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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 97-06-03

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>

(K) Anaskophsh Kypriakoy Typoy

Leykwsia,Kypros,03/06/1997 (KYPE) Oi dhlwseis toy Proedroy Klhridh oti stis apeyqeias synomilies h ellhnikh pleyra den syretai alla phgainei gnwrizontas tis dyskolies, oi diergasies sthn antipoliteysh gyrw apo thn ejeyresh koinoy ypochfioy gia tis proedrikes ekloges kai oi ereynes gia thn ejixniash ths apopeiras dolofonias toy Antwnh Fanieroy, einai apo ta basika qemata toy shmerinoy kypriakoy Typoy.

"O Agwn" me titlo "Se kalo dromo oi ereynes", anaferetai sthn apopeira dolofonias kata toy Antwnh Fanieroy kai stis sxetikes dhlwseis toy Ypoyrgoy Dikaiosynhs kai Dhmosias Tajhs Nikoy Kosh kai prosqetei oti den apokleiontai nees syllhceis. Grafei oti anamenetai na prokycoyn nea problhmata sta kratika noshleythria, logw elleichs proswpikoy.

H "Alhqeia" me basiko titlo "Nok - aoyt o Tassos dia stomatos Xristofia", anaferetai stis diergasies enocei twn proedrikwn eklogwn. Symfwna me plhrofories ths "A", kykloi toy ek twn ypochfiwn Giwrgoy Iakwboy, yposxontai paraskhniaka stoys Enwmenoys Dhmokrates, ypoyrgopoihsh ths Antroylas Basileioy kai toy Giwrgoy Xristofidh, enw eteros ypochfios, o Giwrgos Basileioy, "piezei" to AKEL mesw filwn toy epixeirhmatiwn. Proballei epishs tis dhlwseis toy Proedroy Klhridh, symfwna me tis opoies "stis synomilies den syromeqa, alla phgainoyme gnwrizontas ta empodia".

"H Shmerinh" grafei sto basiko ths qema oti arxizoyn twra "Entatikes diaboyleyseis DHSY - DHKO - Proedrikoy", enw shmeiwnei oti "katarreei" h prospaqeia toy AKEL na synergasqei me to DHKO kai na apomonwsei to Dhmokratiko Synagermo. Se eidhsh gia to Kypriako, h "S" grafei oti oi Toyrkoi paramones ths enarjhs twn apeyqeias synomiliwn epanaferoyn sto proskhnio ton "mpampoyla" ths anagnwrishs toy ceydokratoys, ejoydeterwnontas etsi kaqe prooptikh epityxias ths epikeimenhs diadikasias.

"H Maxh" sto kyrio ths qema, proballei ektenws tis xqesines dhlwseis toy Proedroy Klhridh, ypo ton titlo "Pame stis synomilies gia na mh mas kathgorhsoyn" kai epititlo "Safeis paraineseis: Elate ki meis qa bohqhsoyme". Proballei epishs th dhlwsh Klhridh, oti h ejaggelia ths ypochfiothtas toy gia tis proedrikes, qa ginei to Septembrio - Oktwbrio. Se allh eidhsh, anaferetai stis eniaies ejetaseis poy arxisan xqes kai synexizontai.

"O Fileleyqeros" me kyrio titlo "Sklhrynoyn akomh perissotero qeseis", grafei oti ena sxedon mhna prin apo thn enarjh twn apeyqeias synomiliwn sto Kypriako, h toyrkikh diplwmatia me dhmosies dhlwseis epiteinei peraiterw to hdh arnhtiko klima, epibebaiwnontas taytoxrona tis ayjanomenes anhsyxies ths ellhnikhs pleyras gia tis prooptikes ths diadikasias poy troxiodromoyn ta Hnwmena Eqnh. Se allh eidhsh, o "F" anaferetai se makeleio poy proetoimazan oi anqrwpoi toy ypokosmoy, qelontas na "baloyn xeri", kat'apokleistikothta, stis eisprajeis ths nyxtas kai exoyn hdh etoimasei lista prografhs atomwn poy briskontan empodio sta sxedia toys.

H "Xaraygh" sto kyrio qema ths grafei oti peri ta mesa ths erxomenhs ebdomadas kai afoy oloklhrwqoyn oi epafes toy AKEL me DHKO, EDEK kai EDH, anamenetai na synelqei h olomeleia ths Kentrikhs Epitrophs h opoia qa parei apofaseis, enw mexri to telos toy Ioynh ta kaqodhghtika swmata qa exoyn kai tis qeseis - apoceis ths bashs gyrw apo to qema toy ypochfioy poy qa yposthrijei to AKEL. Se allh eidhsh, h "X" grafei oti ystera apo egkrish toy Proedroy Klhridh, oi politikoi arxhgoi qa synodeysoyn ton k. Klhridh stis apeyqeias synomilies poy qa arxisoyn, to pio piqano, stis 9 Ioylioy sth Nea Yorkh, enw qa oristikopoihqei h apofash apo to Eqniko Symboylio.

H agglofwnh "Cyprus Mail" se prwtoselido qema ths, grafei oti milwntas gia tis apeyqeias synomilies, o Proedros Klhridhs eipe oti oi synomilies aytes qa eprepe na eixan tyxei kalyterhs proetoimasias, prosqetontas oti h E/k pleyra qa parastei stis synomilies wste na mh dwsei arnhtikh eikona. Se allo qema h "CM" anaferetai se nees apeiles apo tis syntexnies gia lhch apergiakwn metrwn stis Kypriakes Aerogrammes, prokeimenoy na mhn lhfqoyn peiqarxika metra enantion triwn pilotwn apo th dieyqynsh ths etaireias.


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