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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 99-03-14

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>

Anaskophsh prwinoy Kypriakoy Typoy

Leykwsia,Kypros,14/03/1999 (KYPE) Oi efhmerides proballoyn shmera dhlwseis toy Ypoyrgoy Ejwterikwn Iwannh Kasoylidh gia to Kypriako kai thn emplokh ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs kaqws kai alles plhrofories poy sxetizontai me to Kypriako. Epishs anaferontai se plhrofories poy aforoyn thn amyna, tis prospaqeies gia th dhmioyrgia neoy kommatos kai alla qemata apo thn eswterikh epikairothta.

H "Alhqeia" katw apo ton titlo "Yposthrijh ths Eyrwphs sthn emplokh twn G8 epizhta h kybernhsh" grafei oti tis prospaqeies toy G.G. toy OHE gia epilysh toy Kypriakoy kai thn emplokh twn oktw biomhxanika aneptygmenwn xwrwn qa zhthsei apo eyrwpaikes xwres o YPEJ Iwannhs Kasoylidhs, poy anaxwrhse xqes. Se allo qema grafei oti o DHSY anazhtei ikana ejwkoinoboyleytika stelexh me stoxo toso thn enisxysh oso kai thn oso to dynato perissotero ejeidikeysh se sygkekrimenoys tomeis toy neoy politikoy grafeioy poy qa proelqei apo tis eswkommatikes ekloges toy erxomenoy Ioynioy.

"H Maxh" exei titlo "Eyelikth Antapodosh" h apanthsh ths Eqnikhs Froyras sta toyrkika epektatika sxedia kai epikaleitai apokleistikes plhrofories poy anaferoyn oti symfwna me to dogma ayto h kybernhsh prosanatolizetai sthn enisxysh ths Eqnikhs Froyras me nea sygxrona oplika systhmata. Grafei oti h katastash ths ygeias toy 5xronoy T/K poy metaferqhke sto Makareio Nosokomeio prin mia ebdomada afoy paroysiase epiplokes kai epese se koma meta apo egxeirhsh amygdalwn sta katexomena, exei paroysiasei peraiterw epideinwsh. Leitoyrgoyn ola ta organa toy mikroy Ali Oskan Tsobasogloy ektos apo ton egkefalo.

O "Poliths" katw apo ton titlo "Synnefies sto Ypoyrgiko" gia thn ypoqesh Ntinoy Mixahlidh, grafei oti "endokybernhtikes tribes" prokalei o xeirismos ths ypoqeshs Mixahlidh apo ton Proedro Klhridh. Prosqetei oti to qema qa exei synexeia afoy oi EDH qa diaxwrisoyn th qesh toys apo thn apofash toy Ypoyrgikoy Symboylioy sthn teleytaia synedria toy apo thn opoia apoysiaze o ypoyrgos toy kommatos Kwstas Qemistokleoys. Proballei dhmoskophsh sxetika me th dynamh twn kommatwn kata eparxia, se sxesh me ta apotelesmata twn teleytaiwn boyleytikwn eklogwn, poy paroysiazei shmantikes anakatatajeis.

"H Shmerinh" grafei oti terastia xrhmatika posa toy Tameioy Amynas den ajiopoihqhkan to 1998, katw apo ton titlo "387 ek. lires sto rafi", kai prosqetei oti sthn oysia to kratos pagwse toys ejoplismoys prokeimenoy na apofygei thn parapera ayjhsh twn dhmosionomikwn elleimmatwn kai anaferetai se stoixeia poy katexei. Se allh eidhsh grafei oti paragontes toy neoy politikoy sxhmatos ektimoyn oti oi protaseis toy DHKO pros EDEK, EDH kai NEO apoteloyn "prosxhma" gia na mh symmetasxei stis prospaqeies gia dhmioyrgia toy neoy sosialdhmokratikoy sxhmatos.

"O Fileleyqeros" katw apo ton prwtoselido titlo "Kindynos apoklisewn apo deiktes ths EE" grafei oti arxisan na ftanoyn enwpion ths kybernhshs anhsyxhtika shmata gia kindynoys apoklisewn apo toys deixtes toy Maastrixt poy einai dynaton na dhmioyrghsoyn problhmata sthn entajiakh poreia ths Kyproy kai prosqetei oti h kybernhsh kaleitai na parei to syntomotero apofaseis kai metra. H efhmerida dhmosieyei synenteyjh toy Arxiepiskopoy Xrysostomoy sthn opoia, metajy allwn, anaferei oti mono ean antilhfqei oti den mporei na epitelei ta kaqhkonta toy qa apoxwrhsei.

H "Xaraygh" sto kyrio qema me titlo "Amerikanobretaniko plaisio synomiliwn" grafei oti oi HPA kai h Bretania syntonizoyn tis prospaqeies toys me stoxo th diejagwgh enos neoy kykloy entatikwn synomiliwn gia to Kypriako, to kalokairi, poy qa diejaxqoyn xwris oroys kai sth bash 'amerikanobretanikoy plaisioy'. Proballei xqesinh anakoinwsh twn syntexniwn SEK kai PEO sthn opoia kataggeloyn ton epixeirhmatia Kwnstantino Lordo gia "adiallajia kai etsiqelismo, alla kai parabiash twn nomwn kai toy Syntagmatos" sto qema ths apolyshs twn apergwn sta dyo jenodoxeia toy sth Larnaka.

H agglofwnh "Cyprus Mail" sto prwtoselido ths kai katw apo ton titlo o "Lordos apeilei na enagei to kratos" grafei oti o epixeirhmatias proeidopoihse thn kybernhsh gia thn proqesh ths etaireias toy na apaithsei apozhmiwseis, yposthrizontas oti h astynomia apetyxe na prostateysei thn perioysia twn jenodoxeiwn toy sthn ypoqesh twn apergwn. Proballei tis dhlwseis toy YPEJ prin thn anaxwrhsh toy xqes gia episkeceis se treis eyrwpaikes prwteyoyses oti anamenei thn EE na yposthrijei plhrws tis prospaqeies toy G.G. toy OHE gia epilysh toy Kypriakoy, poy anamenontai meta tis ekloges sthn Toyrkia.


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