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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 97-04-23

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>

Anaskophsh Kypriakoy Typoy

Leykwsia,Kypros,23/04/1997 (KYPE) H apofash ths kybernhshs gia anastolh twn yperpthsewn ellhnikwn aeroskafwn ston enaerio xwro ths Kyproy kai oi antidraseis twn politikwn arxhgwn alla kai twn jenwn gyrw apo ayth, h shmerinh synedriash toy Eqnikoy Symboylioy kai oi ejelijeis sto DHSY einai ta qemata poy proballei o shmerinos kypriakos Typos. Oles oi efhmerides proballoyn prwtoselida kai th xqesinobradinh nikh toy Olympiakoy epi ths Olympia Lioympliana me apotelesma thn prokrish ths ellhnikhs omadas ston teliko toy "Fainal For".

"O Agwn" me kyrio titlo "Anastellontai oi Yperpthseis" grafei oti qysia sto bwmo ths dhmioyrgias kaloy klimatos stis ek toy syneggys synomilies, ginontai oi stratiwtikes askhseis "Tojoths" kai "Bergina", afoy qa pragmatopoihqoyn xwris th symmetoxh ellhnikwn aeroplanwn. Grafei akomh oti o Proedros toy DHKO, Spyros Kyprianoy, qa zhthsei shmera sygkekrimenes ejhghseis sto Eqniko Symboylio gia tis ek toy syneggys synomilies kai tis proypoqeseis enarjhs ellhnotoyrkikoy dialogoy.

H "Alhqeia" me kyrio titlo "Monomeres Moratorioym" grafei oti h sxetikh anakoinwsh ths ellhnikhs pleyras, gia anastolh twn yperpthsewn ellhnikwn aeroskafwn ston enaerio xwro ths Kyproy exei ikanopoihsei to aithma poy ypebale h amerikanikh kybernhsh prin apo treis mhnes, me stoxo th dhmioyrgia katallhloy klimatos sthn periodo twn diapragmateysewn gia to Kypriako. Grafei akomh oti o boyleyths Prodromos Prodromoy ejhggeile thn ypochfiothta toy gia th qesh toy GG toy DHSY, dieykrinizontas oti den einai ypochfios toy enos h toy alloy ypochfioy proedroy toy kommatos, gegonos poy ermhneyetai ws enisxysh ths ypochfiothtas Anastasiadh kai apodynamwsh ths ypociothtas Sylloyrh.

"H Maxh" me prwtoselido titlo "Monomerhs Desmeysh" anaferetai stis xqesines dhlwseis toy Kybernhtikoy Ekproswpoy symfwna me tis opoies, basei twn dedomenwn h kybernhsh ekrine oti eprepe na parei thn apofash gia thn anastolh twn yperpthsewn, gia mia kalopisth xeironomia. Akomh anaferetai se anakoinwsh toy Ekproswpoy ths bretanikhs Ypaths Armosteias, oti h allagh stis stratiwtikes askhseis Kyproy kai Elladas apotelei qetiko bhma, enw erwthqeis ean kai h T/k pleyra anamenetai na efarmosei paromoia metra eipe oti qa htan kalo oi T/K na antapokriqoyn me ton idio tropo.

"H Shmerinh" me prwtoselido titlo "'Calidisan' to Dogma" grafei oti, enw h kybernhsh arneitai oti yparxei ejwterikh parembash gia thn mataiwsh twn yperpthsewn, egkyroi kykloi anaferoyn oti jenoi diplwmates tonizoyn oti, ean Ellada kai Kypros den akoloyqhsoyn th logikh twn amoibaiwn ypoxwrhsewn, kai ean to Kypriako den lyqei, h entajh ths Kyproy sthn EE qa katastei adynath. Grafei akomh oti ena ygiestato koritsaki gennhqhke prosfata sth Leykwsia me thn epanastatikh meqodo ths ejwswmatikhs mikrogonimopoihshs se atoma me plhrh azwospermia.

"O Fileleyqeros" me kyrio titlo "Leptes Isorropies shmera sto Eqniko" grafei oti o Proedros Klhridhs emfanizetai apofasismenos na jekaqarisei kata th shmerinh synedria toy Eqnikoy Symboylioy to periploko topio poy exei dhmioyrghqei sto Kypriako, kai to opoio exei epiptwseis sthn eswterikh politikh skhnh. Grafei akomh oti ellhnotoyrkika kai Kypriako syzhthqhkan kata th synanthsh ths Ypoyrgoy Ejwterikwn twn HPA, Mantlin Olmprait, kai toy Koinotikoy Epitropoy armodioy gia ejwterikes ypoqeseis, Xans Ban nten Mproyk.

H "Xaraygh", me kyrio titlo "Na jekaqarisei th qesh toy", anaferetai se dhlwseis toy GG toy AKEL, Dhmhtrh Xristofia, o opoios tonise oti kata th shmerinh synedria toy Eqnikoy Symboylioy o Proedros Klhridhs qa prepei na enhmerwsei thn politikh hgesia toy topoy gia ta pragmatika shmeia twn ejelijewn. Grafei akomh oti se klima entash qa diejaxqei h shmerinh synedria toy Eqnikoy, afoy h politikh hgesia sto synolo ths askei entonh kritikh ston Proedro Klhridh gia th mh egkairh kai plhrh enhmerwsh ths.

H agglofwnh "Cyprus Mail" anaferetai epishs sth xqesinh anakoinwsh ths kybernhshs oti to ena skelos ths askhshs "Bergina" poy afora thn anaxaitish exqrikwn aeroskafwn mporei na diejaxqei kai ektos toy kypriakoy enaerioy xwroy. Grafei akomh oti E/K kai T/K gynaikes poy synanthqhkan stis Bryjelles apofasisan th systash enos "Cyprus Link" se mia koinh prospaqeia me stoxo thn apokatastash ths eirhnhs sthn Kypro.

H "Financial Mirror" grafei oti para tis dhlwseis twn jenodoxwn, o armodios gia ton Toyrismo Ypoyrgos, Kyriakos Xristofh epimenei oti yparxei ychlh plhrothta sta jenodoxeia se Agia Napa, Pafo kai Paralimni. Anaferetai akomh se dhlwseis toy Dieyqynth toy Tmhmatos Oikonomikwn Ereynwn, Takh Kanarh, symfwna me tis opoies apla "ikanopoihtikh" kai oxi yperbolikh, einai h reystothta twn emporikwn trapezwn ayth thn periodo, enw h meiwmenh zhthsh gi'aythn, ofeiletai sth meiwmenh genika oikonomikh drasthriothta kai oxi se "chla" epitokia.


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