Cyprus News Agency: News in English, 13-08-06
[01] Green Party petition against nuclear arms proliferation
[01] Green Party petition against nuclear arms proliferation
Cyprus Green Party has urged all states to actively prevent further
spread of nuclear weapons and weapons technology, highlighting at the
same time its grave concern over the planned construction of a nuclear
reactor in the Akkuyu area in Turkey, opposite Cyprus.
A party delegation, headed by its General Secretary George Perdikis,
handed over on Tuesday a resolution against the proliferation of nuclear
weapons to the Permanent Representation of the European Commission and
the Embassies of the of the United States and the Russian Federation
here, on the occasion of the 68th anniversary since the detonation of
a nuclear bomb over Hiroshima city, that instantly killed 70.000 people
and caused the death of another 70.000 by the end of 1945.
In the resolution, the party also calls on the international community
to promote the goal of nuclear disarmament and general and complete
disarmament, to ratify and enforce the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of
Nuclear Weapons and promote a nuclear - free Eastern Mediterranean basin.