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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 97-01-02

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>


  • [01] 1966: HPA kai Bretania qewroysan to Kypriako ws ellhnotoyrkikh diafora
  • [02] Pwsikes protaseis sto Kypriako
  • [03] Rwsos Presbhs: Den dikaiologeitai o qorybos
  • [04] O Nikos Anastasiadhs sth Notio Afrikh
  • [05] Mh anakoinwsimo to periexomeno ths shmerinhs synedrias toy Ypoyrgikoy
  • [06] Sxolio Kasoylidh gia to dekalogo Rifkint
  • [07] Kasoylidhs: H paneqnikh o orqoteros tropos
  • [08] Deikths Timwn Xrhmatisthrioy

  • [01] 1966: HPA kai Bretania qewroysan to Kypriako ws ellhnotoyrkikh diafora

    Leykwsia, 2/1/1997 (KYPE) -- Syntonismenh prospaqeia HPA kai Bretanias, wste to Kypriako na qewrhqei ellhnotoyrkikh diafora kai na arxisoyn apeyqeias synomilies metajy twn dyo xwrwn prowqeito apo tis arxes toy 1966 kai epiteyxqhke to deytero ejamhno toy idioy etoys.

    Ayth malista htan kai h epidiwjh ths Toyrkias, sthn opoia synenoyse h Ellada alla antidroyse entona o Arxiepiskopos Makarios.

    Ayto apokalyptetai apo praktika syskechs Amerikanwn kai Bretanwn poy pragmatopoihqhke stis HPA stis 7 Febroyarioy 1966 kai hlqan sto fws ths dhmosiothtas apo to Bretaniko Dhmosio Arxeio.

    Opws apokalyptei eggrafo toy Bretanoy presbh sthn Agkyra, oi mystikes synomilies metajy Elladas kai Toyrkias gia to Kypriako, poy arxisan stis 15 Ioynioy 1966 se presbeytiko epipedo, epikentrwqhkan se treis epikefalides: Apostratikopoihsh toy nhsioy, kaqestws T/k koinothtas kai asfaleia Toyrkias kai T/K.

    Symfwna me to idio eggrafo, h Agkyra epidiwke lysh me kantonia kai kyriarxh toyrkikh bash alla syzhtoyse kai th lysh synomospondias, h opoia, gia toys Toyrkoys, qewreito leitoyrghsimh kai qa mporoyse na epiblhqei ean eixe thn yposthrijh twn Bretanwn kai twn Amerikanwn.

    Symfwna me to idio eggrafo, h ellhnikh kybernhsh apodexqhke kat'arxhn stis mystikes synomilies th stratiwtikh paroysia ths Toyrkias sthn Kypro ypo morfh natoikhs bashs, h opoia qa teloyse omws ypo toyrkikh kyriarxia.

    H qesh twn Bretanwn htan oti h kalyterh lysh gia thn Kypro qa htan mia morfh enwshs me thn Ellada me paraxwrhsh edafikwn antallagmatwn sthn Toyrkia kati poy o Makarios, opws anaferetai sta eggrafa, qewroyse lysh dixotomikh.

    Se anafora toy Bretanoy Presbh sthn Aqhna apokalyptetai oti o Ellhnas Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn, Nayarxos Iwannhs Toympas, me aformh th mystikh eisagwgh tsexoslobakikwn oplwn sthn Kypro, kathgorhse to Makario oti yponomeyei tis mystikes synomilies kai ton apeilhse oti an ta opla den paradidontan stis ellhnikes enoples dynameis qa dietaze ton ellhniko strato sthn Kypro na ta katasxei dia ths bias.

    Opws anaferetai, h apeilh ayth anagkase to Makario na apodexqei thn paradosh twn oplwn sta Hnwmena Eqnh.

    Apo ta eggrafa toy Bretanikoy Dhmosioy Arxeioy apokalyptetai oti to Londino fobotan oti h ananewsh stenwn sxesewn metajy Kyproy kai Aigyptoy qa eixe ws apotelesma mia meqodeymenh prospaqeia gia katarghsh twn basewn.

    Stis baseis, oi Bretanoi eixan metajy allwn sxedia gia dhmioyrgia prosfygikwn kataylismwn gia prostasia toy amaxoy plhqysmoy se periptwsh syrrajhs.

    Symfwna me eggrafh anafora toy Bretanoy antiproswpoy ston OHE, stis 10 Ianoyarioy 1966 ekfrazetai ekplhjh gia thn yposthrijh poy etyxe h Kypros sth Genikh Syneleysh toy dieqnoys organismoy kai gia to chfisma poy phre.

    Opws tonizetai, ayto ofeiletai kyriws ston tote Ypoyrgo Ejwterikwn Spyro Kyprianoy, o opoios eixe ejoydeterwsei me eyglwta epixeirhmata ton Toyrko omologo toy, enw ekqiazetai o k. Kyprianoy ws "sklhros kai ikanos diplwmaths" kai ws "mastoras" twn paraskhniakwn diaboyleysewn.

    Se sxesh me thn eswterikh katastash sthn Kypro, h 20selidh ekqesh toy tote Presbh ths Bretanias sth Leykwsia ser Nteibint Xant, stis 17 Dekembrioy 1966, anaferei oti o "Makarios einai o adiamfisbhthta fysikos hgeths twn E/K kai oti dyskola qa breqei antikatastaths par'olo poy o Proedros ths Boylhs Glaykos Klhridhs exei filodojies gia Proedros enw o Strathgos Gribas se periptwsh diekdikhshs ths proedrias ths Kyproy den qa brei kaqoloy yposthriktes".

    Se sxesh me to AKEL anaferetai oti "einai to pio organwmeno komma, h yposthrijh toy sto Makario toy prosqetei dynamh me to paradojo fainomeno na exei megalyterh epirroh se eswterika qemata apo oti to koinwniko kai ideologiko toy ypobaqro toy epitrepei".

    Telos, sthn ekqesh ypogrammizetai oti "h Sobietikh Enwsh jegelase to AKEL sxetika me tis qeseis ths sto Kypriako dioti sthn pragmatikothta h Toyrkia einai pio shmantikh gia toys Sobietikoys apo oti h Kypros".


    [02] Rwsikes protaseis sto Kypriako

    Leykwsia, 2/1/1997 (KYPE) -- H Rwsia proteinei thn pragmatopoihsh, to syntomotero, synanthshs twn ekproswpwn twn pente monimwn melwn toy Symboylioy Asfaleias toy OHE me th symmetoxh ekproswpoy ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs, me stoxo th leptomerh syzhthsh toy Kypriakoy kai thn epejergasia koinoy sxedioy drashs gia thn epilysh toy.

    Epishs proteinei th systash eidikhs omadas epafhs gia thn Kypro sto plaisio toy Symboylioy Asfaleias, ws paroxh praktikhs bohqeias sthn apostolh kalwn yphresiwn toy GG toy OHE.

    Tis protaseis ypebale o neos Presbhs ths Rwsikhs Omospondias sth Leykwsia Gkeorki Moyratof, epididontas to prwi ta diapisteythria toy ston Proedro ths Dhmokratias Glayko Klhridh.

    "Qewroyme oti h pagkosmia koinothta den prepei na anexetai allo th synexizomenh adikia se baros ths Kyproy, parakoloyqwntas adiafora ton pono kai ta basana toy kypriakoy laoy", shmeiwse o Rwsos Presbhs.

    O k. Moyratof eipe oti h xwra toy xairetizei kai yposthrizei thn prwtoboylia Klhridh gia apostratikopoihsh ths Kyproy, thn opoia qewrei shmantiko bhma pros thn kateyqynsh ths taxyterhs kai eirhnikhs kai epilyshs toy kypriakoy problhmatos, ths edraiwshs ths eirhnhs kai asfaleias sthn Anatolikh Mesogeio.

    Apodexomenos ta diapisteythria toy Rwsoy Presbh, o Proedros ths Dhmokratias Glaykos Klhridhs eipe oti "ypodexomaste tis opoiesdhpote prwtoboylies me dedhlwmenh thn proqesh kai etoimothta na synergastoyme gia mia dikaih biwsimh kai leitoyrghsimh lysh toy Kypriakoy". "H dikh mas pleyra", synexise, "einai etoimh kai proqymh gia oysiastiko kai apotelesmatiko dialogo, o opoios qa proetoimastei swsta gia na einai apodotikos".

    O Proedros Klhridhs ypogrammise oti einai gi'ayto to logo poy s'ayto to stadio, oloi prepei na epikentrwsoyn thn prosoxh toys sth swsth proetoimasia toy dialogoy, peiqontas thn toyrkikh pleyra na fanei epiteloys diallaktikh.

    O Kyprios Proedros ejefrase tis qermes eyxaristies kai th baqia ektimhsh ths kybernhshs kai toy laoy ths Kyproy gia th staqerh symparastash ths Rwsias ston agwna ths Kyproy.


    [03] Rwsos Presbhs: Den dikaiologeitai o qorybos

    Leykwsia, 2/1/1997 (KYPE) -- O neos Presbhs ths Rwsias sthn Kypro Gkeorki Moyratof ektima oti den yfistatai logos poy na dikaiologei to qorybo poy dhmioyrghqhke gia thn agora toy antiaeroporikoy antipyraylikoy systhmatos S300 apo thn Kypriakh Dhmokratia afoy to systhma einai kaqara amyntiko.

    Se dhlwseis toy meta thn epidosh twn diapisteythriwn toy ston Proedro ths Dhmokratias, o k. Moyratof xarakthrise to systhma ws "apolyta amyntiko."

    Se erwthsh gia to xrono ypografhs twn symbolaiwn gia thn agora toy rwsikoy antiaeroporikoy - antipyraylikoy systhmatos S300, o Rwsos diplwmaths eipe oti den to gnwrizei. Eipe epishs oti den gnwrizei an yparxei symfwnia gia thn en logw agora.

    Klhqeis na epanalabei th desmeysh ths Rwsias oti h Kypros exei to dikaiwma na agorasei o,ti qelei apo th Rwsia, o k. Moyratof eipe oti "yparxei kalh qelhsh ek meroys ths Rwsias kai kapoios qorybos (poy dhmioyrgeitai) den exei kamia bash giati prokeitai gia apolyta amyntiko systhma antiaeroporikhs amynas."

    Apantwntas allh erwthsh gia pieseis ek meroys twn HPA wste na apofeyxqei h agora toy systhmatos, anefere oti to qema einai "emporiko" kai prosqese: "Den mporw na sxoliasw qemata poy den yparxoyn akoma sta xartia, ginontai kapoies diapragmateyseis kai ean ypografei kapoio symbolaio, qa sxoliasw."

    Anaferomenos sthn protash ths Rwsias gia syllogikh prospaqeia apo ta melh toy Symboylioy Asfaleias gia to Kypriako, o k. Moyratof eipe oti hdh exei paroysiastei ayth h protash se ola ta monima melh toy SA kai prosqese oti "den nomizoyme oti to Kypriako, ws ena dieqnes problhma, na epilyqei me dynameis mono dyo kratwn alla me syntonismenh prospaqeia twn monimwn melwn toy Symboylioy Asfaleias, toylaxiston."

    Ejalloy gia ta shmeia poy paroysiase o Bretanos YPEJ Malkolm Rifkint, o k. Moyratof eipe oti h kat'arxhn qesh ths Rwsias einai "qetikh" alla kaqe shmeio tygxanei eidikoy sxoliasmoy. Apefyge na probei se peraiterw dhlwseis epi toy qematos.

    Erwthqeis an o Rwsos YPEJ Gebgkeni Primakof qa episkefqei thn Kypro kata to prwto ejamhno toy 1997, o Rwsos Presbhs eipe oti qa ergastei pros thn kateyqynsh pragmatopoihshs mias tetoias episkechs alla shmeiwse oti den mporei na yposxeqei otidhpote se ayto to stadio.

    O Rwsos diplwmaths ejefrase th xara toy gia thn epidosh twn diapisteythriwn toy ws presbh ths Rwsikhs Omospondias kai xarakthrise th syntomh synanthsh toy me ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias Glayko Klhridh ws "filikh kai egkardia, eqymotypikoy xarakthra".


    [04] O Nikos Anastasiadhs sth Notio Afrikh

    Leykwsia, 2/1/1997 (KYPE) -- O Anaplhrwths Proedros ths Boylhs Nikos Anastasiadhs anaxwrei to apogeyma gia to Keip Taoyn ths Notioy Afrikhs gia na symmetasxei, ek meroys toy Proedroy ths Boylhs Spyroy Kyprianoy, se synedria thn Monimhs Epitrophs twn Proedrwn twn Koinoboyliwn ths Koinopoliteias poy qa ginei ekei apo tis 3 mexri tis 8 Ianoyarioy 1997.

    Kata thn paramonh toy sth Notio Afrikh, o k. Anastasiadhs qa metaferei mhnyma toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias Glaykoy Klhridh, pros ton Proedro ths xwras Nelson Mantela kai qa exei epafes me paragontes ths paroikias.


    [05] Mh anakoinwsimo to periexomeno ths shmerinhs synedrias toy Ypoyrgikoy

    Leykwsia, 2/1/1997 (KYPE) -- Mh anakoinwsimo einai to periexomeno ths shmerinhs synedrias toy Ypoyrgikoy Symboylioy, dhlwse o Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos Giannakhs Kasoylidhs, meta th synedria.

    Para tis epimones erwthseis twn dhmosiografwn, anaforika me tis plhrofories poy dhmosieyontai gia thn ypografh twn symbolaiwn gia thn agora apo thn Kypro toy rwsikoy antiaeroporikoy antipyraylikoy systhmatos S-300, o k. Kasoylidhs apefyge na kanei opoiesdhpote dhlwseis.

    Aphyqyne de ekklhsh pros ta MME opws stamathsoyn na asxoloyntai toso me thn agora toy rwsikoy oplismoy oso kai me ola ta qemata poy aforoyn sthn asfaleia toy kratoys.

    To Ypoyrgiko Symboylio qa exei kai nea synedria ayrio stis 10 to prwi.


    [06] Sxolio Kasoylidh gia to dekalogo Rifkint

    Leykwsia, 2/1/1997 (KYPE) -- O Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos Giannakhs Kasoylidhs eipe oti h ellhnokypriakh pleyra den exei pei pote oti ta shmeia Rifkiknt einai arnhtika, omws anti opoioydhpote alloy sxolioy gia kaqe shmeio toy dekalogoy anefere tis dikes ths qeseis.

    Ayto apanthse o k. Kasoylidhs klhqeis na sxoliasei th dhlwsh toy neoy Presbh ths Rwsias sth Leykwsia, Gkeorki Moyratof oti h xwra toy qewrei qetika ta shmeia toy Bretanoy YPEJ.

    "Ap'ekei kai pera qa doyme sth synexeia ti prokeitai na ginei. Asfalws den einai to koino edafos", tonise o k. Kasoylidhs.

    Epanelabe telos oti h kybernhsh yposthrizei th syntonismenh kai apo koinoy drash toy Symboylioy Asfaleias gia to Kypriako.


    [07] Kasoylidhs: H paneqnikh o orqoteros tropos

    Leykwsia, 2/1/1997 (KYPE) -- H paneqnikh politikh apotelei ton orqotero tropo xeirismoy toy Kypriakoy, dhlwse shmera o Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos Giannakhs Kasoylidhs, klhqeis na sxoliasei to gegonos oti o Proedros Klhridhs epanefere thn protash gia paneqnikh diaskech.

    Prosqese oti h kalyterh proetoimasia ths paneqnikhs perna apo orismena stadia, merika apo ta opoia exoyn ekplhrwqei kai oti h kybernhsh anamenei opws yparjei symfwnia metajy toy politikoy kosmoy ths Elladas gia th dhmioyrgia antistoixoy swmatos gia xeirismo twn eqnikwn qematwn.

    H Kypros, anefere, den epiqymei na parei meros sth dhmosia syzhthsh poy lambanei xwra sthn Ellada.

    Apantwntas se sxetikh erwthsh, o k. Kasoylidhs epanelabe oti h kybernhsh den gnwrizei to periexomeno toy eggrafoy poy exei etoimasei o Ellhnas Yfypoyrgos Ejwterikwn Xrhstos Rozakhs.

    Opws ejhghse, h kybernhsh anamenei enhmerwsh gia thn episkech toy Proedroy Klhridh sthn Aqhna.


    [08] Deikths Timwn Xrhmatisthrioy

    Leykwsia, 02/01/1997 (KYPE) -- O Deikths Timwn Metoxwn toy Xrhmatisthrioy Ajiwn Kyproy diamorfwqhke sth shmerinh xrhmatisthriakh synanthsh ws akoloyqws:
         Genikos Deikths Timwn Metoxwn          82.46 (+0.26)
         Deiktes Timwn ana Klado
         Trapezikoi Organismoi                  91.86 (+0.15)
         Egkekrimenoi Ependytikoi Organismoi    74.27 (-0.74)
         Asfalistikoi Organismoi                59.45 (+1.96)
         Biomhxanikes Etaireies                 82.89 (+0.64)
         Toyristikes Epixeirhseis               70.92 (-2.27)
         Emporikes Etaireies                    61.92 (-0.02)
         Alles Etaireies                        67.57 (+1.87)
         Ogkos Synallagwn                       LK 273117.060
    * H diafora stis parenqeseis antiproswpeyei thn posostiaia ayjhsh (+) h th meiwsh (-) toy deikth apo thn prohgoymenh xrhmatisthriakh synanthsh.

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