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Albanian Telegraphic Agency (ATA), 98-01-18Albanian Telegraphic Agency Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Albanian Telegraphic Agency (ATA) Home Page at <http://www.telpress.it/ata>Albanian Telegraphic AgencyCONTENTS
[01] Press review (part one)TIRANE, Jan 18 (ATA) - Arms-trafficking when the DP was in power is one of the topics covered in some of the Sunday papers.Koha Jone writes that for the first time, Albanian President Sali Berisha accepted openly on Saturday the arms-trafficking during the time he was at the head of the Albanian state, in a news conference in Hotel Rogner in Tirane. "I accept that we have made a legal arms-trafficking," said DP leader before reporters, without trying to deny the fact that the arms have been traded in Ruanda or Bosnia-Herzegovina, which during that period were at war. On the same question, the newspaper Shekulli writes that Berisha had hurried to say that "Investigations should go to the end to bring to light who has carried out a legal arms trading and who has been involved in trafficking." According to Koha Jone, the former head of the Albanian state thinks that every act has been made conformed to the law and none of the international conventions has been violated. But, Shekulli continues, the democrat leader did not explain the destination of the sold weapons. "This seems to have been hung in the neck of the former Defence Minister, Zhulali, " writes the same paper, stressing that "they both risk to be sent to the Hague Court because Perikli Teta (actually State Defence Secretary) has threatened that he has documents proving their involvement in the arms smuggling." Under the title "Two million dollars in pockets," newspaper Zeri i Popullit explains what is made with the money from the arms trafficking. "The documents have been accumulated by the Defence Ministry and it is a matter of hours their transfer to the General Attorney's office which will start inquiries which may bring about the first penal prosecutions for former senior officials of the past government," Koha Jone reports. Newspaper Albania writes in this regard that former president of Albania denied categorically yesterday that Albania might have been involved in illegal arms-trafficking under DP's ruling. "The General Attorney's Office is dealing with politics - has said Berisha referring to the declarations of some officials of the General Attorney's Office. /s./sh/xh/ (more) Albanian Telegraphic Agency[02] Press review (part two)TIRANE, Jan 18 (ATA) - "Berisha violated the Constitution: he should be brought to court." Under this title Gazeta Shqiptare writes of the indictment which reached on Saturday the office of the Attorney General, Arben Rakipi, by the Defence Ministry which demands the opening of a penal case for Sali Berisha, Safet Zhulali, Halit Shamata, Bashkim Gazidede, Sheme Kosova and for 16 high officers of the Military hierarchy of the period when Safet Zhulali was Defence Minister."One of the biggest charges facing in the future Berisha and others, the article continues, are "their acts which have ruined the defence potential of the country and have created conditions for the intervention of foreign forces," envisaged by Article 211 of the Penal Code. A grave charge is also that "for grave physical damages and activity which is considered a genocide and consequently, criminal activity," envisaged by Article 73 of the Penal Code. The member of the Commission on Defence Ngjela and laywer Braho have confirmed that the indictment has been officially sent to the Attorney's General office. Some of the proofs listed in the 9 page indictment of the defence Ministry sent to General Attorney Rakipi, with the charges by that Ministry, according to Gazeta Shqiptare, are: "Confrontation of some zones of the country with some other of its zones, granting of competence to the general commander of the Armed Forces to engage the army in illegal and unconstitutional acts, and successive orders of Berisha to use the army to support the public order." After other illegal acts are mentioned, among which the transition of competence to the People's Assembly and violation of the law on this competence with decisions this Assembly took in February and March, the newspaper stresses that "The Defence Ministry holds that Berisha has gravely violated the basic principles of the security and defence through the creation of an internal threat in the country." The whole indictment, the paper writes in conclusion, carries reliable charges and facts for Berisha and a number of senior generals, who have obeyed blindly the orders from the Presidency and ministries of that time, that in those moments took the direction of the state. /s.sh./xh/ (more) Albanian Telegraphic Agency[03] Press Review (Part 3)TIRANE, Jan 18 (ATA) - The successful two-day visit of Albanian Prime Minister Fatos Nano to Macedonia which ended on Saturday, makes one of the headlines of the Sunday dailies."A different Balkans, after the European pattern, with a new philosophy and spirit seems to be projected between official Tirane and Shkoplje," writes Zeri i Popullit. Based on the considerations for this visit on Saturday by the government spokesman, Ben Blushi and political aide, Vladimir Prela, the newspaper underlines as important also the talks on economic issues between the Albanian party and the Macedonian one, which led to the signing of some agreements. "A new wind of inter-government relations and elimination of old prejudices on inter-ethnic relations," is the way how the visit of Nano to Macedonia has been described by his aides in a news conference, writes Gazeta Shqiptare. "Albania has demanded the guarantee of equal rights between the Albanians and the Macedonian population," Blushi stressed the demand of the Albanian PM in the high ranking meetings in Macedonia, pointing out the "predisposition and readiness of the Macedonian party regarding this point." To this end, Blushi said that there are needed a short period of time and only some decisions or laws by the Macedonian parliament. A positive factor in the improvement of the rights of the Albanians in Macedonia is the very political class there, said Prela. "It sees the establishment of the rule of law conformed to the European standards in which the nationals will all be equal before the law," he stressed. Newspaper Koha Jone stresses that a step forward was considered the creation of the Albanian Faculty of Pedagogy in the context of the University "Cirili and Metodi" of Skoplje. In regard to this question, Prela said in the news conference that "The Macedonian Prime Minister, Crvenkovski, had agreed that Albania send there teaching programs and teachers to help the Faculty of Pedagogy of Skoplje." Blushi, according to the same paper, mentioned as important achievements "the agreement signed by Nano and Cervenkovski for the international transport of goods and passengers, through Albania and Macedonia." The agreement will facilitate the conditions for the initiative "Corridor 8" which included the highway from Durres to Istanbul. The successful visit of the Albanian PM to Macedonia has been considered differently by Rilindja demokratike. According to it, "Nano used the visit to Macedonia to offend once more half of the Albanians living outside the borders." /s./sh/xh/ Albanian Telegraphic Agency[04] Creativeness to be steering wheel in Albanian Telegraphic AgencyTIRANE, Jan 18 (ATA) - By Keida Kostreci: Since January 1, 1998, the structure of the Albanian Telegraphic Agency (ATA) has improved by installing in its basis reporting creativeness and translation; while the technical sector and administration are factors which support this creativeness."On the basis of this structure, the administration is separated from the sector of reporting; whereas the technical sector will be modernized and improved after contemporary standards," said Frrok Çupi, General Director of ATA. In addition, the system of payments will not be based any longer on the formal values such as for instance, the presence at work, but it will be based on and will stimulate the quality of the reporting material and translation. The Home News Department, the Economic sector and the Foreign News Service Department will be the fundamental pillars in the ATA. The number of stories in a day in the Home News Department has tripled as compared with some time ago, whereas the sport service has become daily. "Now we are working to improve the news and, in cooperation with other agencies, will establish direct relations with foreign subscribers across the world," said Çupi. A contribution by the Greek News Agency, ANA, realised through a bilateral agreement signed with ATA, has enabled that photo service in ATA be transmitted through monitor. The director of the ATA Technical Department, Bardhyl Vila, said that photos from foreign newspapers and subscribers will be received the same way as the news from modem service are directly transmitted. The direct relationship of ATA with foreign agencies is putting at the disposal of subscribers also photos from these agencies. All this is based on a professional work where reporting will continue be the main pillar. /mima/xh/ Albanian Telegraphic Agency[05] A CE delegation visits TiraneTIRANE, Jan 18 (ATA) - By Eva Allushi: A high ranking delegation of the Council of Europe (CE) consisting of political director Furer and other functionaries of Strasbourg, is visiting Tirana on Sunday.A nearness in the concepts and practices of Albanian policy with the European ones is the focus of the mission of the European delegation. The CE envoys will monitor the level of the democratic stability in Albania following the June 29, 1997 elections and any progress made towards the cooperation between the political parties in this country. The members of the delegation will hold on Sunday in Hotel Rogner meetings with CE representatives in Albania and with officials of OSCE in Tirane. After observing the situation, the CE delegation is expected to make its suggestions on questions preoccupying the Albanian policy. The parliamentary majority hopes that the arrival of Europe's officials will help change the stance of the opposition and concretely of DP, because actually it is not cooperating with the ruling coalition on very important projects that the later has undertaken to realise during its mandate. On Monday, the CE delegations will have a number of meetings with senior local authorities, including President Meidani and Prime Minister Nano. /s.sh/mima/xh/ Albanian Telegraphic Agency[06] Secretary General of Balli Kombetar party against earlier electionsSHKODER, Jan 18 (ATA) - By Myfit Malja: The Secretary General of Balli Kombetar party Aleko Gjergo told a news conference on Sunday in the city of Shkoder that party was against the demand of the Democratic Party of Sali Berisha for the organization of fresh elections."We have openly declared that we do not cooperate with DP, which caused the tragedy in February - March last year," said Gjergo. He said that the government must be given time to work, to come out of the situation and to stabilize the public order. Gjergo had some meetings with affiliates of this party in the districts of Shkoder, Puke and Malesi e Madhe. /s.s/mima/xh/ Albanian Telegraphic Agency[07] Businessmen of Emilia Romanas have concrete projects for VloreVLORE, Jan 18 (ATA) - By H Koci: The region of Emilia Romanas, among the largest and richest in neighbouring Italy, will be in the future a partner of southern city of Vlore, sources of the municipality of this city told ATA.A delegation of businessmen from Emilia Romana has visited Vlore to determine the fields of cooperation and today it presented the first projects. "The construction of a school in Vlore and the processing of garbage of that city will be the beginning of this work, which will be followed by other programs," the same sources confirmed. A delegation of the Municipality of Vlore will visit soon that region to see the work made in the town halls and communes of Emilia Romanas. Many Italian investors have their activities in the city of Vlore. One of these investors is also deputy president of the Union "Vlora e Re." /s.sh/mima/xh/ Albanian Telegraphic Agency[08] Draw for the 2000 European soccer championship qualifying made- Albania in the second group -Tirane, Jan 18 (ATA) - By A Keko: Draw for the qualifying round of the 2000 European soccer championships took place on Sunday at 1 p.m. in Ghent of Belgium. The championships will be played in Belgium and the Netherlands from June 10 to July 2, 2000. Albania will play in the second group with Norway, Greece, Georgia, Latvia and Slovenia. The winners of the nine groups and the teams in the second best places will take part directly in the finals of 2000 European championship, together with Belgium and the Netherlands, as co-hosts of the tournament. The eight second other teams will have play-offs to determine the last four finalists. /a.ke/mima/xh/ From the Albanian Telegraphic Agency (ATA) Home Page at http://www.telpress.it/ataAlbanian Telegraphic Agency Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |
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