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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 98-12-20

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>

Anaskophsh Kypriakoy Typoy

Leykwsia,Kypros,20/12/1998 (KYPE) Poikiloi einai shmera oi titloi twn prwtoselidwn twn kypriakwn efhmeridwn me anafores sto Kypriako, stoys S300, sto stratiwtiko dialogo, se plhrofories peri anasxhmatismoy, alla kai stis synexizomenes ereynes gia ejixniash ths dolofonias toy Xamph Aeroporoy.

H "Alhqeia" me prwtoselido titlo ths "Daktyliko apotypwma se bomba" grafei oti neo fws anamenetai na ricoyn sthn ejixniash toy fonoy toy Xamph Aeroporoy oi episthmonikes analyseis stoixeiwn DNA poy breqhkan sto aytokinhto twn drastwn, kai epikaloymenh plhrofories ths, grafei oti se ypo kataskeyh bomba breqhke apotypwma poy th syndeei me ena apo toys ypoptoys. Alloy anafaretai se piqanh apoxwrhsh toy Xristodoyloy Xristodoyloy apo to Ypoyrgeio Oikonomikwn, shmeiwnontas oti aytos meleta protash toy Syndesmoy Trapezwn.

"H Maxh" me titlo "Poioi anadomoyntai" kai endeijh "apokleistiko" grafei oti to prwto dekapenqhmero toy Ianoyarioy qa koryfwqoyn oi diaboyleyseis gia ton anasxhmatismo ths kybernhshs, o opoios topoqeteitai telh Martioy me th symplhrwsh 13 mhnwn qhteias ths kybernhshs. Se allh eidhsh anaferetai sthn ypoqesh dolofonias toy Xamph Aeroporoy kai grafei oti h Astynomia sthrizei tis elpides ths sta apotelesmata twn episthmonikwn analysewn kai tekmhriwn poy breqhkan sth skhnh toy fonoy, afoy to kinhto thlefwno poy breqhke den mporei na xrhsimopoihqei ws tekmhrio.

"H Shmerinh" exei kyrio titlo "Oi HPA fakelwsan thn ELDYK" kai grafei oti symfwna me egkyres plhrofories ths o stratiwtikos ejoplismos ths ELDYK einai apo tis arxes ths perasmenhs ebdomadas kataxwrhmenos sta arxeia toy Pentagwnoy twn HPA. Epikaloymenh ejalloy diplwmatikes phges grafei oti ayto sxetizetai me thn prospaqeia OHE kai HPA gia pagwma kai meiwsh twn ejoplismwn. Se allo shmeio grafei oti ereynatai h syndesh twn fonwn Xamph kai Antroy Aeroporoy me th dolofonia toy Xaralampoy Onhsiforoy.

"O Fileleyqeros" exei titlo "Dynamikh parembash epimenei o Klhridhs" kai grafei oti se mia prospaqeia na steilei estw kai thn ystath mhnymata, o Proedros ths Dhmokratias aphyqhne xqes ekklhsh stoys Amerikanoys na strafoyn pros thn Agkyra, zhtwntas paralhla pio dynamikh kai apofasistikh kinhtopoihsh toy dieqnoys paragonta. Alloy anaferetai stis dienejeis stoys kolpoys ths Ekklhsias kai grafei oti meta to aithma twn Mhtropolitwn Keryneias kai Morfoy, kai o Pafoy zhthse apo ton Arxiepiskopo epeigoysa sygklhsh ths Ieras Synodoy gia ejetash twn kataggeliwn enantion toy geronta Iwshf kai toy Hgoymenoy Maxaira Aqanasioy.

H "Xaraygh" me titlo "Anazhteitai teliko senario gia S300" grafei oti oles oi diaboyleyseis gyrw apo to Kypriako exoyn perielqei se katastash anamonhs logw twn amerikanobretanikwn bombardismwn ths Bagdaths kai shmeiwnei thn anabolh ths synedrias toy Symboylioy Asfaleias gia anewsh ths qhteias ths OYNFIKYP, xwris kaqorismo neas hmeromhnias. Alloy proballei th xqesinh pinakidoforia katadikhs ths amerikanobretanikhs epidromhs kata toy Irak. poy organwsan to AKEL, h PEO, h EKA, h EDON kai h POGO.

H agglofwnh "Cyprus Mail" proballei epishs thn anataraxh sthn Ekklhsia me titlo "Mhtropolites kaloyn th Synodo na syzhthsei isxyrismoys gia 'diestratmeno' monaxo", kai anaferei oti me epistolh toys pros ton Arxiepiskopo, oi Mhtropolites Keryneias kai Morfoy epishmainoyn oti h dhlwsh toy me thn opoia aperripte toys isxyrismoys den htan arketh gia na kleisei to qema. Se allo shmeio grafei oti o pemptos ypoptos gia to fono toy Xamph Aeroporoy krateitai sto geniko nosokomeio Lemesoy giati ypoferei apo nefropaqeia.


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