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Cyprus News Agency: News in English, 04-05-04

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>


  • [01] Czech President to pay official visit to Cyprus
  • [02] Cyprus becomes full JAA member
  • [03] Eurocontrol - EMAC initialise agreement
  • [04] Cyprus Stock Exchange
  • [05] Weather and Temperatures for Cyprus
  • [06] EU priorities on Cyprus set out by spokesman for commissioner Verheugen
  • [07] Czech President to pay state visit to Cyprus
  • [08] Cypriot President condemns bomb attack against politician
  • [09] Irish Minister says EU committed to assuring Turkish Cypriots

  • [01] Czech President to pay official visit to Cyprus


    Czech President to pay official visit to Cyprus

    Nicosia, May 4 (CNA) -- Czech Republic President Vaclav Klaus arrives in Cyprus on Wednesday for an official visit.

    Government Spokesman Kypros Chrysostomides said the Czech President will be welcomed at Larnaca Airport by Acting Foreign Minister, Interior Minister Andreas Christou.

    [02] Cyprus becomes full JAA member


    Cyprus becomes full JAA member

    Nicosia, May 4 (CNA) -- Cyprus has become full member of the Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA).

    JAA is an associated body of the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) representing the civil aviation regulatory authorities of a number of European States who have agreed to cooperate in developing and implementing common safety regulatory standards and procedures.

    [03] Eurocontrol - EMAC initialise agreement


    Eurocontrol - EMAC initialise agreement

    Nicosia, May 4 (CNA) -- A cooperation agreement between Eurocontrol and member states of the European Middle East Traffic Management Coordination (EMAC) was initialised after talks in Brussels last month.

    An official statement said here Tuesday that the negotiations were held between Eurocontrol and delegations from Cyprus, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria which are members of the regional cooperation Europe Middle East on Air Traffic Management issues with the aim to form an agreement.

    [04] Cyprus Stock Exchange

    Cyprus Stock Exchange Nicosia, May 4 (CNA) - The Cyprus Stock Exchange (CSE) All Share Index closed at today's stock exchange meeting as follows: CSE General Index 83,78 ( 0,11) Traded Value CYP 809.472 FTSE/CYSE 20 CYP 651.991 371,21 ( 0,66) FTSE Med 100 6.558,72 (-0,10) Sectoral Indices Banks CYP 597.295 107,47 ( 0,14) Approved Investment Companies CYP 34.517 72,80 (-1,71) Insurance Companies CYP 5.364 16,27 ( 0,25) Manufacturing Companies CYP 6.430 53,84 (-0,48) Tourism Companies CYP 682 53,41 (-0,17) Trading Companies CYP 39.278 23,50 ( 0,64) Building and Cement Companies CYP 3.317 66,60 ( 0,96) Énformation Technology Companies CYP 758 2,84 ( 1,07) Financial Services Companies CYP 28.946 9,10 ( 0,22) Fish Culture Companies CYP 0 12,23 ( 5,61) Hotels CYP 11.110 31,35 ( 0,16) Other Companies CYP 73.056 66,78 (-0,22) * The third column presents the percentage variation of

    [05] Weather and Temperatures for Cyprus

    Weather and Temperatures for Cyprus Nicosia, May 4 (CNA) - Today's weather and temperatures for Cyprus, according to the Meteorological Service at Larnaca International Airport are: Temperatures (degrees Celcius) --------------------------------------------------------------- Station Maximum Minimum Weather (At 1200 UTC) --------------------------------------------------------------- Nicosia 27 12 FINE Larnaca 25 13 FAIR Limassol 25 15 FINE Paphos 23 14 FAIR

    [06] EU priorities on Cyprus set out by spokesman for commissioner Verheugen


    EU priorities on Cyprus set out by spokesman for commissioner Verheugen

    by Nicos Bellos

    Brussels, May 4 (CNA) - The EU Commission now has two priorities regarding Cyprus, to lift the isolation of Turkish Cypriots and to keep alive prospects for a settlement and for reunification of the island, said Jean-Christophe Filori, spokesman for enlargement commissioner Guenther Verheugen.

    Speaking to correspondents in Brussels today, Filori said implementation of the two priorities would be based on the decisions on Cyprus taken in Luxembourg last week by the EU/s General Affairs Council.

    With regard to a statement made by Verheugen after the referendums in Cyprus last month, that he had been ''cheated'' into believing that the government of Cyprus was committed to resolving the problem before accession, Filori recalled that the settlement of the Cyprus issue had been disconnected from the accession of the island to the Union by decision of the EU summit in Helsinki in December 1999.

    At that summit, said Filori, then president of Cyprus Glafcos Clerides ''had given verbal assurances that the Republic of Cyprus would not be the side to obstruct a settlement before accession.''

    [07] Czech President to pay state visit to Cyprus


    Czech President to pay state visit to Cyprus

    Nicosia, May 4 (CNA) - President of the Czech Republic Vaclav Klaus arrives in Cyprus tomorrow for a state visit, accompanied by a multi-member delegation.

    [08] Cypriot President condemns bomb attack against politician


    Cypriot President condemns bomb attack against politician

    Nicosia, May 4 (CNA) - Cypriot President Tassos Papadopoulos, Ministers of the cabinet and political parties have deplored the bomb attack against the residence of Democratic Rally President Nicos Anastasiades.

    [09] Irish Minister says EU committed to assuring Turkish Cypriots


    Irish Minister says EU committed to assuring Turkish Cypriots

    Nicosia, May 4 (CNA) - Irish Minister of State for European Affairs Dick Roche said today that the EU remains strongly committed to providing tangible assurance to the Turkish Cypriot community that its future will still be in a united Cyprus within the EU.

    Addressing the European Parliament in Strasbourg, Roche, whose country currently holds the EU rotating presidency, said ''it is no secret that the clear preference of the EU was for the accession of a united Cyprus on 1 May,'' noting that ''we greatly regret that following the outcome of the referenda in Cyprus on 24 April, it was not possible to achieve this objective.''

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