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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 99-09-29

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>

Anaskophsh prwinoy Kypriakoy Typoy

Leykwsia,Kypros,29/09/1999 (KYPE) H xqesinobradinh xwris oysiastiko apotelesma gia to Kypriako synanthsh toy Proedroy Klinton me ton Prwqypoyrgo ths Toyrkias Mpoylent Etzebit, to prwtoselido dhmosieyma toyrkikhs efhmeridas sto opoio dierwtatai ean o Toyrkos Prwqypoyrgos einai arrwstos, h synexizomenh diamaxh metajy Xrhmatistwn kai Xrhmatisthrioy kai h anabolh ths apofashs sthn ypoqesh ths Titinas Loizidoy, einai merika apo ta qemata me ta opoia asxoleitai o shmerinos kypriakos Typos.

H "Alhqeia" sto kyrio qema ypo ton titlo "Giok Mr Clinton" grafei oti "plhrws adiallaktos paremeine o Mpoylent Etzebit sth xqesinobradinh synanthsh toy me ton Proedro Klinton" prosqetontas oti sthn ekklhsh Klinton gia epanalhch twn synomilwn gia to Kypriako xwris oroys kai proypoqeseis, o Etzebit apanthse oti "den einai etoimos gia tetoia ejelijh". Alloy grafei oti h Epitroph Periballontos ths Boylhs qa zhthsei apo thn olomeleia toy Swmatos na egkrinei poinikh diwjh toy Ypoyrgoy Gewrgias Kwsta Qemistokleoys me aformh thn ypoqesh toy delfinarioy Agias Napas.

H "Maxh" sto kyrio qema ypo ton titlo "Sobara arrwstos o Etzebit" grafei oti h "efhmerida "Star" ths Agkyras ypo ton oloselido titlo "Mhpws einai arrwstos" anaferei pws "o Toyrkos Prwqypoyrgos Mpoylent Etzebit einai dianohtika arrwstos, oti se pleistes periptwseis paroysiazei dialeiceis mexri shmeioy na mhn epikoinwnei me to periballon kai na diaprattei gkafes olkhs". Alloy grafei oti h polywrh synanthsh Klinton - Etzebit den staqhke arketh gia na kamfqei h adiallajia toy Toyrkoy Prwqypoyrgoy, wste na dexqei enarjh synomiliwn gia to Kypriako.

O "Poliths" sto kyrio qema ypo ton titlo "Synomilhse san Toyrkos" grafei oti "apath apodeixqhkan oi yposxeseis toy Proedroy Klinton gia pieseis pros thn Toyrkia, sth synanthsh toy me ton Mpoylent Etzebit, wste o Raoyf Ntenktas na epanelqei sto trapezi toy dialogoy gia to Kypriako". Alloy grafei oti h toyrkikh efhmerida "Miliet" isxyrizetai pws o gnwstos kaqhghths toy Panepisthmioy Kyproy Ozntemir Ozgkioyr dietelese "praktoras" ths KGB kata th diarkeia toy Cyxroy Polemoy.

H "Shmerinh" sto kyrio qema ypo ton titlo "Akamptos o Etzebit" grafei oti "o Toyrkos Prwqypoyrgos gyrise thn plath ston Amerikano Proedro kai s'enan apeyqeias dialogo aney orwn sto plaisio twn chfismatwn toy Symboylioy Asfaleias me skopo thn epilysh toy Kypriakoy", prosqetontas pws to Kypriako "paramenei pagideymeno sthn toyrkikh adiallajia". Alloy grafei oti xrhmatistes kathggeilan ston Anaplhrwth Ypoyrgo Oikonomikwn, Ypoyrgo Emporioy Niko Rolandh ton Proedro toy XAK Ntino Papadopoylo gia "eynoiokratikh metaxeirish" se etaireia.

O "Fileleyqeros" sto kyrio qema anaferetai stis dyskolies poy proekycan sthn ypoqesh Titinas Loizidoy sto Symboylio ths Eyrwphs, ypo ton titlo "Agglikh Torpilh kata ths Kyproy". Grafei oti ystera apo apanwtes chfofories stis opoies o Bretanos presbhs paremballe empodia meta apo odhgies toy Ser Nteibint Xanei, h ypoqesh anablhqhke pros ikanopoihsh toy Toyrkoy YPEJ Ismail Tzem poy me epistolh toy arneito na symmorfwqei. Alloy grafei oti h katastash sta nosokomeia einai "Karkinwma" prosqetontas pws ejeytelizetai h anqrwpinh ajioprepeia.

H "Xaraygh" ypo ton titlo "Eyxologio Klinton" anaferetai sth synanthsh Klinton-Etzebit kai stis dhlwseis poy eginan meta apo ayth. Grafei oti o Proedros Klinton ejefrase yposthrijh pros th dhlwsh twn G8 kai ejefrase thn epiqymia kai thn elpida ths xwras toy na epanarxisoyn oi synomilies xwris proypoqeseis. Epikaloymenh diplwmatikes phges yposthrizei oti o Etzebit eipe to "nai" ston Klinton gia epanenarjh twn synomiliwn "xwris na dwsei kapoies endeijeis gia thn poreia toy dialogoy." Alloy grafei oti yparxei "Kindynos diolisqhshs ths Kyproy sthn epomenh dieyrynsh" ths EE.

H agglofwnh "Cyprus Mail" exei kyrio qema th synanthsh Klinton-Etzebit sto Leyko Oiko kai katw apo ton titlo "O Klinton diablepei elpides stis synomilies gia thn Kypro", grafei gia ta qemata poy syzhthqhkan kai poy aforoysan tis dimereis sxeseis, ta anqrwpina dikaiwmata sthn Toyrkia, thn prooptikh entajhs ths Toyrkias sthn EE kai to Kypriako. Se allh eidhsh grafei gia to biasmo ths syzygoy Bretanoy prwhn diplwmath sta katexomena apo Toyrkoys epoikoys.

H ebdomadiaia oikonomikh efhmerida "Financial Mirror" sto kyrio qema ypo ton titlo "Se kata metwpo epiqesh XAK kai Xrhmatistes" grafei oti "prostima ycoys 2 ekatommyriwn lirwn qa epibalei stoys xrhmatistes to Symboylio toy XAK gia kaqysterhsh sthn diekpairewsh twn eggrafwn kai sthn ekdosh twn titlwn pros toys ependytes". Alloy grafei oti o epikefalhs ths Diapragmateytikhs Omadas ths Kyproy gia entajh sthn EE Giwrgos Basileioy dhlwse oti h hmeromhnia entajhs ths Kyproy sthn Enwsh, dynato na metataqei. (KYPE/FZ/ITS/NMA/GP)

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