Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 13-09-13
[01] Eurostat: Shmantikh ypoxwrhsh ths apasxolhshs sthn Kypro
[01] Eurostat: Shmantikh ypoxwrhsh ths apasxolhshs sthn Kypro
H megalyterh meiwsh ths apasxolhshs toso se trimhniaia bash oso kai se
ethsia, katagrafhke sthn Kypro to deytero trimhno toy 2013, symfwna me
ta stoixeia poy dhmosiopoihse thn Paraskeyh h Eurostat. Mikroterh meiwsh
shmeiwqhke kai sthn Eyrwzwnh.
Opws prokyptei apo ta koinotika stoixeia, h apasxolhsh se ethsia bash,
dhladh to deytero trimhno toy 2013 se sxesh me thn antistoixh periodo
toy 2012 ypoxwrhse 6,1% sthn Kypro, enw sthn Ellada h ypoxwrhsh htan
ths tajhs toy 4,3%, sthn Eyrwzwnh -1% kai sthn EE -0,4%.
Se trimhniaia bash, dhladh to deytero trimhno toy 2013 se sxesh me
to prwto trimhno, h apasxolhsh ypoxwrhse 2,1% sthn Kypro, -0,1% sthn
Eyrwzwnh, enw ayjhqhke sthn Ellada 0,1% kai paremeine ametablhth sthn EE.