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Albanian Telegraphic Agency (ATA), 99-12-31

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From: The Albanian Telegraphic Agency (ATA) Home Page at <>

Albanian Telegraphic Agency


  • [01] Master Dervishi, winner of open international chess tournament in Italy - Chess
  • [02] Snow make difficult movement of vehicles in some areas of Albania
  • [03] UNMIK opens formally airport of Gjakova
  • [04] Hundreds of Albanian fellows to study abroad
  • [05] Rexhep Meidani addresses New Year greetings to Albanian people
  • [06] Albania 'privileged' against millennium bug
  • [07] "Emiljano" ship rescued 12 miles from Durres shores
  • [08] Weather forecast for Saturday

  • [01] Master Dervishi, winner of open international chess tournament in Italy - Chess

    DURRES, Dec. 31 (ata) - By Gezim Kabashi: The Great International Master of Chess, Erald Dervishi, from the city of Durres, was declared on Thursday winner of the open international tournament held in the region of Friuli-Venice-Giulias (Italy).

    From Dec. 25-30, Dervishi tested the strength of mind in front of nearly 90 chessmen, 13 of whom are Great International Masters, 12 others International Masters and some scores of others Masters of FIDE.

    At the end of the tournament, the 20 year old Master collected 5 points and won 5 matches, thus losing the match versus the Great Master from Croatia.

    Dervishi, who studies law in the University of Padova, second year, said on Friday that at the end of this activity his coefficient ELO is added with 15 other points, while after three days, on January 2 of the coming year, he will take part in the international open tournament of Verona.

    On Monday, Erald Dervishi was declared in a ceremony held in his birthplace "Man of the Century" in the field of sport in Durres. /lh/xh/

    D'Arc Avenue 23, Tirana, Albania E-Mail:

    Albanian Telegraphic Agency

    [02] Snow make difficult movement of vehicles in some areas of Albania

    TIRANE, Dec. 31 (ata) - By Th Thanasi: Snow has made difficult the movement of vehicles on the roads of some districts of northeastern, southern and southeastern zones, sources from traffic police in the Public Order Ministry reported on Friday.

    According to these sources, difficulties are encountered in the traffic in the districts of Puka, Kukes, Diber, Bulqize, Pogradec, Korce and Kolonje, which are covered by snow, which continues to fall also today.

    In the present situation, the drivers on those roads must have chains for their vehicles, the sources said.

    The Qafa e Malit which links Puka with Kukes is now the place with the greatest difficulties for the traffic. /lh/xh/

    D'Arc Avenue 23, Tirana, Albania E-Mail:

    Albanian Telegraphic Agency

    [03] UNMIK opens formally airport of Gjakova

    PRISHTINE, Dec. 31 (ata) - UNMIK opens officially the airport of Gjakova, Kosova information sources report on Friday.

    Italian military engineers who have been working in this project since mid-August, have rehabilitated the runway, have expanded it and reconstructed the airport building.

    At the beginning, the airport will be exploited to ensure logistic for KFOR, while in spring, the runway will be further expanded so that it can allow the landing of planes carrying humanitarian aid. /lh/xh/

    D'Arc Avenue 23, Tirana, Albania E-Mail:

    Albanian Telegraphic Agency

    [04] Hundreds of Albanian fellows to study abroad

    TIRANE, Dec 31 (ATA)- By P.Shuteriqi,Hundreds of Albanian fellows will carry out university studies or get specialized in different branches of European and U.S. universities, the Ministry of Education and Science (MES) reports.

    The Albanian Ministry of Education in framework of the joint agreements and in cooperation with the respective bodies of different world countries and several foreign foundations and associations has enabled many students to carry out studies abroad as well as to attend various post- university short-term and middle-term courses.

    "Turkey is the country which has offered the greatest number of scholarships this year, some 25 university and 4 post university scholarships", the head of the foreign relations in MES, Artan Canaj, told ATA.

    During the '99-2000 academic year, Poland and Russia have also offered scholarships for university and post-university studies to the Albanian students, 20 and 10 scholarships respectively, while five Albanian students study in Romania and four in Hungaria.

    Italy, Greece, Egypt, Romania and Bulgaria have also accorded many scholarships during this year, which are of individual nature. In the meantime many other pupils and students have attained scholarships in private ways in other European countries or in the U.S.. /dast/so/

    D'Arc Avenue 23, Tirana, Albania E-Mail:

    Albanian Telegraphic Agency

    [05] Rexhep Meidani addresses New Year greetings to Albanian people

    Honourable compatriots wherever you are!

    It is both a special occasion and a pleasure for me that on the eve of the year 2000, this millennium's end and the beginning of the new Century and Millennium, to greet the whole of the great Albanian family and wish it happiness and prosperity.

    Dear compatriots,

    Today we are separating from almost the most zigzag century of our ancient history, but also from the most glorious period of our consolidation as a nation, formation as a state, of civilising definition and orientation in the European family, of dignified and without setback ranking among the great democratic and progressive community of the nations.

    The Albanian people closed a very difficult but at the same time a decisive year of uncountable values for its common future. The martyred Kosova once again was hit by the bloody hand of the chauvinists, but this was also the end of a bloody anti-Albanian policy. For Kosova the New Century marks the beginning of life of the Kosovar brothers and sisters in freedom and independence. And this thanks to the sacrifice of its sons and daughters, to the Kosova Liberation Army, to the total and human engagement of NATO, the U.S. and the most advanced and powerful democratic countries, to the international solidarity, to the respect for the sacred universal values of humankind from the civilised world.

    Precisely for this, today, more than ever, is the solemn occasion to pay homage to all those distinguished figures of our nation who rendered their contribution, fought and sacrificed themselves for the sake of independence and freedom in the Albanian lands, for the culture and knowledge of the Albanian world, for the progress and welfare in the Albanian hearths, for the freedom and democracy in the Albanian families, for a secure, civilising and integrating future.

    We should be proud and conscious of our ancient history. This history is a foundation, another motive to make us conscious of and responsible for the future, as individuals and as a nation, for the century-long aspiration of the Albanian people for national identity and unity.

    Sisters and brothers!

    Our people today are finally marching ahead, towards progress and integration, creation of a free society and consolidation of the market economy. I wish with all my heart that we together support this march to the New Century, with the feeling of human and national solidarity, with the feeling of service to the new, the right, the citizenship and building of an Albanian inseparable and unshakeable community.

    I wish and believe that our people, both ancient and vital, will show in this new millennium their will and determination to build a modern, democratic and social rule of law, a civil society to be dominated by tolerance, freedom of the individual, coexistence and understanding.

    I wish and believe that our Homeland hears no more crackles of blood-feud arms fire but that the Bell of Peace tolls instead. I wish there is respect for life, commitment to defend human dignity, commitment to the prosperity of the whole nation, to peace and social solidarity, respect for the constitutional order in the fight without compromise against the forces of destruction, darkness, regress, crime and chaos.

    The world is embarking on the third millennium with a code of defined values and with a tendency of solidarity and a community of interlacing and coordinating norms named globalism. Albania and the Albanians are part of this tendency, not only in the economic and financial aspect, but also in the political and institutional, social and cultural aspect, civil society and other aspects.

    Albania today is a worthy member of the United Nations and of all international organisations for cooperation and security, partner of the U.S. and the European Union; it has embarked on the road of integration into the big family of the Eur.-Atlantic alliance. All our efforts for democracy and progress have and will enjoy the aid of our foreign partners. This is a continuous process of cooperation which changes both in quantity and quality, contingent upon our engagement as a state, society and people, far from sick political passions and irresponsible prejudices and "fevers".

    But we also are a nation that is deeply convinced that justice, peace, harmony, cooperation among nations, ethnic groups, races, religions are the real values of humankind. This has made Albania a worthy partner of all international and regional initiatives which intend peace, understanding and cooperation. The stability Pact for Southeastern Europe is for us the symbol of these principles which we trust in, develop and defend.

    We hope that for the Balkans this century is no more the century of the "powder keg", but the century of peace, human solidarity and understanding. This will be attained through the democratic changes, full establishment of human justice and freedom, economic development and improvement of the living standards, respect for the fundamental human rights and freedoms and abolition of the dictatorial regimes of any kind, but also of anachronic mentalities of conjectural superiority, of political, individual or collective megalomania, mutual lack of respect or nationalist jealousy which is "fruitless" and without future.

    Honourable compatriots,

    We all together wish Albania and our nation a prosperous new year, a new century of the Great Hope, which turns over a new leaf in the efforts of the Albanians for more unity, peace, love, development and prosperity.

    Once again: Happy New Year! A good beginning for the new century and the third millennium! Successes and welfare in your families! /lm/

    D'Arc Avenue 23, Tirana, Albania E-Mail:

    Albanian Telegraphic Agency

    [06] Albania 'privileged' against millennium bug

    TIRANE, Dec 31 (ATA)- By G.Dilaveri,The problem of date changing in the last night of this century, otherwise called 'millennium bug', which has thrown into confusion the whole computerized world does not constitute a problem for Albania.

    "This, only because the computerized systems have been included in Albania only during the last 10-year period. They belong to such a technology that do not constitute problems of changing the date, be this programmed or manual", the engineer of the Albanian Telegraphic Agency, Bardhyl Vila, says.

    "Once the date is changed by the beginning of 2000, everything will go on normally without the slightest problem", he points out.

    The most developed world countries, which carry out, through computerized systems, supplying with electricity of the population and several other processes of vital importance, are very anxious about the change of 00:00 hour of December 31, 1999.

    In these countries the total value of the expenses to overcome this problem, according to foreign agencies, ranks second after the one utilized during World War II. /dast/so/

    D'Arc Avenue 23, Tirana, Albania E-Mail:

    Albanian Telegraphic Agency

    [07] "Emiljano" ship rescued 12 miles from Durres shores

    DURRES, Dec 31 (ATA)-By G. Kabashi, An Albanian ship was rescued from sinking on Friday midday some 12 miles from Durres shores.

    Sources from the 28th maritime group, "Emiljano", around 25 m long, and a capacity of 110 tons, which had set sail without cargo from the Italian port of Barlete to Durres one day ago, suffered a breakdown.

    After a SOS signal, the port's command office of Durres asked the aid of the 28th Maritime Group and of the Guardia di Finanza Mission in the Durres port.

    Two ships of the Italian Navy and a speedboat of Guardia di Finanza, arrived immediately in the area, rescuing the five persons of the crew and anchoring the ship in Durres port, where they arrived at around 13.30. /dast/lm/

    D'Arc Avenue 23, Tirana, Albania E-Mail:

    Albanian Telegraphic Agency

    [08] Weather forecast for Saturday

    TIRANE, Dec 31 (ATA)-During Saturday, January 1, 2000, Albania will continue to remain under the influence of a cold air mass.

    The weather is forecast to be cloudy. The wind will blow lightly from the North. The lowest and highest temperatures are forecast to be: in the mountainous areas -7 and three degrees Celsius, in flatlands two and eight degrees and in the shore four and ten degrees Celsius. /dast/lm/

    D'Arc Avenue 23, Tirana, Albania E-Mail:

    From the Albanian Telegraphic Agency (ATA) Home Page at

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