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Cyprus News Agency: News in English (PM), 99-01-29Cyprus News Agency: News in English Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Cyprus News Agency at <http://www.cyna.org.cy>CONTENTS
1525:CYPPRESS:01[01] Markides - IsraelisNicosia, Jan 29 (CNA) -- Attorney General, Alecos Markides, said today an arrangement reached in a case involving two Israeli Mossad agents accused of espionage against the Cyprus Republic, serves public interest.Markides disclosed that the Israeli government, US senators, ministers and other European officials had extensive contacts with President Glafcos Clerides and Foreign Minister, Ioannis Kasoulides, to convince them that the two Israelis were not acting against the Republic. Earlier today the prosecution withdrew charges of spying and conspiracy against Igal Damary, 49, and Udi Hargov, 37, who in return pleaded guilty to charges of possession of banned listening equipment and a new charge of entering a restricted area. Markides said that as a result of this development there was no reason "to insist on a trial that could last for a long time." He explained that there was no need to produce evidence as far as the new charge was concerned and described today's arrangement as "the most correct under the circumstances" and it should be considered "reasonable." Markides expressed the view that "under the circumstances this settlement should be considered reasonable". The two Israeli agents were arrested in November last year in the southern coastal village of Zygi after police were tipped off and stormed their apartment where they found highly sensitive listening devices. CNA MK/MCH/MM/1999ENDS, CYPRUS NEWS AGENCY1400:CYPPRESS:02[02] Cyprus Stock ExchangeNicosia, Jan 29 (CNA) -- The Cyprus Stock Exchange (CSE) All Share Index closed at today's stock exchange meeting as follows:CSE General Index 101.49 (0.33) Traded Value CYP 3,513,289 Sectural Indices Banks CYP 1,393,340 118.47 ( 0.34) Approved Investment Companies CYP 147,752 63.24 ( 0.68) Insurance Companies CYP 685,301 78.87 (-1.30) Manufacturing Companies CYP 259,963 95.39 ( 2.31) Tourism Companies CYP 240,132 77.87 (-0.03) Trading Companies CYP 168,484 46.92 (-0.02) Other Companies CYP 214,740 86.19 (-0.35)The third column presents the percentage variation of the indices as compared to the last meeting. CNA MCH/1999ENDS, CYPRUS NEWS AGENCY2010:CYPPRESS:04[03] EU Ambassador - Cyprus - ConferenceNicosia, Jan 29 (CNA) -- Head of the Delegation of the European Commission to Cyprus, Ambassador Donato Chiarini expressed the hope that Turkey will recognise the considerable benefits on all those living in Cyprus from the island's European Union (EU) membership.Chiarini was addressing a two-day Conference "Privatisation of Public Enterprises: The Prospects Ahead" which ended today in Nicosia. Referring to Cyprus' EU accession negotiations, Chiarini said 15 out of 31 chapters have already been covered, adding that Cyprus has submitted its negotiation positions of the last 16 chapters a long time before the expiration of the relevant deadline. That makes Cyprus "the best pupil in the class", he noted, pointing out that Cyprus has not requested any transitional period on the last 16 chapters, "which is again as an exception in favour of Cyprus". Referring to telecommunications, he said the chapter "remains open with the member-states having difficulty in accepting Cyprus' request for a one-year transitional period until the end of 2003 for full liberalisation". It must be said, however, that the liberalisation that Cyprus is being asked to introduce is in effect already in the EU, he said. The duration of the accession negotiations is difficult to predict as it depends on the complexity of the issues to be resolved, Chiarini noted, pointing out, however, that "it is obvious that the better the preparation and the faster the rate of adoption, the easier the negotiations". Each of the applicant countries will proceed according to "its degree of preparedness but equally to its capacity to implement effectively the acquis", he explained. Cyprus is "now at a stage where in many fields it can operate and should show that it is operating as if it is already a member-state", he added. Stressing the importance of effective preparation, he said "it would be self deceiving to ignore that because of the political situation in Cyprus the screening exercise has not unfortunately covered Cyprus as a whole". "The enlargement process and the UN-led effort for a satisfactory political settlement are two mutually reinforcing exercises", Chiarini said, and he expressed the hope that "Turkey will also recognise the considerable benefits which EU membership will entail on all those living in Cyprus". "We believe that the Turkish Cypriot participation in the accession negotiations is an important confidence building measure and this is why we have welcomed President Clerides' offer to the Turkish Cypriot community, and we are hoping strongly and expecting that it will be acted upon soon", he said. Referring to the free movement of people, goods, services and capital, which would apply to Cyprus as a result of accession, he said the two sides will be able "to agree among themselves as part of the political settlement whether the introduction of certain of these freedoms should be handled in a particular way or within a specific time frame". "The potential opportunities for a federal Cyprus within the Union will be limitless and will benefit both communities particularly the Turkish Cypriots more profoundly at least initially by lifting them out of isolation", he pointed out. Stressing that EU enlargement and deepening are "two faces of the same coin", he said "enlargement without deepening would not be possible". He said that the German Presidency "is preparing the structures of EU in order to make enlargement possible". Referring to the introduction of the EURO, he said it will lead to "higher growth, increased trade and greater investment". Cyprus President Glafcos Clerides has proposed to the Turkish Cypriot community to participate in the EU accession negotiations. It did not respond. Cyprus, along with Estonia, Hungary, Poland, Slovenia and the Czech Republic started substantive accession negotiations with the EU in November last year. Cyprus has been divided since 1974 when Turkish troops invaded the island and occupied 37 per cent of its territory. CNA GG/GP/1999ENDS, CYPRUS NEWS AGENCY2015:CYPPRESS:05[04] Kasoulides - PapandreouNicosia, Jan 29 (CNA) -- Cyprus and Greece agreed today to draft a memorandum of cooperation on Cyprus' European accession course, it was announced here today at a press conference by Foreign Minister Ioannis Kasoulides and Greece's Alternate Foreign Minister George Papandreou.Papandreou called on Turkey to encourage the Turkish Cypriots to join the Cypriot negotiating team in membership talks or assume responsibility. He also appeared critical about remarks by Britain's envoy for Cyprus, Sir David Hannay, relating to President Glafcos Clerides' moves on the Cyprus problem. "We have decided to draft out a memorandum of cooperation to define steps in our meetings and other chapters. This will help our services to be more effective," Papandreou, here at Kasoulides' invitation, told the press conference. He noted the Cyprus question is not an issue which Europe wishes to avoid but Europe's pivotal philosophy is to deal with a solution in Cyprus. "Cyprus' European course has given a new impetus to the Cyprus problem and this course is a big challenge for Turkey and the Turkish Cypriots," he added. He noted that now they are given the chance to join the EU as equal members with a safeguard of human rights. "If Turkey does not encourage the Turkish Cypriots to participate in the accession negotiations, that will be its responsibility," Papandreou said, noting that Cyprus may join the EU with or without a political settlement. In his remarks, Kasoulides pointed out that the accession process serves the efforts to reunite Cyprus, divided since Turkish troops invaded in 1974, and not the other way round. "We are not going to sacrifice to the altar of EU accession our national interests," the Minister stressed. Invited to comment on Hannay's remarks, Papandreou said "these were beyond and outside the framework of his capacity" and noted that Hannay cannot give Turkey the opportunity not to respond to calls from the UN Security Council. Britain, he added, had contributed a great deal in Cyprus' accession course and wondered whether Sir David is moving in this spirit. Sir David had hinted that President Clerides' decision not to deploy Russian anti-aircraft missiles in Cyprus and his letter to the UN Secretary- General saying he fully accepted resolutions 1218 and 1217 calling for a reduction of tension and backing the UN peace process were tantamount to political manoeuvering. The President dismissed the comments which he described as unfortunate. The Foreign Minister said Thursday's statement by the British Foreign Office that they support a bicommunal, bizonal federation and UN efforts "puts things in their place." Referring to a joint Greco-Cypriot defence pact, Papandreou assured that "it exists, it is functioning, will continue to operate and develop" and on his part Kasoulides said the pact aims to stop a possible fresh Turkish offensive against Cyprus. CNA AA/MM/MCH/1999ENDS, CYPRUS NEWS AGENCY2020:CYPPRESS:05[05] Clinton - Bi-monthly report - CyprusWashington, Jan 29 (CNA) -- US President, Bill Clinton, has expressed his administration's commitment to a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation in Cyprus.In his bi-monthly report to Congress on progress towards a negotiated settlement of the Cyprus question, covering the period October 1 to November 30, 1998, Clinton notes: "Following UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan's September 30 announcement of an initiative to reduce tensions and promote progress towards a just and lasting settlement, the UN launched shuttle talks between both communities in October." The US President points out that "during the reporting period, US officials urged the leaders of both Cypriot communities to support fully the UN initiative". Clinton says US officials "also underscored my Administration's commitment to finding a peaceful solution to the Cyprus dispute based on a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation". Turkey, whose troops occupy Cyprus' northern third since 1974, has ignored numerous UN resolutions envisaging the establishment of a Bi-zonal, bi-communal federation in Cyprus and calling for the withdrawal of Turkish troops from the island. CNA DA/MCH/GP/1999ENDS, CYPRUS NEWS AGENCYCNA ENDSCyprus News Agency: News in English Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |
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