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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 97-09-09

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>

(K) Anaskophsh Kypriakoy Typoy

Leykwsia,Kypros,09/09/1997 (KYPE) H metafora toy antipyraylikoy systhmatos S - 300 sthn Kypro, h politikostratiwtikh syskech sthn Toyrkia me th symmetoxh toy Genikoy Epiteleioy twn Enoplwn Dynamewn, h diakinhsh narkwtikwn sta katexomena, kai oi ejelijeis stis diaboyleyseis twn kommatwn gia tis proedrikes ekloges, einai merika apo ta qemata poy kyriarxoyn sto shmerino kypriako Typo.

"O Agwn", katw apo to titlo, "Qa erqoyn oi S - 300", grafei oti sto paron stadio den syntrexei logos gia anabolh ths afijhs twn pyraylwn S - 300 sthn Kypro, opws dhlwse o Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos, o opoios tonise pws mono an prohghqei symfwnia gia apostratikopoihsh h prowqhqei lysh toy Kypriakoy, qa mataiwqei h afijh toys. Alloy grafei oti oi HPA qa xrhsimopoihsoyn thn taktikh toy emmesoy ekbiasmoy, me thn episkech Miller sthn Kypro, me stoxo na piesoyn thn kybernhsh na anakalesei thn apofash ths gia agora twn S - 300.

H "Alhqeia", sto kyrio ths qema katw apo to titlo, "Sthrijh apo to DHKO ths ypochfiothtas Lyssaridh, o oros gia synergasia toys", grafei oti h EDEK zhta th sthrijh ths ypochfiothtas Lyssaridh stis proedrikes ekloges apo to DHKO gia an yparjei periptwsh synergasias twn dyo kommatwn. Se allh eidhsh grafei oti o GG toy OHE Kofi Anan dhlwse oti an kai den exei akomh katastei dynato na epiteyxqei symfwnia panw sta qemata oysias toy Kypriakoy, o Proedros Klhridhs kai o Raoyf Ntenktas, paramenoyn desmeymenoi gia epiteyjh synolikhs dieyqethshs.

"H Maxh", me prwtoselido titlo "Mesw Balkaniwn qa erqoyn oi S - 300", grafei oti oi Toyrkoi ypociazontai oti oi pyrayloi qa ftasoyn sthn Kypro mesw Balkaniwn sth Qessalonikh kai apo ekei me ploio sto nhsi, xwris na yparxei anagkh na perasoyn apo ta stena toy Bosporoy. Alloy h efhmerida anaferei oti h tromokratikh organwsh "Gkrizoi Lykoi" proebhsan se nees proklhtikes energeies sthn perioxh Axeritoy, fwnazontas synqhmata kai apeilwntas oti thn epomenh fora qa ftasoyn mexri th Larnaka.

"H Shmerinh", me kyrio qema, to opoio stegazei ypo ton titlo, "Antro narkwtikwn to ceydokratos", anaferei oti anwtatoi ajiwmatoyxoi toy ceydokratoys kai ths Toyrkias exoyn ependysei ekatommyria lires, se yperaktia etaireia poy edreyei sta katexomena, ths opoias kyria drasthriothta einai h emporia narkwtikwn. Alloy grafei oti to amerikaniko Pentagwno ejetazei dyo senaria polemoy enocei ths egkatastashs twn S - 300 sthn Kypro. Opws grafei, ta senaria diamorfwse ystera apo meletes, to Kentro Strathgikwn Ektimhsewn.

"O Fileleyqeros", sto kyrio toy qema, to opoio stegazetai katw apo ton titlo, "Politikostratiwtikh syskech sthn Agkyra", grafei oti h Toyrkia qa probei ayth th bdomada, se mia eis baqos meleth toy qematos twn pyraylwn S - 300, se mia syskech poy qa symmetasxoyn politikoi kai stratiwtikoi kykloi. Se allo dhmosieyma anaferetai oti mesa sta plaisia ths ananewshs ths pyramidas toy astynomikoy swmatos, deka anwteroi ajiwmatikoi ths Astynomias anamenetai na apoxwrhsoyn prowra, ystera apo protash poy qa toys ypoblhqei apo to Arxhgeio Astynomias.

H "Xaraygh", me prwtoselido qema katw apo ton titlo, "Se synagermikh meggenh o Kyprianoy", grafei oti o Proedros toy DHSY Nikos Anastasiadhs kai o Ypoyrgos Dikaiosynhs Nikos Koshs, kataballoyn "apegnwsmenes prospaqeies" gia na synexisei h synergasia DHSY - DHKO kai na ejasfalisoyn thn yposthrijh toy DHKO sth sxedon dedomenh ypochfiothta toy Proedroy Klhridh stis epikeimenes proedrikes ekloges. Alloy anaferetai oti h kybernhsh "speydei na ekmetalleytei" thn proeklogikh periodo, gia thn paraxwrhsh titlwn idiokthsias se aytostegaseis prosfygwn.

H agglofwnh efhmerida "Cyprus Mail", anaferetai stis xqesines synanthseis toy Proedroy toy DHKO me toys Proedroys toy DHSY kai ths EDEK se sxesh me tis prosexeis proedrikes ekloges. Allh eidhsh ths efhmeridas anaferetai sthn episkech toy Amerikanoy eidikoy syntonisth gia to Kypriako Tomas Miler sthn Agkyra, gia synomilies sxetika me to kypriako problhma.


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