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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 97-04-08

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>

Anaskophsh Kypriakoy Typoy

Leykwsia,Kypros,08/04/1997 (KYPE) H oristikh apofash Matsh na mhn epanadiekdikhsei thn proedria toy DHSY stis ekloges ths 8hs Ioynioy, h ejaggelia ths ypochfiothtas Sylloyrh gia thn proedria toy DHSY kai oi entones plhrofories poy kykloforhsan xqes to apogeyma, peri anasxhmatismoy ths kybernhshs shmera, einai ta dyo qemata poy kyriarxoyn sth shmerinh epikairothta, alla kai ta prwtoselida qemata toy kypriakoy Typoy.

"O Agwn" me basiko titlo "Sklhrh glwssa Giannakh Matsh" anaferetai stis xqesines dhlwseis toy apoxwroynta Proedroy toy DHSY me tis opoies dhmosiopoihse thn oristikh apofash toy, milwntas wstoso, me sklhrh glwssa enantion toy Proedrikoy. O "A" anaferei oti k. Matshs den apekleise thn prooptikh na diekdikhsei sto mellon kai palin thn hgesia toy DHSY. Grafei epishs oti Ypoyrgikh Epitroph apofasise ton termatismo ths ekdoshs adeiwn apasxolhshs jenwn ergatwn se basikoys tomeis ths oikonomias, mexri ton Ioynio toy 1997.

H "Alhqeia" exei basiko titlo "Epiqesh se Klhridh apo Matsh poy apoxwrei oristika", enw ston epititlo shmeiwnei oti o apoxwrwn Proedros toy DHSY "kathgorhse ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias oti ypobaqmize thn hgesia kai to rolo toy kommatos". Shmeiwnei epishs, oti o Proedros Klhridhs den apanthse, enw proballei th dhlwsh Anastasiadh gia "hgetiko anasthma apo Matsh". Alloy grafei, oti paramenei to adiejodo metajy giatrwn kai kybernhshs.

"H Maxh" me kyrio titlo "G. Matshs: Telos", grafei oti me epiqesh kata toy Proedrikoy, ekleise thn periodo ths proedrias toy sto DHSY o Giannakhs Matshs kai prosqetei oti o Dhmhtrhs Sylloyrhs "aytoparoysiasqhke san o diadoxos toy", meta thn ejaggelia ths dikhs toy ypochfiothtas gia thn proedria toy DHSY. Se allo qema, grafei oti ta erga gia to neo Geniko Nosokomeio Leykwsias, poy qa stoixisei 37 ekatommyria lires, qa arxisoyn stis 5 Maioy.

"H Shmerinh" mila gia "Sklhrh anametrhsh Anastasiadh - Sylloyrh", proballontas me ayto ton tropo, thn ypochfiothta toy Genikoy Grammatea toy DHSY gia thn proedria toy kommatos, enw proballei kai tis dhlwseis kai kataggelies Matsh, enantion toy Proedrikoy, gia diarxia. H "S" grafei epishs oti se krish odhgeitai h jenodoxeiakh biomhxania, meta thn ejaggelia xqes twn syntexniwn na proxwrhsoyn se apergies se jenodoxeia ths Lemesoy.

"O Fileleyqeros" me basiko titlo "Proedros: Epispeydei ton anasxhmatismo" anaferei oti qa ephreasei mono Ypoyrgoys toy DHSY, enw apo to DHKO qa metakinhqei enas Ypoyrgos se allo Ypoyrgeio. Epishmainei oti h apofash gia anasxhmatismo twra, anti toy Ioynioy, lhfqhke meta tis xqesines dhlwseis Matsh kai prosqetei oti nea anadomhsh toy Ypoyrgikoy Symboylioy qa ginei se ejh mhnes "se synarthsh me tis proedrikes ekloges". Se allo qema, grafei oti to AKEL proteine ton prwhn YPEJ Giwrgo Iakwboy sthn EDEK, ws ypochfio ths antipoliteyshs gia tis proedrikes.

H "Xaraygh" me basiko titlo "Drimy kathgorw Matsh" anaferetai stis xqesines ejelijeis sto DHSY tis opoies xarakthrizei "dramatikes" kai proballei th dhlwsh Matsh, oti enas apo toys logoys poy ton odhghsan se paraithsh einai giati "den apodexetai to rolo qeath kai apologhth". Grafei epishs oti egkriqhkan apo thn Epitroph Oikonomikwn ths Boylhs 56 nees qeseis noshleytwn.

H "Cyprus Mail" filojenei tis dhlwseis Matsh na mhn epanadiekdikhsei thn proedria toy DHSY, katw apo ton titlo "Xwris epistrofh", tonizontas th dhlwsh toy oti "den mporw na apodexqw o DHSY na einai ypodeestero kentro sth lhch twn apofasewn". Grafei oti o Genikos Eisaggeleas Alekos Markidhs, dietaje th diejagwgh ereynas, ystera apo parapona eqnofylaka, oti ktyphqhke toso asxhma apo ajiwmatikoys, wste twra, na brisketai katw apo cyxiatrikh bohqeia.


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