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Cyprus News Agency: News in English, 04-05-27

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>


  • [01] US views Talat as the leader of the Turkish Cypriot community
  • [02] Weather forecast for Cyprus
  • [03] Marcus Gronholm excluded from Cyprus Rally - Sebastean Loeb named winner
  • [04] Cyprus Stock Exchange
  • [05] Weather and Temperatures for Cyprus
  • [06] Cyprus and Bulgaria sign health agreement
  • [07] Government asks for reduction of diesel price
  • [08] The Scorpions to present new album at Nicosia concert
  • [09] * House plenary approves election bill

  • [01] US views Talat as the leader of the Turkish Cypriot community


    US views Talat as the leader of the Turkish Cypriot community

    by Demetris Apokis

    Washington, May 27 (CNA) -- State Department Spokesman Richard Boucher said the US considers Mehmet Ali Talat as the leader of the Turkish Cypriot community in the Turkish occupied north of Cyprus.

    [02] Weather forecast for Cyprus


    Weather forecast for Cyprus

    Nicosia, May 27 (CNA) -- The Meteorological Office at Larnaca International Airport has issued the following weather forecast for Cyprus:

    Friday and Saturday: 28/5/2004 to 29/5/2004 -------------------- Mainly fine weather, with temporal cloud mainly in the afternoon. Local mist and low cloud are likely overnight and mainly towards dawn. Gentle to moderate sea breezes will prevail during the day, being locally fresh in the afternoon, mainly over the south coast. Light to gentle land breezes will blow overnight.

    The state of sea will be generally slight during the day, while temporarily up to moderate over the west and south coasts in the afternoon, becoming gradually smooth to slight overnight.

    Maximum temperature 29-31C inland, 25-27C over the south and east coasts, 23-24C over the west coast and 22-22C over Prodromos. Minimum temperature 15-17C inland and over the east and south coasts, 14-16C over the west coast and 11-13C over Prodromos.

    Outlook for Sunday and Monday: 30/5/2004 to 31/5/2004 ----------------------- No significant change is expected on Sunday, while local showers are likely to develop on Monday afternoon, mainly inland and over mountain areas.

    A small rise in temperature is expected on Sunday, while a small fall on temperature is expected on Monday.

    [03] Marcus Gronholm excluded from Cyprus Rally - Sebastean Loeb named winner


    Marcus Gronholm excluded from Cyprus Rally - Sebastean Loeb named winner

    Nicosia, May 27 (CNA) -- Two weeks after the 2004 Cyprus International Rally finished with Marcus Gronholm and Timo Rautiainen winning in their Peugeot car, the Stewards who met at the Paris FIA headquarters, have decided that their car as well as that of Harri Rovanpera and Risto Pietilainen (Peugeot) who ranked fifth are excluded from the 2004 Cyprus Rally.

    [04] Cyprus Stock Exchange

    Cyprus Stock Exchange Nicosia, May 27 (CNA) - The Cyprus Stock Exchange (CSE) All Share Index closed at today's stock exchange meeting as follows: CSE General Index 79,41 ( 0,06) Traded Value CYP 238.191 FTSE/CYSE 20 CYP 156.230 351,27 (-0,26) FTSE Med 100 6.299,27 ( 0,79) Sectoral Indices Banks CYP 121.471 102,18 (-0,61) Approved Investment Companies CYP 3.454 70,72 (-0,21) Insurance Companies CYP 4.474 14,33 (-2,91) Manufacturing Companies CYP 12.498 51,54 ( 2,16) Tourism Companies CYP 1.512 49,43 ( 1,92) Trading Companies CYP 4.355 22,19 ( 0,05) Building and Cement Companies CYP 13.690 66,94 ( 4,09) Énformation Technology Companies CYP 322 2,38 ( 0,00) Financial Services Companies CYP 14.246 7,92 (-0,50) Fish Culture Companies CYP 0 11,61 ( 0,00) Hotels CYP 7.640 27,21 (-2,51) Other Companies CYP 50.730 64,62 ( 0,42) * The third column presents the percentage variation of

    [05] Weather and Temperatures for Cyprus

    Weather and Temperatures for Cyprus Nicosia, May 27(CNA) - Today's weather and temperatures for Cyprus, according to the Meteorological Service at Larnaca International Airport are: Temperatures (degrees Celcius) --------------------------------------------------------------- Station Maximum Minimum Weather (At 1200 UTC) --------------------------------------------------------------- Nicosia 31 17 FINE Larnaca 27 16 FINE Limassol 29 18 FINE Paphos 24 15 FINE

    [06] Cyprus and Bulgaria sign health agreement


    Cyprus and Bulgaria sign health agreement

    Nicosia, May 27 (CNA) -- Cyprus and Bulgaria signed here today an agreement for cooperation in the fields of health and medical science.

    The agreement was signed by Cypriot Minister of Health Constandina Akkelidou and her Bulgarian counterpart Slavcho Chardarov Bogoev, currently on the island for an official visit.

    [07] Government asks for reduction of diesel price


    Governments asks for reduction of diesel price

    Nicosia, May 27 (CNA) -- Oil companies have been asked to lower the price of diesel by two cents per litre or face government intervention, by decree, to reduce the recent hike in fuel prices.

    [08] The Scorpions to present new album at Nicosia concert


    The Scorpions to present new album at Nicosia concert

    Limassol, May 27 (CNA) - Klaus Meine, Matthias Jabs, Pawel Maciwoda, Rudolf Schenker and James Kottak, members of rock band ''The Scorpions'', with just a few hours remaining before their first concert in Cyprus, said they were thrilled to be on the island and sent a message of peace and unity.

    [09] * House plenary approves election bill


    House plenary approves election bill

    Nicosia, May 27 (CNA) -- The plenary of the House of Representatives approved today, by 29 votes in favour and seven abstentions, a bill on the election of members of the European Parliament, which amends current legislation.

    The bill provides for the participation of parties, coalitions of parties, party alliances and individual candidates, who secure 1.8 per cent of the total number of valid votes, in the second distribution of seats in next month's elections.

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