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Thursday, 19 December 2024
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Cyprus News Agency: News in English, 96-11-14Cyprus News Agency: News in English Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Cyprus News Agency at <http://www.cyna.org,cy>CONTENTS
1015:CYPPRESS:01[01] US Congressman pledges to work for Cyprus solutionNicosia, Nov 14 (CNA) -- US Democrat Congressman Ron Klink pledged to work hard for a solution to the long-standing Cyprus problem, urging the US administration to make efforts in this direction.Klink was received here today by President Glafcos Clerides. He was accompanied by Cypriot-American Philip Christopher, President of the International Coordinating Committee-Justice for Cyprus, and Panicos Papanicolaou, President of the Cyprus Federation of America. The US Congressman said he had a ''nice'' meeting with Clerides. ''The President gave us his ideas of what he would like to see occur,'' he added. ''We want to go back to the US and push on our own administration to do what is right'', he said. Klink said the US had promised to seek a peaceful solution to the Cyprus problem, after 22 years, expressing the hope that there will be a solution. ''I think for all of us to go back and to push and make sure this gets the kind of attention that it should have got many, many years ago,'' he said. The US Congressman said he will visit the demarcation line and see for himself ''what things look like.'' Asked if he believes President Clinton will keep his promises this time, Klink said the US President, like any leader of a superpower, ''has many thoughts in his plate''. He referred to a number of international and internal issues which trouble the US President. ''It's one thing when you have a war in Bosnia where thousands of people are being killed and you have got a situation in Cyprus which has gone on for 22 years. You had a few deaths this year, but essentially it has been a much quiter situation'', he said. Klink noted that the Democratic Party did not take control of the Congress thus complicating matters for Clinton. However, he acknowledged there is ''tremendous number of members of Congress... both Republicans and Democrats, who are supportive of the Hellenic side on this issue. Hopefully we will be able to push for the President to act more sooner than later and that this situation will not go away,'' Klink remarked. The only reason he is in Cyprus, he added, so soon after his re-election, is because the Cyprus issue ''is extremely important to him. It is a very real and very meaningful issue in my heart. You have our support and pledge to make sure that his takes as much a pre-eminent position on the President's plate as we can possibly force it''. Turkish troops have been occupying 37 per cent of Cyprus territory since 1974, in violation of repeated UN resolutions calling for their withdrawal. CNA EC/GP/1996ENDS, CYPRUS NEWS AGENCY1200:CYPPRESS:02[02] President Clerides receives US officialNicosia, Nov 14 (CNA) -- The efforts to be made towards a comprehensive solution of the Cyprus problem were discussed Thursday morning between President Glafcos Clerides and Carey Cavanaugh, Director of the US State Department Office for Southern European Affairs.Cavanaugh, who heads a team of US high-ranking officials that arrived here last night for talks on Cyprus, described the discussion he had with President Clerides as ''useful.'' ''We looked at both efforts that can be made to working on a comprehensive settlement and also improve efforts that can be made in the near future to decrease tension on the ground,'' he said. The US official expressed concern about the developments in the past few months on the island and about ''what may happen in the upcoming few days,'' he added. Turkish troops and extremists brutally murdered four unarmed Greek Cypriots in the past four months. Anti-occupation events will climax tomorrow, 13th anniversary of the unilateral declaration of independence in the Turkish-occupied northern part of Cyprus, recognised only by Turkey. ''I am pleased to see that in fact steps seem to have been taken by all sides to help eliminate the prospects of tension,'' the US official noted. Among those present at the Presidential Palace meeting were Cyprus Foreign Minister Alecos Michaelides and US Ambassador to Cyprus Kenneth Brill. Cavanaugh is accompanied by Gwenyth Todd, Cyprus Desk Officer at the Office of International Security Affairs of the US Defence Department, John Schmidt, Director of European Affairs at the US National Security Council, and Siria Lopez, Cyprus Desk Officer at the State Department Office of Southern European Affairs. After meeting President Clerides, the US team held talks with Michaelides. Later in the day they will cross into the Turkish-occupied areas for talks with Turkish Cypriot leader Rauf Denktash. Cavanaugh said on his arrival Wednesday night that the primary purpose of their visit here is to reinforce the commitment of the US administration to working on pursuing a comprehensive Cyprus settlement. CNA AP/GP/1996ENDS, CYPRUS NEWS AGENCY1415:CYPPRESS:03[03] Cyprus Stock ExchangeNicosia, Nov 14 (CNA) -- The Cyprus Stock Exchange (CSE) All Share Index closed at today's stock exchange meeting as follows:CSE All Share Index 82.85 (-0.11) Sectural Indices Banks 91.57 (-0.11) Approved Investment Companies 75.70 (-0.53) Insurance Companies 60.03 (+0.35) Industrial Companies 81.41 (-0.66) Tourist Industries 72.25 (-0.43) Commercial Companies 63.42 (+1.07) Other Companies 75.45 (+0.07) Trading Volume CYP 695235.620* The difference in brackets represents the percentage increase (+) or decrease (-) of the index from the previous stock exchange meeting. CNA GP/1996ENDS, CYPRUS NEWS AGENCY1725:CYPPRESS:04[04] Cabinet names members for Investigatory CommitteeNicosia, Nov 14 (CNA) -- The Council of Ministers named today the members of a Committee to investigate alleged tender irregularities concerning the Electricity Authority of Cyprus (EAC).The decision comes after the sacking last week of the Board of Directors of the semi-government organisation by the Cabinet. A new nine-member Board chaired by businessman Costas Constantinides was appointed. The Investigatory Committee is made up of Legislative Commissioner, George Stavrinakis, Accountant General Leontios Savvides and District Officer, George Charalampides. The names of the three-member Committee were announced by Acting Government Spokesman Spyros Arotis, after the weekly Council of Ministers session, under President Glafcos Clerides. Arotis said the investigation concerns a multi-million-pound tender for the supply of turbines and boilers for the new power plant at Vassiliko. The Committee will have the power, if allowed by the Council of Ministers, to examine other tenders or malpractice committed by EAC officials or other persons involved in the process of tenders. The conclusions of the Investigatory Committee will be submitted to the Council of Ministers as soon as possible. CNA MCH/GP/1996ENDS, CYPRUS NEWS AGENCY1745:CYPPRESS:05[05] Cypriot students ask Peace Nobel Prize Winners to helpNicosia, Nov 14 (CNA) -- Cypriot Secondary Education students have asked the 1996 Peace Nobel Prize Winners, Bishop Felipe Himenes Bello and Hose Ramos Horta, to support a just solution to the Cyprus problem.In a letter, the students of Kykko B' Lyceum of Nicosia congratulate the two ''peace fighters'', and draw a parallel between East Timor and Cyprus, appealing for support in the demand of the people of Cyprus to live peacefully together. ''We ask for your support in our struggle for the solution of the problem of our country which bears many resemblances to your own problem'', the students say, noting that they live in a divided city and are unable to visit the Turkish-occupied part of their country. ''Only you can feel our pain and embrace our struggle'', the students note, stressing that in Cyprus ''peace is being killed every day.'' ''Please be our allies in our demand to live in our country peacefully together with our legitimate compatriots'', the students conclude, expressing the hope that ''the strong voices of the just can convert the souls of the unjust.'' Cyprus has been divided since the 1974 Turkish invasion which has resulted in the occupation of 37 per cent of the Republic's territory and the displacement of one third (200.000) its population. Horta stated last month that Turkey's illegal occupation of part of Cyprus is ''absolutely unacceptable''. Speaking to the Melbourne-based multi-national radio station, SBS, Horta said the Cyprus question and the problem of East Timor, which Indonesia annexed in 1975, are similar. CNA MCH/GP/1996ENDS, CYPRUS NEWS AGENCY1840:CYPPRESS:06[06] President Clerides hopes for successful initiativeNicosia, Nov 14 (CNA) -- The Cyprus government pins great hopes on the new initiative expected to be launched by the US, Britain and the European Union (EU) at the beginning of next year.This was stated here today by President Glafcos Clerides, in a message on the 13th anniversary (November 15, 1983) of the unilateral declaration of independence (UDI) by the Turkish occupation regime, in the northern part of the island, recognised only by Turkey. UN Security Council resolution 541 of 1984 deplored the Turkish Cypriot UDI and branded it ''legally invalid''. Stressing that ''great hopes'' are pinned on the new initiative expected to be launched, President Clerides referred to the studious, methodical preparation of the Cyprus government ''so as to respond with courage, imagination and responsibility to the new initiative'', which it fervently wishes to be successful. President Clerides pointed out however, that, ''it is not enough that our side alone desires a solution'', adding that ''the Turkish side should also genuinely want it.'' ''I believe that now is the time for foreigners who are interested in Cyprus to help, so that when the time comes for direct negotiations, the Turkish side will have the political will it is lacking'', President Clerides added. Referring to the actual declaration of the separatist entity, 13 years ago, President Clerides noted that by recognizing the illegal pseudo-state, Turkey has violated ''not only the UN resolutions but also the Treaty of Guarantee, whereby Greece, Turkey and Britain, guarantee, inter alia, the territorial integrity of the Republic of Cyprus.'' He also stressed that in this way, Turkey, ''in essence blocks a solution to the Cyprus problem, as the UN Secretary-General himself pointed out in his report of May 30, 1994.'' President Clerides noted the sincere cooperation of the Cyprus government, with the representatives of the UN Secretary-General, the permanent members of the UN Security Council and the EU in search of a solution to ''the benefit of all the legitimate citizens of Cyprus, Greek Cypriots, Turkish Cypriots, Maronites, Armenians and Latins.'' Concluding his message President Clerides stressed that all events planned to denounce the Turkish UDI will have to abide by government policies, which have been formulated taking into account the views of the National Council. He also expressed the hope that next year ''we may celebrate the reunification of Cyprus.'' Turkish troops have been occupying 37 per cent of Cyprus territory since 1974, in violation of repeated UN resolutions calling for their withdrawal. CNA MCH/GP/1996ENDS, CYPRUS NEWS AGENCY1650:CYPPRESS:07[07] Clerides discuss security issues with US officialLarnaca, Nov 14 (CNA) -- Security issues in a future federal Cyprus were discussed here today by President Glafcos Clerides and Director of the US State Department Office of Southern European Affairs Carey Cavanaugh.This was revealed by President Clerides at Larnaca International Airport before his departure for Rome, Italy, to attend a UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) Summit Conference. President Glafcos Clerides will address the FAO Conference on Saturday. On the sidelines of the Conference, he will have meetings with other state leaders. He will return to Cyprus on Sunday. The Cypriot President said he exchanged views with Cavanaugh on issues concerning the proposed demilitarisation of Cyprus and the creation of an international force to be stationed on the island, as well as the issue of future guarantees. He said he also discussed a ''thought'' of Cavanaugh, that both Greek and Turkish Cypriots should refrain from any actions that might create tension so that constructive discussions can take place once the new initiative on Cyprus is launched. The indirect military dialogue between the National Guard and the Turkish occupation forces, as proposed by the UN Peace-keeping force in Cyprus (UNFICYP), was also discussed, while the two men exchanged views aimed to create a ''mild climate'' in Cyprus. Answering a relevant question, President Clerides stressed that there was no discussion concerning National Guard military exercises, noting at the same time that he had pointed out to Cavanaugh that the Cyprus-Greece joint defence pact will continue for as long as Turkish occupation troops remain on the island. Asked whether he will send a second letter to US President Bill Clinton, President Clerides said this will be done when he has a full picture as to the nature of the US initiative expected to be launched at the beginning of 1997. Cyprus has been divided since 1974, when Turkish troops invaded and occupied 37 per cent of its territory. CNA TA/MCH/GP/1996ENDS, CYPRUS NEWS AGENCY1945:CYPPRESS:08[08] Cyprus, Poland sign legal cooperation agreementNicosia, Nov 14 (CNA) -- Cyprus and Poland signed here today an agreement on legal cooperation in civil and criminal matters.The agreement was signed on behalf of Cyprus by Justice and Public Order Minister, Alecos Evangelou, and on behalf of Poland by Secretary of the State of the Polish Ministry of Justice, Grzegorz Ciecierski. The agreement regulates bilateral cooperation in issues concerning the recognition and execution of court decisions, legal and court protection, the delivery of legal documents, and court appearance of witnesses and experts. Both sides praised the signing of the agreement, saying that it will contribute to the further promotion of the friendly relations between the two states. The Polish official leaves Cyprus tomorrow. CNA MCH/GP/1996ENDS, CYPRUS NEWS AGENCY2025:CYPPRESS:09[09] US official stresses need for reduction of tensionNicosia, Nov 14 (CNA) -- The need to reduce tension in Cyprus, which seems to have escalated in recent months, was stressed here today by Carey Cavanaugh, Director of the Office of Southern European Affairs of the US State department.Speaking after a meeting this afternoon with Acting President and House of Representatives President Spyros Kyprianou, Cavanaugh described the situation in Cyprus, in recent months as ''more difficult''. He noted that if steps for the reduction of tension were taken ''they will provide not only a greater sense of security, but actual security on the island and that is important.'' Cavanaugh described his meeting with Kyprianou as ''very useful'' and said they reviewed many of the issues he discussed with President Glafcos Clerides, Foreign Minister Alecos Michaelides and Turkish Cypriot leader Rauf Denktash, earlier today. He said he discussed during his meetings ''efforts that can be made to help pursue a comprehensive settlement on the island of Cyprus and steps that can be taken to help reduce tensions''. He described his visit as ''very useful'' and ''productive''. Asked about his meeting with Denktash, he said it ''followed in many ways the meeting we had with President Clerides, a very strong focus on a comprehensive settlement, the types of things that will be needed to move towards that and the emphasis on security questions and how they would be addressed.'' He added that a number of concrete measures put forward by the UN in an attempt to reduce tension on the island were also discussed. Answering a relevant question, Cavanaugh said ''different ideas were expressed by each side as to how to bring about the outcome I think everyone desires and we continue to work to find ways to bridge those differences.'' Asked whether there will be concrete results on the issues of demilitarisation and unmanning until December, Cavanaugh expressed ''the US view that these steps should be taken as quickly as possible to find a way through these tensions.'' On his part, Kyprianou said Cavanaugh listened carefully and seemed positively inclined to the idea of demilitarisation of Cyprus. Kyprianou noted that ''a solution to the Cyprus problem should secure the unity of the island and the people, because only in this way will common interests between Greek and Turkish Cypriots be created'', adding that ''this would be the best guarantee for future developments, for prosperity and peace.'' He also stressed that Turkish settlers should not be granted any rights and that pressure should be exercised against Turkey to abandon its intransigent position so that progress can be made towards a settlement of the Cyprus problem. Turkish troops have been occupying 37 per cent of Cyprus territory since 1974, in violation of repeated UN resolutions calling for their withdrawal. CNA RG/MCH/GP/1996ENDS, CYPRUS NEWS AGENCY2040:CYPPRESS:10[10] Cyprus Parliament denounces Turkish UDINicosia, Nov 14 (CNA) -- The Cyprus House of Representatives strongly denounced this afternoon the unilateral declaration of independence (UDI), in the Turkish-occupied part of Cyprus, 13 years ago.The 56-member Parliament called on all parliaments in the world to exert their influence until justice is prevailed in Cyprus, which has been divided since 1974, when Turkish troops invaded and occupied 37 per cent of its territory. Nine years after the Turkish invasion, on November 15, 1983, the occupation regime declared independence, which was strongly deplored by the UN Security Council through its resolution 541 of 1984. Only Turkey has recognised the illegal entity. Acting House President Nicos Anastasiades told the plenary session that the Turkish UDI constituted an additional step by Turkey to consolidate the faits accomplis created by its 1974 invasion, as part of its expansionist policy. President Glafcos Clerides, Education and Culture Minister Claire Angelidou and all Cypriot political parties issued statements today condemning the Turkish secessionist act, branded ''legally invalid'' by the United Nations. A series of anti-occupation demonstrations and other events continued throughout the day. They will climax tomorrow with gatherings and marches. CNA GP/1996ENDS, CYPRUS NEWS AGENCYCyprus News Agency: News in English Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |
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