 00-12-08

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>


(K) Anaskophsh Kypriakoy Typoy KYPE - 08/12/2000 Ta diadramatisqenta kai oi dhlwseis xqes sth Nikaia opoy arxise h Synodos Koryfhs ths EE, h antiparaqesh kybernhshs - antipoliteyshs gyrw apo to qema twn elikopterwn "Mpel", h qetikh antidrash ths POED, ths OELMEK kai ths OLTEK sthn protash ths epishmhs pleyras me stoxo thn epilysh ths krishs sthn ekpaideysh kai h enarjh xqes arga to apogeyma toy 19oy synedrioy toy AKEL einai merika apo ta qemata poy proballei o shmerinos kypriakos Typos.

H "Alhqeia" grafei sto kyrio ths qema me titlo "Allaje mono to perityligma" oti to keimeno ths etairikhs sxeshs Toyrkias - Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs den allaje (pros ofelos ths Toyrkias), yposthrizoyn Toyrkoi analytes, ektimwntas oti h ypoxrewsh ths Toyrkias na prowqhsei th lysh toy Kypriakoy mexri to telos toy 2001 ejakoloyqei na yfistatai. Alloy anaferei oti ekaton peripoy proswpa kathgorhqhkan xqes apo thn astynomia Agioy Dometioy, se sxesh me ypoqesh diejagwghs paranomwn stoixhmatwn gia ippodromies kai skylodromies.

"H Maxh" me kyrio titlo "Eirhnh sthn ekpaideysh" anaferei oti kai oi treis ekpaideytikes organwseis apedexqhsan tis protaseis ths Ypoyrgikhs Epitrophs gia arsh twn apergiakwn metrwn kai enarjh dialogoy, me stoxo thn epilysh ths krishs sthn ekpaideysh. Se allo qema h efhmerida shmeiwnei oti o Proedros ths Dhmokratias ypogrammise xqes th shmasia poy apodidei h Kypros sthn katalhjh ths Eyrwpaikhs Diaskechs kai tonise oti qa prepei oi hgetes na katalhjoyn se mia "filodojh" symfwnia, poy qa dwsei nea wqhsh kai dynamh sthn EE kai oxi se mia syfmwnia gia xarh ths oloklhrwshs ths Diaskechs.

O "Poliths" sto kyrio toy qema me titlo "Olh h symfwnia me toys Germanoys" anaferetai se leptomereies gyrw apo th dhmioyrgia toy ejaggelqentos staqeropoihtikoy tameioy gia to XAK se synergasia me th germanikh trapeza Depfa, shmeiwnontas oti h trapeza qa diaxeirizetai to tameio, xwris thn parembash toy kratoys kai ayth kaqeayth h diaxeirhsh qa ths apoferei kerdh. Alloy grafei oti ekqesh katapelth kateqese h Epitropos Dioikhsews ston Proedro ths Koinoboyleytikhs Epitrophs Anqrwpinwn Dikaiwmatwn, meta apo aytepaggelth ereyna ths ws pros toys xeirismoys ths periptwshs twn 35 laqrometanastwn, poy afixqhsan stis 14 toy perasmenoy Noembrioy sthn Agia Napa.

"H Shmerinh" me kyrio titlo "Maxh symferontwn" grafei oti se adyswphth maxh symferontwn ejelissetai h agora elikopterwn gia tis anagkes ths Eqnikhs Froyras kai pws oi eidikoi toys opoioys epistrateyse to Ypoyrgeio Amynas, meta apo tis nomimes diadikasies exoyn katalhjei sthn agora twn elikopterwn "Mpel" alla dyo rwsikes etaireies kataskeyhs elikopterwn kai allh mia gallikh exoyn mpei dynamika sto paignidi gia na prowqhsoyn ta dika toys symferonta. Alloy anaferei oti h ypoxrewsh twn ependytwn na prokataballoyn pros toys xrhmatistes to sygkekrimeno antitimo gia thn agora titlwn qespisthke xqes dia ths nomoqetikhs odoy.

"O Fileleyqeros" grafei sto kyrio toy qema me titlo "Alla ezhthsan alla qeloyn" oti gia prwth fora xqes doqhkan sth dhmosiothta apo toys boyleytes toy AKEL Dwro Xristodoylidh kai Kwsta Papakwsta stoixeia gia ta elikoptera "Mpel" poy symfwna me toys idioys apodeiknyoyn oti to Ypoyrgeio Amynas parekamce basikes prodiagrafes poy to idio eqese. Se allo qema h efhmerida shmeiwnei oti epi podos "polemoy" briskontai oi katoikoi twn Kokkinoxwriwn, apofasismenoi na proaspisoyn pash qysia to dikaiwma toys na apolambanoyn ta ampelopoylia.

H "Xaraygh" afierwnei to synolo ths prwths ths selidas sthn enarkthria teleth toy 19oy synedrioy toy AKEL kai katw apo ton titlo "H Kypros mporei na eleyqerwqei" grafei oti mhnyma aisiodojias kai palhs pros oloklhro ton kypriako lao esteile xqes to 19o synedrio toy AKEL oi ergasies toy opoioy arxisan panhgyrika kai mesa se klima enqoysiasmoy, maxhtikothtas kai apofasistikothtas gia th dikaiwsh twn agwnwn toy kypriakoy laoy. Alloy grafei oti barytates eyqynes sthn kybernhsh gia thn polypleyrh krish poy antimetwpizei h koinwnia eperrice o Anaplhrwths Proedros toy Kinhmatos Sosialdhmokratwn Giannakhs Omhroy.

H agglofwnh "Cyprus Mail" grafei sto kyrio ths qema pws o dikhgoros Nikolas Aggelidhs anefere xqes me aformh thn apelash pelath toy 36 wres prin thn akroash ths ypoqeshs toy sto Anwtato Dikasthrio pws h politikh ths kybernhshs gia toys laqrometanastes parabiazei thn Eyrwpaikh Symbash gia ta Anqrwpina Dikaiwmata. Se allo qema h efhmerida grafei oti h kybernhsh egkainiase xqes neo gyro diaboyleysewn me toys katoikoys ths perioxhs toy Akama me stoxo th lhch apofashs gia to mellon ths xersonhsoy.

H ebdomadiaia "The Cyprus Weekly" anaferetai sto kyrio ths qema sth Synodo Koryfhs ths Nikaias shmeiwnontas oti oi hgetes ths EE anoijan xqes th shmantikh ayth synodo gnwrizontas oti apotyxia na yperphdhsoyn tis opoies baqies diafwnies gia to diamoirasmo ths ejoysias mporei na epiferei thn krish sthn Enwsh kai na kaqysterhsei tis elpides gia termatismo twn diaforwn toy cyxroy polemoy sthn hpeiro. Alloy grafei oti o Proedros twn EDH kai epikefalhs ths omadas gia tis entajiakes diapragmateyseis Giwrgos Basileioy aperrice toys isxyrismoys oti einai etoimos na dexqei paraxwrhseis sto eqniko qema.

H ebdomadiaia "The Weekly Review" grafei sto kyrio ths qema oti o Proedros Klhridhs breqhke xqes mazi me toys hgetes twn dwdeka kratwn poy epiqymoyn na ginoyn melh ths EE kai twn 15 xwrwn melwn ths EE kata thn enarjh ths Synodoy Koryfhs ths EE sth Nikaia. Alloy grafei oti h Toyrkia anrhqhke na dwsei bizes se Ellhnokyprioys poy programmatizan episkech sthn Kwstantinoypolh gia ta Xristoygenna, symfwna me enan tajidiwtiko praktora.


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