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Cyprus News Agency: News in English (PM), 98-04-22

Cyprus News Agency: News in English Directory - Previous Article - Next Article

From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>


  • [01] Cyprus applies to join WEU
  • [02] Israeli FM Director General to visit Cyprus
  • [03] US trying to resume peace talks, Kasoulides says
  • [04] EuroMP asks Turkey to clarify its position
  • [05] Church Primate meets Greek army chief
  • [06] Australian MP backs efforts for Cyprus settlement
  • [07] Party leader to attend EDU meeting
  • [08] British end first day of training

  • 1510:CYPPRESS:01

    [01] Cyprus applies to join WEU

    Nicosia, Apr 22 (CNA) -- Cyprus has applied to the Western European Union (WEU) for associate partnership status, Foreign Minister Ioannis Kasoulides confirmed here today.

    He explained that the island's application was a result of the island's steps towards the European Union (EU).

    Cyprus, which applied for EU membership in July 1990, started accession talks with the Union on March 31, 1998.

    Speaking to the press after a cabinet meeting, Kasoulides noted that it is natural for a country already in accession talks with the EU, to seek a "proportional" position in the WEU.

    Clarifying the term "proportional", Kasoulides said Cyprus had applied for associate partnership status, which the WEU had offered the Central and Eastern European states.

    Kasoulides noted this development was expected to lead to stronger relations between the island and the WEU, which in turn would improve the prospects for the status of observer.

    The Foreign Minister revealed that Cyprus was having consultations with WEU since 1995.

    Based on the Brussels Treaty of 1948, the WEU was set up in 1955. It has 10 full members, while another 18 countries are linked through partnership and association agreements.

    Member-states seek to harmonise their views on security and defence questions.

    CNA GG/GP/1998

    [02] Israeli FM Director General to visit Cyprus

    Nicosia, Apr 22 (CNA) -- Eytan Bentsur, Director General of the Israeli Foreign Ministry, arrives in Cyprus on Friday for talks with the Cypriot government.

    Bentsur, who will visit Nicosia at the invitation of his Cypriot counterpart Alecos Shiambos, will see Foreign Minister Ioannis Kasoulides on Friday morning and then hold talks with Foreign Ministry officials.

    Bilateral issues and regional developments of mutual interest will be at the centre of discussions between the two ministries.

    Talks, on the basis of the existing political dialogue between the two countries, will aim at further improving mutual cooperation between Cyprus and Israel

    Bentsur, who will be accompanied by Raphael Schutz, Director of the European Affairs Division, and Dan Arbel, Counsellor at Bentsur's office, will also meet House of Representatives President, Spyros Kyprianou.

    On Friday afternoon he will give a press conference.

    He leaves on Saturday.

    CNA MM/MA/1998

    [03] US trying to resume peace talks, Kasoulides says

    Nicosia, Apr 22 (CNA) -- Foreign Minister Ioannis Kasoulides today confirmed that the present US effort in Cyprus aims at overcoming the deadlock in the peace process.

    He also called for restraint in statements criticising the US initiative, noting that the Americans are backing the Secretary-General's good offices mission in Cyprus.

    Asked if there are indications that the Turkish Cypriot leader has moved from his intransigent positions, after his meeting with the US State Department Cyprus Coordinator, Kasoulides said "unfortunately, not yet".

    Tom Miller was in Cyprus on Monday and met both President Glafcos Clerides and Rauf Denktash.

    On US efforts to resume the peace talks, Kasoulides said "if you don't try, how can you have results. They are at the stage where they are trying."

    "For the time being, we have not been informed of any change in Denktash's positions," he added.

    The Turkish Cypriot leader has said he will not participate in negotiations to settle the Cyprus problem unless his illegal regime in the Turkish occupied areas is recognised.

    The illegal entity in the areas occupied by Turkey since it invaded the island in 1974 is recognised only by Ankara and numerous UN resolutions call on all states not to recognise it.

    The Foreign Minister said the government views the US initiative with "good will", as the five UN Security Council permanent members must help the UN Secretary General in his effort to open the road for a settlement in Cyprus.

    He pointed out that the government has also welcomed Russian initiatives for a solution to the Cyprus problem.

    "We support the efforts of any Security Council member state that would bring about results," Kasoulides added.

    He also expressed disagreement with reservations by some parties "who cry wolf every time someone tries to break the deadlock in the Cyprus issue."

    According to CNA sources, the US is trying to come up with a formula to enable talks to resume with the participation of various interested parties.

    The same sources said the methodology to be used has not yet been discussed in depth.

    The US is not considering direct negotiation between President Clerides and Denktash, as in the past, and instead is focusing its attention on a discussion of the core issues of the Cyprus problem.

    The island's future constitution, security, territorial adjustments, sovereignty and guarantees are among the fundamental aspects of the Cyprus question.

    CNA GG/MA/MM/1998

    [04] EuroMP asks Turkey to clarify its position

    Nicosia, Apr 22 (CNA) -- European Parliament Socialist Group leader, Pauline Green, called on Turkey to clarify what it expects from the European Union and what it will do on its part to move closer to Europe.

    Green, who is the main speaker at a discussion organised today by socialist party EDEK on "European Union enlargement", also reiterated that the settlement of the Cyprus problem is not a precondition for the Republic's EU accession.

    "Of course the EU wants a good relationship with Turkey, it want to move closer to Turkey but it takes two to tango," the EuroMP said, noting that the Union's relationship with Turkey was clearly expressed at the Luxembourg summit.

    She stressed that the EU "needs Turkey as well to play its role in moving forward on the issues that currently separate us from them, that is democracy, human rights, the Kurdish question and predominantly of course the Cyprus issue."

    At its Luxembourg summit the EU had asked Turkey to commit itself to progress on these issues.

    Asked about her expectations from the June EU Cardiff summit, in relation to Turkey, Green said "we expect it to reiterate the need and the desire that Europe has for a closer relationship and say to Turkey the door is open, the ball is in your court."

    "We expect Turkey to say what it wants, what it is going to do and how it's going to move towards us," she added.

    Asked about Cyprus' prospects in view of the enlargement process that got underway in Brussels in March, Green described them as "excellent".

    "Negotiations began with Cyprus. As far as I am concerned this is the culmination of nine years of political work. It's the end of the first phase," the EuroMP said.

    Green pointed out she has worked hard within the European Parliament, the Cypriot community in London, and with EDEK so that accession negotiations could open.

    "Now we move on to the next phase which is to keep the momentum going in the negotiations, for Cyprus to join the Union, and to give political support to a solution to the Cyprus issue," she added.

    Asked if the division of Cyprus is an obstacle for EU accession, she replied: "Of course it doesn't make life easy."

    "We all want to see a solution to the national question here, that's in everyone's interest whether you be Greek Cypriot or Turkish Cypriot," Green said.

    However, she stressed that a solution "is not a precondition. Cyprus has opened negotiations and we must continue the momentum to the end. The negotiations will continue and Cyprus will join the EU."

    Replying to questions Green said that what everyone wants is a parallel process, that is EU negotiations and a solution to the Cyprus problem.

    CNA MA/MM/1998

    [05] Church Primate meets Greek army chief

    Nicosia, Apr 22 (CNA) -- Greek military Chief of Staff, Athanasios Tzoganis, today reassured that Greece will fulfill its obligations towards Cyprus and said the Greek army cooperates closely with the Cypriot forces.

    "As a guarantor power, Greece undertakes its obligations and will fulfill them if the need arises," he said after meeting the Primate of the Church of Cyprus, Archbishop Chrysostomos.

    Greece, along with Britain and Turkey, are the three guarantors of Cyprus' independence and sovereignty, according the Treaties by which the Republic of Cyprus was established in 1960.

    The Greek army chief said he listened carefully to the Archbishop's views.

    "I reassured him that the Greek army stands by the people of Cyprus and cooperates closely with its forces," he added.

    On his part, the Archbishop said Tzoganis' visit "proves the nation's interest in Cyprus and Cypriot Hellenism."

    He also expressed the hope that the Greek army "is always strong so that it can face the enemy."

    CNA MA/MM/1998

    [06] Australian MP backs efforts for Cyprus settlement

    Nicosia, Apr 22 (CNA) -- Australian Federal MP, Andreas Theophanous, has said efforts will continue to ensure that his country backs attempts to settle the Cyprus question.

    Speaking after a meeting with President Glafcos Clerides here today, he said efforts will be made so that the Australian government and Parliament have a more positive role in initiatives to reach a settlement in Cyprus, that must be based on UN resolutions.

    Theophanous said President Clerides briefed him on the latest developments in the Cyprus issue and they exchanged views.

    The Australian MP, of Cypriot origin, also called on the House of Representatives President, Spyros Kyprianou, who outlined his views on renewed efforts to settle the Cyprus problem.

    "The message that Mr. Kyprianou gave us is that in order to have results the fundamental aspects of the Cyprus question must be discussed and all parties must have the will for a settlement," he added.

    Theophanous pointed out that the Australian government and opposition have strong positions on the Cyprus issue and they support UN efforts for a settlement.

    He also welcomed the US initiative to resolve the Cyprus question.

    The Australian official said that Greek and Turkish Cypriots had met in his country in a bid to prove that they have the goodwill to live together and pointed out that a similar meeting should take place here.

    However, he said that for such a meeting to take place both sides must accept that a federation will be established in Cyprus.

    CNA MA/MM/1998

    [07] Party leader to attend EDU meeting

    Nicosia, Apr 22 (CNA) -- Nicos Anastasidades, leader of the ruling Democratic Rally party (DISY) leaves Cyprus for Salzburg, Austria, to participate in the 18th meeting of party leaders of the European Democratic Union (EDU), later this week.

    Party leaders will discuss European Union enlargement and the prospects for Europe's centre and centre-right parties.

    The meeting is expected to take important decisions on a common policy regarding economic matters, security issues and the fight against organised crime.

    On the sidelines of the meeting, Anastasiades will meet other party leaders from Christian Democrat and Conservative parties.

    Some 44 party leaders will attend the Salzburg meeting.

    CNA MM/MA/1998

    [08] British end first day of training

    Nicosia, Apr 22 (CNA) -- British troops, stationing in the two military bases Britain maintains on the island, ended their first day of training amid increasing protests from environmentalists and other groups.

    British Bases spokesman, Mervyn Jones, described today's training as "successful", whereas Cypriot deputy and outspoken critic of the presence of the bases, Marios Matsakis, said he would return to the training area tomorrow to try and disrupt the manoeuvres again.

    "Firing stopped at four in the afternoon and there were very few protesters," Jones told CNA, stressing that before firing there is a "safety sweep" to ensure nobody is put at risk.

    Matsakis told CNA that both he and others spent the day in the firing range area and said they were seen by the British troops as they trained.

    Jones underlined that "nobody was in any danger."

    Tomorrow, some 80 British soldiers will go back into the Akamas peninsula, in the western tip of the island considered unique for its flora and fauna, to conclude their two-day training.

    George Perdikis, representing the environmentalists, described the attitude of the British as "totally unacceptable because they knew there were people within the training area."

    Britain has retained two military bases in Cyprus since it granted the island its independence in 1960.

    CNA DP/MM/MA/1998
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