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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 96-09-01

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  • [01] Anaskophsh prwinoy Kypriakoy Typoy


    Leykwsia, 1/9/1996 (KYPE) -- Oi sxeseis toy Proedroy Klhridh me to DHSY, ta epeisodia sth Germasogeia, to xqesino qanathforo troxaio kai oi ejelijeis sto Kypriako ypo to fws twn prosfatwn gegonotwn sth Deryneia apoteloyn ta kyria qemata ths shmerinhs eidhseografias. O Typos proballei epishs th shmerinh episkech toy Ypoyrgoy Amynas ths Elladas Gerasimoy Arsenh kai kataggellei ta sxedia epoikismoy ths nekrhs zwnhs apo ta katoxika strateymata.

    "O Agwn" grafei oti h Astynomia pisteyei oti yparxei organwmeno kyklwma diakinhshs narkwtikwn sthn Pafo kai hdh dyo neara atoma teqhkan ypo krathsh gia katoxh narkwtikwn. Fobero troxaio dystyxhma poy egine xqes ston aytokinhtodromo Leykwsias-Lemesoy eixe ws apotelesma to qanato Rwsoy epixeirhmatia kai ths nearhs korhs toy enw oi ypoloipoi tessereis epibates traymatisthkan sobara otan to aytokinhto anetraph sthn prospaqeia toy na prosperasei allo aytokinhto.

    "H Alhqeia" proballei dhlwseis toy A' Antiproedroy toy DHSY Panagiwth Dhmhtrioy oti prospaqeies dhmosioy katalogismoy eyqynwn se kapoioys Ypoyrgoys den symballoyn sth synergasia toy kommatos me ton Proedro Klhridh. Epishma stoixeia anaferoyn oti oi Kyprioi me th bohqeia twn toyristwn pinoyn 13,7 litra krasi kata kefalh ethsiws, pososto poly xamhlotero apo alloys Eyrwpaioys, enw katanalwnoyn 92 kila cwmi o kaqenas, poy qewreitai yperbolikh posothta.

    "H Maxh" anaferetai stis xqesines symplokes nearwn me thn Astynomia sth Germasogeia poy eixan ws apotelesma ton traymatismo tessarwn astynomikwn, th syllhch oktw nearwn kai thn proklhsh ektetamenwn zhmiwn se aytokinhta kai ypostatika. H Astynomia synelabe dyo atoma sxetika me ton agrio jylodarmo 11 jenwn foithtwn apo omada Kypriwn poy apeilhsan toys foithtes kai toys kalesan na egkataleicoyn thn Kypro.

    "Ta Nea" grafoyn oti oi katoxikes dynameis arxisan thn ylopoihsh sxedioy epoikismoy ths grammhs Attila epixeirwntas na dhmioyrghsoyn nea tetelesmena kai na prolaboyn endexomenh lysh toy Kypriakoy. Fqanei shmera sthn Kypro o Ypoyrgos Eqnikhs Amynas ths Ellados Gerasimos Arsenhs gia na ypodektei me ton Proedro Klhridh argotera to armatagwgo "Samos" poy qa katapleysei sto limani ths Lemesoy sta plaisia twn politistikwn ekdhlwsewn "Qrakh-Aigaio-Kypros."

    "H Shmerinh" grafei oti o Proedros Klhridhs feretai apofasismenos na mhn probei se anasxhmatismo sto eggys mellon kai anaferei oti o Proedros paramenei fobera enoxlhmenos apo tis epiqeseis anwtatwn ajiwmatoyxwn toy DHSY. Epikaleitai jenoys diplwmates poy ektimoyn oti o katoxikos hgeths stoxeyei sth diathrhsh enos klimatos entashs sthn Kypro, idiaitera me th monimh paroysia sto nhsi omadas twn Gkrizwn Lykwn, kai poy den apokleioyn epanalhch epeisodiwn ths morfhs poy ejelixqhkan sth Deryneia.

    "O Fileleyqeros" anaferei oti h kybernhsh exei diabibasei sto Symboylio Asfaleias plhrofories gia oplikh enisxysh toy Attila kai twn qesewn toy kai anamenetai na dwsei sta HE sygkekrimena stoixeia zhtwntas parallhla apotreptikh parembash. Grafei oti h Trapeza Anaptyjews epixeirei megala oikonomika anoigmata sthn perioxh ths Anatolikhs Mesogeioy, meta apo sxetikh paraklhsh toy Palaistiniakoy Tameioy Anaptyjews, kai twn Balkaniwn se diaforooys tomeis.

    "H Xaraygh" grafei oti h kybernhsh einai apofasismenh na proxwrhsei se fileleyqeropoihseis, perilambanomenhs kai ths odikhs asfaleias. Qa paraxwrhqoyn se idiwtes, anaferei, ola ta kratika kentra epiqewrhshs mhxanokinhtwn oxhmatwn kai piqanon toy Tmhmatos Ekdoshs Adeiwn. Grafei oti epispeydontai oi meqodeyseis gia idiwtikopoihsh twn Kypriakwn Aeroogrammwn kai hdh anateqhke se Kyprio poy diamenei sthn Aqhna h ekponhsh meleths kai eishghsewn gia meiwsh toy posostoy symmetoxhs ths kybernhshs sto kefalaio twn KA katw apo to 50%.

    "H Cyprus Mail" grafei oti o KOT protiqetai na jodeysei kondyli dyo ek. lirwn gia prowqhsh toy xeimerinoy toyrismoy poy qa apeyqynetai kyriws stoys Bretanoys kai Germanoys toyristes. O Mproyno, anixneytikos skylos ths astynomikhs dynamhs, eswse th zwh toy Qwma Iwannidh, 84 xronwn, apo to Paliometoxo afoy ton entopise liga mono lepta prin japlwqei fwtia poy eixe anacei o gerontas gia na zestaqei se sano, opoy eixe katafygei meta thn ejafanish toy thn Paraskeyh to brady. (KYPE/MM)

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