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MILS: News from the FYROM, 97-06-02Macedonian Information Liaison Service Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: "Macedonian Information Liaison Service" <>CONTENTS
MILS SUPPLEMENTMILS NEWSSkopje, 02 June, 1997[01] ARGUMENTS IN FAVOUR OF `NATO' MEMBERSHIP IN ROUND ONEThe NATO member-states and 27 `PFP' Programme countries have met for the first time within the bounds of the Euro- Atlantic Partnership Council, at Sinatra (Portugal) past Friday. This body has been partly established to meet the security needs of those countries not likely to obtain NATO membership. This initial meeting has been attended by a Macedonian delegation - headed by the newly-appointed Foreign Secretary Blagoj Handzhiski. MTV reports that Secretary Handzhiski aired all arguments in favour of NATO membership during round 1 on this meeting. It is common knowledge that five more countries are aspiring towards the same goal besides ours, while enjoying considerable support from NATO members France, Spain and Italy: these are Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. `Vecher' nevertheless reports that the US advocate a maximum of three new admissions in round 1. These would have to be countries that have mastered the most substantial reform procedures - and whose admission would not weaken the Treaty Organisation.[02] NEW `UNPREDEP' FORCE COMMANDER TO ASSUME DUTY TOMORROWAs of tomorrow Brig. Gen. Bent Sohnemann from Denmark is to assume his duties as the new UNPREDEP Force Commander in Macedonia. Brig. Gen. Sohnemann is thus to succeed Brig. Gen. Bo Wranker (Sweden) in this post, `Makfax' reports.[03] `ARM' TROOP KILLED IN ACCIDENTPast Saturday an accident occurred at the `Konjare' border checkpoint (near Debar), resulting in the death of Tihomir Antonovski (born at the village of Drachevo in 1977). Based on data released by authorities, Antonovski died while the weaponry was being maintained - since one of the present troops fired his weapon at him, not knowing that it had been containing live ammunition. Antonovski had been subjected to surgery at the Debar Medical Centre, and subsequently airlifted to the Military Hospital in Skopje - where he passed away due to sustained injury.[04] `IMRO-DPMNE' PROTESTS IN 35 THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRYPast Saturday between 20 and 21 h the IMRO-DPMNE organized peaceful protests demanding the Government's resignation, the forming of an administrative government and the calling of early elections in Skopje and 34 more municipalities throughout Macedonia. Thus the squares of the largest cities in Macedonia were covered with people expressing their discontent with the incumbent Government by lighting up candles. The Skopje meeting which media estimate had been attended by app. 10 000, has been marked by the speech of IMRO-DPMNE Spokesperson Dragi Ivanovski.He used the occasion to read the memorandum forwarded to the Parliament on 15th May. In his opinion Macedonia abounds in a huge potential to build a contemporary, democratic, economically and socially stable society. This, however, would require a responsible Government which could be determined through early parliamentary elections. After airing the already known demands, a group of citizens marched to the Parliament building towards the close of the meeting. In Shtip demonstrations were attended by party leader Ljupcho Georgievski who explicated all requests connected to the `socio-economic catastrophe' ravaging the country. In the opinion of Georgievski the new Government is to lead Macedonia into an even bugger crisis - bearing in mind all occurring in Macedonia at the moment. Based on this he also stated that this reconstructed Government should be the last SDSM team. Besides this media reveal that most of the events focused on criticizing PM Crvenkovski, and on assessments that the new Government had nothing `new' to offer, as it rather manipulated the people and prolonged the agony. Media further state that the IMRO-DPMNE protests had gone by without any major incidents or police intervention. [05] BANK CLIENTS TO SUE SONJA NIKOLOVSKALast Friday representatives of the `TAT' Bank Clients' Association, Board and Council had a meeting with PM Branko Crvenkovski and Finance Minister Taki Fiti - accompanied by Bitola Mayor Siljan Micevski and MPs from this city. Based on information published by `Vecher', it has been agreed to postpone the enactment of the contentious bank client restitution act until judiciary investigations have been brought to a close. The conclusions of this meeting in Bitola were then forwarded to the deceived bank clients, who once again insisted on restitution as outlined in the contracts they had closed with this bank. `TAT' bank clients have also agreed to sue Sonja Nikolovska in order to secure the return of their savings.[06] NOVA MAKEDONIJA: `NBM WITHDREW A BILLION DENARS FROM THE MARKET AND BLOCKED THE ENTIRE SYSTEM'`Nova Makedonija' reports the selling of around 15 million dollars of hard currency reserves over the first five months of this year - instead of their purchasing such assets - by the NBM in order to preserve the denar exchange rate. This daily states that the same amount has been withdrawn from the market in denars, which has left a very concrete on the overall economy in the country. In this context the Deputy Director of the NBM Research Dept., Zoran Stavrevski, stated for `Nova Makedonija' that instead of issuing 315 million denars and buying around 7 million dollars in hard currency assets, the NBM had sold about 15 million dollars of the latter and thus withdrawn 670 million denars over the first five months of 1997. Upon adding the 315 million denars which should have been issued to this sum, one arrives at a market deficit of 985 million denars. The above mentioned daily informs that this `black hole' of nearly one billion denars entailed a considerable impact on the enormous growth of debts among enterprises, on the withholding of pay, tax, payroll contributions and on the overall dive of purchasing capacity among the population. These days hard currency is only being offered by the NBM, and the exchange rate of the DM has plunged to 27 denars at private exchange offices, though it used to amount to 27.4 denars a short time ago - and even up to 27.8 denars during the `outing' of the `TAT' banking scandal. NBM Vice-Governor Gligor Vishev explained - upon analyzing the current situation - that the basic objective pursued by NBM policy is a stable hard currency course, while liquidity in the economic sector is secured through the emission of capital, i.e. the purchase of hard currency assets from the market. Vishev further added that due to problems as regards the financial balance for this period of 1997 there has been a withdrawal of funds because of a shortage in hard currency assets. Such conditions and trends, Vice-Governor Vishev stated for `Nova Makedonija', have been the basis of NBM analyses though decisive and unilateral measures may not be undertaken due to a definite arrangement with the IMF. Vishev nevertheless announced that conditions are to be examined with IMF experts who are to arrive in Macedonia towards the middle of this month. This will entail the introducing of required measures.[07] SHTIP HEADING THE LIST OF DEBTORS TO THE RETIREMENT PENSION AND DISABILITIES FUND`Dnevnik' reports that in terms of unsettled dues towards the Retirement Pension and Disabilities Fund, the city of Shtip appears to be the holder of the national record.Information indicate that by the end of the past month these unsettled debts totalled 400 million denars (i.e. 16.5 million DM). `Dnevnik' states that this has led to the stagnation of retirement in Shtip over the past two to three years. Should somebody wish to retire (s)he is forced to settle all dues of the employer towards the Fund. Data further reveal that only 3 million denars of the required 30 million have been forwarded to the Fund by Shtip enterprises. [08] NEW RAILWAY TIME SCHEDULEAs of midnight last Saturday `Macedonian Railways' have introduced a new time schedule for international and domestic transport, which is to remain valid until 23rd May 1998. `Dnevnik' reports that there are no significant changes as regards international transport, except for the introduction of the agency train `Optima Tours' from Lebane to Thessaloniki - with the option of loading up and lighting vehicles in Skopje.There is another new connection from Skopje to Bar (managed by a travel agency) which would run upon demands imposed by summer tourism. In terms of domestic transport there have been slight restrictions i.e. minor streamlining procedures with respect to lines towards minor urban communities. [09] TRANSPORTATION TREATY WITH TURKEYFollowing two days of negotiations between the Transportation Ministry of the Republic of Turkey and its Macedonian equivalent, a treaty covering international transport has been signed. MTV reports that this will entail an increase of the contingency by 50% - incl. transports from and to third countries - which may be raised further on if necessary. Both sides have also agreed to suspend all lines contrary to the outlined time schedule, while transit transportation is to be conducted without the charging of paytoll on a bilateral level.[10] SHORTAGE OF TRANSPORT PERMITS INTO SR YUGOSLAVIAFor over one week lorry drivers have been awaiting the arrival of bilateral transport permits on the Macedonian- Yugoslav border in order to be allowed to cross the latter, Macedonian media report, while adding that the Macedonian side (the Chamber of Economy) had requested 5 000 bilateral permits in time whereas the Yugoslav side had postponed their procurement. A reply is awaited today, as a cooperation treaty is to be signed in Skopje. In addition to these problems, Macedonian transport enterprises are being confronted with similar problems with respect to the Ukraine - the Macedonian Chamber of Economy reveals.[11] PDP: `ALBANIAN ISSUES TO BE ADDRESSED VIA INSTITUTIONS OF DEMOCRATIZATION SYSTEM'Last Saturday the PDP held its Central Assembly at Struga. On this occasion party leader Abduraham Aliti stressed that while acting through the institutions of the system - which is to remain a permanent commitment of the party - the PDP would also contribute to the democratization process in Macedonia and to the increasing of the rights of Albanians in Macedonia.According to Aliti the PDP has spent the last two years in dedicating itself to the legalization of the `University of Tetovo', to the establishing of Albanian as an official language and to the issue regarding the use of the Albanian flag. In spite of the fact that political opponents have been toying around with key national issues, representing themselves as the sole champions of the same... `Vecher' reports that those attending the Assembly were welcomed by the Albanian Ambassador to Macedonia, H.E. Amb. Shaban Murati, who stated that the PDP deserved a special place in the history of the Albanian people due to its engagement within the Macedonian Parliament and Government. [12] REVIVAL OF `THE LEAGUE FOR DEMOCRACY'Since its establishment in 1989 the League for Democracy has registered that not only has Macedonia not become `a decent place to live in' - but thanks to the incumbent Government it has `prospered' into a dwelling place festered with Organised Crime and squandering. `Nova Makedonija' reports this to be part of the conclusions aired during the re- formative / revival meeting of this party, headed by its first leader Professor Gjorgji Marjanovikj. Upon addressing the reasons for this renaissance of an independent political subject, Marjanovikj pointed out that the LFD has always pursued its own notions with respect to problems troubling this country, as well as that its massive membership has never been and will never be the main imperative in its activity. Aleksandar Tortevski, Chairman of the party's Initiative Council and temporary President of the League for Democracy, stressed at the meeting that the incumbent Government of Macedonia has placed itself beyond any control - thus bringing about a severe economic and political crisis. In the opinion of Tortevski Macedonia is in urgent need of parliamentary elections which is to result in the rule of the opposition.[13] `PEACE RUN' FLAME ARRIVES IN SKOPJE TODAYToday at 12 30 h the flame of the `Peace Run `97' arrived in Skopje at the `Makedonija' square from Tetovo. The torch is to be carried through all municipalities of Skopje by pupils - while the central festivity is to be held in front of the MNT at 18h. On this occasion the flame will be handed over to President Kiro Gligorov, which will symbolize the official closing of this race. In honour of this occasion, the Opera and Ballet companies will perform several well- known pieces. This race - otherwise dating back to 1987 - has begun in front of the UN Seat in New York on 19th April this year. So far the flame has been carried through around 80 countries all over the world. The torch has been taken over from Greece on 24th April and ever since it has been carried through 30 cities and communities in the country, for hundreds of kilometers.MILS SUPPLEMENT[14] `A Mind-Boggling Deficit'(`Vecher' - 29th May 1997)Corrections conducted on last year's trade deficit, amounting to 210 million dollars, represent a huge relief in terms of our financial balance with international partners. But even the international trade deficit of almost 480 million dollars represents a burden too heavy for our economy and our state to bear, as it amounts to nearly one sixth of the GDP. Besides unemployment, this is one of the major headaches of the Government and all its ministries. Thus it is not surprising that the Government is constantly concerned with the trade deficit, with the analyzing of its causes and the quest for a way of lowering it. This will remain the case, all the more as initial data issued by the National Statistics Office already reveal the reversal of desired / expected effects. Over the first two months this year the deficit has increased by 12.3% compared to the same time span in 1996. Such conditions and tendencies, which serve as a basis for outlining the macro-economic policy and financial balance of the country, will be the main thematic focus of imminent negotiations with the IMF. It may be possible to conclude that certain corrections will be required - if not with regards of the macro-economic policy than in terms of forecasting the financial balance. One should not even consider a more radical solution as - for example - the liberalization of international trade, bearing in mind that this would be contrary to the key endeavour of the Government to achieve WTO membership. Could it therefore that countries like Germany or Switzerland - or Slovenia tolerate the import of goods not meeting international standards (even past the date of expiry) - as it has been the case in Macedonia so many times? Certainly not! This is due to the fact that countries with a sound economic policy are liberal in terms of outlining their import policy - but impeccably strict and consistent in its implementation. The trade deficit may nevertheless be lowered for the sake WTO membership - states Development Minister Abdulmenaf Bedzheti - as there is much leeway in terms of establishing import quality control. Were it not allowed to import just about everything into Macedonia, and most often this `everything' is of appalling quality, the deficit would reach tolerable proportions. In this context the practice of our authorities appears completely incomprehensible whenever customs officials of other countries happen to return as many as ten trucks with import goods - very often due to a minor flaw in terms of international quality standards. Upon summarizing such views Bedzheti indicated that the solution is to be sought in the gradual reduction of import to realistic dimensions, accompanied by the endeavour to increase export. These objectives will not be achieved too son, as the competitiveness of our products on an international level may only be raised by the improvement of our economic structure, i.e. by the decreasing and qualitative furthering of finalizing the production process and the updating of packaging and transporting of export articles. To illustrate this, it still occurs that apples are being thrown away to rot, while in Croatia a kilo of them costs 2 DM... but due to the already mentioned shortcomings it is impossible for us to emerge on this market. In order to increase export it is also necessary to resuscitate large production facilities, since they used to be the main export agents in the past. `We cannot expect', states Bedzheti, `small enterprises to boost export - let alone handle large-scale export. As far as classic export stimuli are concerned, these have been cut out of the budget last year. This year, however, 2.4 billion denars (app. 60 million dollars) have been allocated for the support of export-orientated economy. These funds, unfortunately, have not been forwarded yet - though they have been deposited at the NBM on a monthly basis. The level of the trade deficit undoubtedly demands a more relaxed loan / monetary policy in this domain, this being the immediate task of the NBM. (end)mils news 02 June 1997Macedonian Information Liaison Service Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |