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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 11-06-24

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>




    Akanqwdes anefere oti qewrei to zhthma toy syntajiodotikoy gia ton proypologismo toy 2012, o Proedros ths Dhmokratias Dhmhtrhs Xristofias, o opoios shmeiwse oti yparxoyn shmantika zhthmata ta opoia h Kybernhsh qa qesei enwpion twn syntexniwn, metajy twn opoiwn kai h entajh twn neoeiserxomenwn dhmosiwn ypallhlwn sto analogiko systhma koinwnikwn asfalisewn

    Milwntas se dhmosiografikh diaskech stis Bryjelles, opoy symmeteixe sth synodo toy Eyrwpaikoy Symboylioy, kai erwthqeis poies apo tis eishghseis ths Eyrwpaikhs Epitrophs qewrei anagkaio na perilhfqoyn ston proypologismo toy 2012, o Proedros anefere oti o proypologismos syzhteitai apo toys Ypoyrgoys ayth th stigmh kai enas apo toys stoxoys einai ``na eimaste sygkrathmenoi se o,ti afora sta ejoda''.

    ``Kai bebaiws exoyme ejaggeilei hdh prwtoboylies tis opoies analambanei h Kybernhsh opws einai to syntajiodotiko gia paradeigma, to opoio einai ena akanqwdes qema diarqrwtikhs diastashs kai shmasias'', eipe.

    O Proedros dhlwse oti qa yparjei sobaros dialogos me toys amesa endiaferomenoys, afoy opws eipe den prokeitai gia qema sto opoio ``apofasizeis kai diatazeis'', xwris na lambanontai ypoch oi amesa endiaferomenoi.

    O Proedros anefere oti yparxoyn shmantika zhthmata poy exoyn sxesh me to syntajiodotiko twn dhmosiwn ypallhlwn, twn hmikratikwn organismwn kai twn ypallhlwn twn dhmwn sta opoia xreiazetai opwsdhpote na ginoyn diorqwtikes allages, alliws qa yparxei megalo problhma sthn poreia.

    Erwthqeis kata poso qa yparjei antikatoptrismos opoiondhpote apofasewn ston proypologismo toy 2012, o Proedros Xristofias anefere oti qa yparxei se kapoia zhthmata, enw alla zhthmata qa exoyn diaxroniko xarakthra.

    O Proedros edwse ws paradeigma thn apoch poy yparxei, oi neoeiserxomenoi sth dhmosia yphresia kai stoys hmikratikoys organismoys na entaxqoyn sto analogiko systhma twn koinwnikwn asfalisewn, giati opws eipe, mexri twra oi dhmosioi ypallhloi den symballoyn.

    Prosqese oti yparxoyn zhthmata, wstoso anefere, den einai h katallhlh stigmh apo tis Bryjelles na ginontai ejaggelies gia ton proypologismo toy 2012.

    Erwthqeis kata poso symmerizetai thn apoch oi neoeiserxomenoi na syneisferoyn sto systhma koinwnikwn asfalisewn, o Proedros anefere oti ayth einai h apoch toy analogisth.

    ``H Kybernhsh qa kanei sygkekrimenes protaseis pros th syntexnia twn dhmosiwn ypallhlwn. Den qelw na tis ejaggeilw akoma tis protaseis. Einai seira protasewn. Nomizw qa htan akomco apo dikhs moy pleyras efoson synantwmai o idios me tis hgesies twn syndikatwn, na mhn tis sebastw, efoson proerxomai ki egw apo to xwro toy syndikalismoy'', anefere.

    Erwthqeis kata poso prokrinei thn apoch ayth toy analogisth, o Proedros anefere oti den prokrinei tipota. Prosqese oti yparxoyn qemata ta opoia qelei na qesei epishma mprosta stis syndikalistikes organwseis kai o idios na topoqethqei sth synexeia.


    Dihmerh episkech sth Dytikh Oxqh qa pragmatopoihsei o Ypoyrgos Eswterikwn Neoklhs Sylikiwths stis 26 kai 27 Ioynioy, opoy qa exei synanthsh me ton Palaistinio omologo toy kai qa ypogracei Mnhmonio Synantilhchs kai Synergasias.

    Symfwna me epishmh anakoinwsh, o. Sylikiwths, antapokrinomenos qetika sthn prosklhsh poy toy aphyqyne o Palaistinios omologos toy Dr. Said Abu Ali, pragmatopoiei epishmh episkech sth Dytikh Oxqh, sto plaisio twn paradosiaka filikwn sxesewn kai ths arisths synergasias poy diathroyn h Kypriakh Dhmokratia me thn Palaistinh.

    Prostiqetai oti kata diarkeia ths dihmerhs episkechs toy, o Ypoyrgos Eswterikwn qa exei synanthsh me ton Palaistinio omologo toy, me ton opoio kai qa monogracoyn Mnhmonio Synantilhchs kai Synergasias stoys tomeis ths Politikhs Amynas, ths Politikhs Prostasias kai ths Metanasteyshs.


    Symbash epidothshs gia to ebdomo Aioliko Parko sthn Kypro, sthn perioxh Mari sthn eparxia Larnakas, synolikhs dynamikothtas 6MW(4 Anemogennhtries typoy `VENSYS-V-82` dynamikothtas 1.5 MW ekasth), ypograce shmera o Ypoyrgos Emporioy, Biomhxanias kai Toyrismoy Antwnhs Pasxalidhs me thn etaireia ``KETONIS DEVELOPMENT LTD``.

    Ypografontas th symbash, o Ypoyrgos eipe oti h kataskeyh toy 7oy Aiolikoy Parkoy entassetai sta plaisia toy Sxedioy Paroxhs Xorhgiwn gia enqarrynsh hlektroparagwghs apo megala aiolika, hlioqermika, fwtoboltaika systhmata kai ajiopoihsh ths biomazas.

    To synoliko kostos toy ergoy ypologizetai na einai ths tajhs twn 10,1 ekatommyriwn eyrw kai h paragwgh apo ayto anamenetai na einai 11293 MWh ton xrono. Oi ergasies anamenetai na arxisoyn amesa kai na oloklhrwqoyn to deytero tetramhno toy 2012.


    Ta diakosia xronia apo thn anejarthsia ths, giortazei fetos h Mpolibarianh Dhmokratia ths Benezoyelas kai me thn eykairia ayth diorganwnei ekdhlwseis se diafores xwres se olo ton kosmo, metajy twn opoiwn kai h Kypros, ypo ton titlo ``Ta fwta ths dhmosiothtas sth Benezoyela`` (``Spotlight on Venezuela``).

    Milwntas se dhmosiografikh diaskech, sth Leykwsia, o Presbhs ths Benezoyelas sth Leykwsia Angkel Rafael Tortolero Leal anefere pws to 1811 otan anakhryxqhke h anejarthsia ths Benezoyelas htan h aparxh ths anejarthsias gia olo ton kosmo ths Latinikhs Amerikhs, afoy h Benezoyela htan h prwth ispanikh apoikia sth Latinikh Amerikh poy egine anejarthth.

    Milwntas mesw metafrastrias, o k. Tortoler Leal ekane logo gia apotyxia toy kapitalistikoy systhmatos, shmeiwnontas pws enw h xwra toy einai prwth sta apoqemata petrelaioy yparxei para pollh ftwxeia se aythn. Gia ayto qeloyme to sosialismo poy shmainei na dineis ton ployto se olo ton kosmo kai oxi na ton kratas, anefere.

    Eipe pws ginetai prospaqeia na allajei h katastash sth xwra apo to 1999 poy anelabe thn proedria o Oygko Tsabez. Tote, opws anefere, to 87% toy plhqysmoy zoyse sth ftwxeia, enw to 42% toy plhqysmoy antimetwpize akraia fainomena ftwxeias, afoy den yphrxe nero, hlektrismos, kai paideia.

    Shmera meta apo 11 xronia ths proedrias toy Oygko Tsabez to pososto ftwxeias anerxetai sto 34%. Twra yparxei dwrean paideia, apo thn prwtobaqmia mexri thn tritobaqmia ekpaideysh, hlektriko reyma, kai nero.

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