Cyprus News Agency: News Headlines in Greek, 14-01-16 15:49 UTC
[01] Oxi stis epoikodomhtikes asafeies sto qema ths kyriarxias, leei
o Proedros
[02] Den feygei apo thn Kypro o Ntaoyner, lene ta HE
[03] To FSF-MED syzhta problhmata sto FIR Leykwsias logw Toyrkias
[04] Yp. Energeias: Entono bretaniko endiaferon gia ta energeiaka drwmena
sthn Kypro
[05] Sthn prokhryjh prosforwn gia epilogh oikoy ajiologhshs perioysiakwn
stoixeiwn trapezwn proxwrei h KT
[06] Paradeigma pros mimhsh to Institoyto Genetikhs, leei h Epitropos
[07] Epifylaxqhke to Anwtato na apofasisei sxetika me klhsh Xristofia
sthn efesh gia to Mari
[08] Problhmata elegxoy ths poiothtas toy aimatos entopise h
Koinoboyleytikh Epitroph Ygeias
[09] Arxizoyn sth Deryneia oi ergasies toy Famagusta Ecocity Project
[10] `Odhgos Diaplokhs` kai `Gravity` diekdikoyn ta perissotera Oskar