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Albanian Times, 96-06-27

The Albanian Times (by AlbAmerica TRade & Consulting International) Directory - Previous Article - Next Article

From: AlbAmerica Trade & Consulting International <>

Albanian Times
June 27, 1996


  • [01] Council of Europe Calls for Dialogue, No New Elections
  • [02] Two Albanians Die of Aids
  • [03] Socialist Supporters in Court
  • [04] US Says Closely Watching Albanian Situation
  • [05] Italian Official Discusses Albania
  • [06] Berisha Praises Papandreou
  • [07] Royal Roads Announces Acquisition of Ore Concessions in Albania
  • [08] Albanian Opposition Demands New Elections

  • [01] Council of Europe Calls for Dialogue, No New Elections

    STRASBOURG, June 26 - In a vaguely crafted documet, the Council of Europe called on the Albanian political parties to establish new eletoral rules through round-table discussions but stopped short of demanding new elections. The 39-strong European body contolled by the European People's Party, a conservative group, blamed both the government and the opposition for the irregularities that marred Albania's recent parliamentary elections. ``The Council's parliamentary assembly proposes the holding of a round table of all political forces (because) it is crucial that there be cooperation in order to modify existing legislation,'' a resolution voted today by the assembly said. However, the document dissappointed the opposition, who had demanded new elections. The resolution said in diplomatic terms that the new elections should be envisaged once new legislation was enacted, but mentioned no time limit. The resolution also quoted an OSCE report to the assembly stating that "the legitimity of the new parliament is not questionable." President Sali Berisha has dismissed previous statements by the European Parliament demanding fresh elections and has set July 1 as the date for the new parliament to convene. (Albanian Times)

    [02] Two Albanians Die of Aids

    TIRANA, June 26 - Two Albanians have died of AIDS and 23 others have contracted the virus, Reuter said. The first Albanian tested HIV positive two years ago, Albanian doctors said. ``The main problem is transmission of the virus through sex, but drug use could become a serious source of AIDS infections in the next two to three years,'' they said. (Albanian Times/Reuters)

    [03] Socialist Supporters in Court

    TIRANA, June 25 - A Tirana court charged 10 opposition supporters on Tuesday with taking part in an illegal rally two days after the first round of Albania's general election on May 26. The supporters were alleged to have taken part in a protest called by Albania's main opposition parties against what they charged were gross violations committed by the ruling Democratic Party. ``They did not care about numerous and continuous warnings made by the Interior Ministry...(and) provoked police forces, obliging them to intervene to prevent an illegal meeting,'' the court said in a statement. Two of the defendants did not show up in court and are said to be hiding. Police has charged them as the instigators of the illegal gathering. If found guilty, the defendants could be fined up to 200,000 leks ($2,000) or sentenced with up to three months jail. (Albanian Times/Reuters)

    [04] US Says Closely Watching Albanian Situation

    TIRANA, June 25 (Reuter) - The United States was closely watching the situation in Albania after a disputed general election, won by the ruling party amid allegations of vote manipulation, Washington said in a letter released on Tuesday. U.S. Assistant Secretary of State John Kornblum told the leader of the opposition Democratic Alliance party that the United States ``closely followed the elections and the surrounding events.'' ``Further U.S. actions will depend upon the response of both the Albanian Government and political parties to the serious concerns expressed by the international community with respect to the elections,'' Kornblum's letter to Democratic Alliance chief Neritan Ceka said. Ceka wrote to U.S. President Bill Clinton on May 26 outlining what the opposition considered vote irregularities. Kornblum said he was responding on Clinton's behalf. ``The U.S. Government is working closely with other OSCE members to ensure that the Government of Albania follows up the earlier recommendations in a credible fashion,'' Kornblum said. The United States called on the Democratic Alliance ``to seek to resolve any concerns regarding the elections through peaceful means and to cooperate with genuine efforts to investigate and correct the electoral process in Albania.'' ``The consolidation of democracy is central to our relationship with Albania,'' Kornblum said. (Albanian Times/Reuters)

    [05] Italian Official Discusses Albania

    BRUSSELS, June 25 - The situation in Albania, Bosnia and the Middle East were the focus here today of a meeting between Italian Foreign Undersecretary Piero Fassino and deputies on the European Parliament's foreign affairs commission. In briefing the deputies on the outcome of the European Council session in Florence Friday and Saturday, Fassino held out the prospect of an urgent European Union political initiative for Albania, in conjunction with the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, to activate a political dialogue and allow for the restoration of democratic normalcy starting with local elections set for this fall. (Albanian Times)

    [06] Berisha Praises Papandreou

    TIRANA, June 25 - Albanian President Sali Berisha praised former Greek prime minister Andreas Papandreou, who died on Sunday, for helping to forge closer ties between the two Balkan neighbours. ``I am sure Albanians will remember for a long time his very important contribution,'' Berisha said after paying his respects at the Greek embassy in Tirana. Papandreou, founder of the Panhellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK), died after a heart attack aged 77. ``Papandreou was an historic personality of modern Greece, (and) of Greece's contribution to European development,'' Berisha said.

    [07] Royal Roads Announces Acquisition of Ore Concessions in Albania

    CALGARY, June 25 - Royal Roads Corp. announced that it has received confirmation from the Albanian Geological Survey (Gjeoalba) that Royal Roads Corp. has been granted the right to earn an interest in four mineral exploration blocks in Albania. The concession blocks total 737 sq. km. and have mineral potential including gold, base metals, nickel sulfide, chromite and platinum group elements (PGE). Royal Roads has the right to earn an 80% undivided interest in the mining rights by spending U.S. $8,000,000 over four years on the Tropoja concession and U.S. $2,000,000 over four years on the other three concessions. Nebex Resources Ltd. (ASE - NBX) of Calgary has been granted a ten (10) percent carried interest on the concession blocks up to the point of earning by Royal Roads. Royal Roads intends to start exploration and data compilation work in July, 1996. For further information: James Owen, Director, Royal Roads Corp., (604)687-1334 (Albanian Times)

    [08] Albanian Opposition Demands New Elections

    STRASBOURG, June 24 - Representatives of eight Albanian opposition groups told the Council of Europe parliamentary assembly in a closed-door session they wanted new elections and that the election results posed an institutional threat to the country. ``This is not only a political crisis but an institutional one. It means we will be unable to build (democratic) institutions,'' the President of the center-right Democratic Alliance, Neritan Ceka, said. The assembly was expected to make a statement this week but new elections were unlikely, given the weakness of the democratic tradition in Albania, Deputy Secretary-General Penti Vaananen of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) said. ``There has to be an agreement between the main parties to set up new rules,'' he said. (Albanian Times)

    This material was reprinted with permission of AlbAmerica Trade & Consulting International. For more information on ATCI and the Albanian Times, please write to

    Copyright © ATCI, 1996

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