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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 99-09-26

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <http://www.cyna.org.cy>

Anaskophsh prwinoy Kypriakoy Typoy

Leykwsia,Kypros,26/09/1999 (KYPE) Qemata poy aforoyn sto Kypriako kai tis prospaqeies kamchs ths toyrkikhs adiallajias alla kai th synergasia Kyproy - Elladas sto qema, proballontai shmera apo ton kypriako Typo. Oi efhmerides kalyptoyn epishs eswterika qemata opws th synedria ths Boylhs twn Gerontwn kai th syneleysh twn syggenwn twn agnooymenwn.

H "Alhqeia" katw apo ton titlo "Megistos syntonismos Aqhnwn - Leykwsias se 3 ajones" grafei oti o prwtos ajonas afora sthn epafh kai synennohsh Shmith - Klhridh, o deyteros stoys YPEJ twn dyo xwrwn kai o tritos toys dyo Ypoyrgoys Amynas, enw shmeiwnei oti stoxos einai metajy allwn h epidiwjh ths ycisths dynaths kalhs sxeshs me thn Toyrkia. Proballei synenteyjh toy Ellhna Yfypoyrgoy Eqnikhs Amynas sthn opoia o Dhmhtrhs Apostolakhs diabebaiwnei oti o laos ths Kyproy den prepei pote na amfiballei oti h Ellada einai sto pleyro toy.

H "Maxh" sto kyrio qema me titlo "To Islam sxediazei katalhch ths Kyproy" proballei plhrofories ths oti Islamikes tromokratikes organwseis, kata to teleytaio synedrio toys sthn Toyrkia, katelhjan sto symperasma oti h katalhch oloklhrhs ths Ieroysalhm kai h anakhryjh ths ws prwteyoysa toy Islamikoy kratoys ths Palaistinhs syndeetai amesa me thn katalhch oloklhrhs ths Kyproy. Alloy proballei synenteyjh toy neoy G.G. ths SEK Dhmhtrakh Kittenh, sthn opoia xarakthrizei thn eyrwpaikh poreia ths Kyproy ws th "swthria ths".

O "Poliths" stegazei to kyrio qema toy ypo ton titlo "Paramyqia twn Ellhnwn" oi plhrofories gia "toyrikes ypoxwrhseis" kai grafei oti den fainetai na exei apta apotelesmata h drasthriopoihsh toy amerikano - bretanikoy paragonta pros thn toyrkikh pleyra, gia na epideijei diallaktikothta sto Kypriako. Stis eswterikes selides proballei dhmoskophsh gia to Xrhmatisthrio, symfwna me thn opoia to koino den einai ikanopoihmeno apo ton tropo poy leitoyrgei kai oti den prosferei prostasia stoys mikroys ependytes.

H "Shmerinh" ypo ton titlo "Megalo xasma" grafei oti xasma apocewn epikratei metajy ths ellhnikhs kai ths toyrkikhs pleyras sto Kypriako kai oti ws ystath prospaqeia gia thn kamch ths toyrkikhs stashs qewreitai h synanthsh ths Triths metajy Klinton kai Etzebit. Se allo qema probalei th xqesinh prwth synedria ths olomeleias ths Boylhs twn Gerontwn kata thn opoia zhthqhke o qesmos na diathrhqei kai teqhkan epitaktika ta problhmata ths triths hlikias me aixmh toy doratos tis syntajeis kai thn iatrofarmakeytikh periqalch.

O "Fileleyqeros" stegazei to kyrio qema toy ypo ton titlo "Mas systhnoyn twra nea metra empistosynhs" kai grafei oti me kinhsh - parembash toys sto Kypriako, ta pente monima melh toy Symboylioy Asfaleias epanaferoyn metra oikodomhshs empistosynhs kai prosqetei oti h toyrkikh adiallajia odhgei toys mesolabhtes se epanasxediasmo twn taktikwn toys kinhsewn gia enarjh synomiliwn. Alloy grafei oti to prosxedio nomoy gia th leitoyrgia toy kommatwn bgainei apo th nafqalinh me stoxo epiteloys na egkriqei sxetiko nomosxedio.

H "Xaraygh" katw apo ton titlo "Oxi sthrijh Klhridh se ola" proballei synenteyjh toy G.G. toy AKEL, sthn opoia stelnei to mhnyma oti h dikh mas pleyra qa prepei na dwsei maxh arxwn enocei twn prwtoboyliwn gia epilysh toy Kypriakoy kai ypogrammizei pws o dialogos qa prepei na ginei me bash tis arxes poy orizei to Symboylio Asfaleias kai ta chfismata toy OHE. Se allo qema grafei oti enopoihqhkan xqes oi dyo epitropes syggenwn agnooymenwn sth diarkeia syneleyshs, sthn opoia tonisthke oti xreiazetai me peistika stoixeia na diakribwqei h tyxwn twn agnooymenwn.

H agglofwnh "Cyprus Mail" grafei oti o Ypoyrgos Sygkoinwniwn kai Ergwn Aberwf Neofytoy anakoinwse xqes sth diarkeia episkechs toy sto aerodromio Lanrakas oti qa jodeytoyn dyo ekatommyria lires gia beltiwtika erga poy qa ginoyn prin to neo etos. Se alles eidhseis grafei oti exase th maxh me th zwh o trixronos Giwrgos Gewrgioy apo th Lemeso poy ktyphqhke apo aytokinhto kai oti peqane o Dieyqynths ths Politikhs Amynas Modestos Pentaliwths se nosokomeio sto Israhl.

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