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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 97-08-01

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>

Anaskophsh Kypriakoy Typoy

Leykwsia,Kypros,01/08/1997 (KYPE) To basiko prwtoselido qema, se oles anejaireta tis shmerines kypriakes efhmerides einai h xqesinh symfwnia toy Proedroy Klhridh me to Raoyf Ntenktas panw se mia diadikasia gia thn ektafh leicanwn agnooymenwn kai me safes xronodiagramma, poy dhmioyrgei sobares elpides efoson ayth ylopoihqei, gia th diakribwsh ths tyxhs - se prwto stadio - ariqmoy agnooymenwn ths kypriakhs tragwdias. Alla qemata, poy apasxoloyn ton Typo, einai h epibolh 15mhnhs fylakishs ston Paylo Kremmasto, poy breqhke enoxos gia ej ameleias metadosh toy ioy toy AIDS sthn Agglida filh toy Tzanet Pink. Epishs, h epibolh 9xronhs fylakishs ston Taso Symillidh gia thn apopeira fonoy toy Antwnh Fanieroy. Ektash dinetai kai stoys diorismoys xqes, twn newn melwn twn Dioikhtikwn Symboyliwn twn Hmikratikwn Organismwn.

"O Agwn" me titlo "symfwnia sto qema twn agnooymenwn", grafei oti qetiko mhnyma esteilan xqes oi Glaykos Klhridhs kai Raoyf Ntenktas, perigrafontas fysika oles tis leptomereies ths sxetikhs symfwnias. Se allh eidhsh, grafei oti ypografhke xqes h symfwnia gia th syllogikh symbash stis Trapezes.

H "Alhqeia" me basiko titlo "Prwto bhma meta 23 xronia gia thn tyxh twn agnooymenwn", yposthrizei oti qa yparjei qetikh antanaklash kai sto politiko klima, prosqetontas oti anamenetai nea symfwnia kai sto qema ths eleyqerhs diakinhshs. Alloy grafei, oti o Tasos Symillidhs yposxeqhke na "milhsei" ton Oktwbrio.

"H Maxh" anaferomenh sth xqesinh deyterh synanthsh Klhridh - Ntenktas sthn oikia Feisel, exei titlo "Apofaseis gia agnooymenoys", prosqetontas oti qa einai amesh h antallagh plhroforiwn kai h epistrofh leicanwn. Grafei oti o Proedros Klhridhs poy htan o tyxeros laxeioy ths Enwshs Syntaktwn Kyproy, prosfere sthn Enwsh to polyteles BMW ajias 24 peripoy xiliadwn lirwn.

"H Shmerinh" katw apo ton titlo, "Arxizoyn ektafes leicanwn agnooymenwn", grafei oti ayto qa ginei an ylopoihqei h symfwnia, h opoia afora thn ektafh 976 leicanwn E/K agnooymenwn, oi opoioi qa paradoqoyn stoys syggeneis toys gia na tafoyn symfwna me tis qrhskeytikes dojasies kai ta eqima toy laoy mas. Alloy grafei, oti egine dekth apo th boylh, h anapomph toy nomoy gia dwrean metaptyxiakes spoydes.

"O Fileleyqeros" me titlo "Symfwnhsan telika se ektafh leicanwn" anaferetai kai stis dhlwseis toy Gkoystab Feisel, symfwna me tis opoies, qa synexisqoyn oi ek toy syneggys synomilies gia peraiterw symfwnies, prin apo th Geneyh kai se alla anqrwpistika qemata. Se allh eidhsh, anaferetai sthn paroysia sthn Kypro, dyo Oyggrwn ajiwmatikwn ths astynomias gia diereynhsh piqanwn diasyndesewn ths panisxyrhs mafias ths xwras toys, me paranomes drasthriothtes kai sthn Kypro.

H "Xaraygh" exei titlo "Antallagh leicanwn" kai grafei oti oi Klhridhs - Ntenktas, me bash th symfwnia qa diorisoyn apo enan atomo gia thn anatallagh plhroforiwn kai epopteysh twn dieyqethsewn anatllaghs leicanwn, enw taytoxrona zhtoyn apo to GG toy OHE na diorisei kai to trito melos sth Diereynhtikh Epitroph gia toys Agnooymenoys. Alloy, proballei thn anakoinwsh toy AKEL me thn opoia katadikazei th bombistikh epiqesh sto Israhl.

H kaqhmerinh agglofwnh "Cyprus Mail" anaferetai sth symfwnia Klhridh - Ntenktas paraqetontas oles tis sxetikes leptomereies kaqws kai tis dhlwseis toy Gkoystab Feisel. Grafei epishs gia thn poinh fylakishs ennea xronwn poy epebale to dikasthrio ston Taso Symillidh gia thn apopeira fonoy kata toy Antwnh Fanieroy.

H ebdomadiaia agglofwnh "The Cyprus Weekly" anaferetai sthn epibolh poinhs 15 mhnwn ston Paylo Kremmasto apo thn Agia Napa, poy breqhke enoxos apo to Dikasthrio gia ej ameleias metadosh toy ioy toy AIDS, sth Bretanida filh toy Tzanet Pink. Anaferetai epishs sth xqesinh symfwnia gia to qema twn agnooymenwn.


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