Cyprus News Agency: News Headlines in Greek, 14-05-02 10:49 UTC
[01] Ypoballontai shmera oi ypochfiothtes gia tis Eyrwekloges
[02] Istoriko epiteygma kai ``nomoteleia'' h entajh ths Kyproy sthn EE,
tonizei o Proedros
[03] Arxizoyn shmera oi eggrafes gia thn 1h ekdosh 6etwn kybernhtikwn
[04] Elleimma 0,12% toy AEP katagrafhke to a' trimhno 2014
[05] Economist: To biotiko epipedo twn Kypriwn meiwqhke 10% apo thn
entajh sthn EE
[06] Proedros: Katastrofikh h daimonopoihsh ths politikhs kai twn MME
[07] O Ypoyrgos Amynas paralambanei to porisma gia to atyxhma sthn Asgata
[08] Sto G. N. Larnakas froyreitai o 59xronos ypoptos gia parenoxlhsh
kai sejoyalikh ekmetalleysh anhlikwn
[09] Thlefwnhma gia topoqethsh bombas prin thn enarjh ths dikhs Mixahlidh
sthn Aqhna
[10] Pragmatopoieitai apoce o telikos Kypelloy Futsal