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MILS: News from the FYROM, 97-04-01Macedonian Information Liaison Service Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: "Macedonian Information Liaison Service" <>CONTENTS
MILS SUPPLEMENTMILS NEWSSkopje, 01 April, 1997[01] `TAT' SCANDAL: RESIGNATION OF MINISTER JORGO SHUNDOVSKIAccording to unofficial information released by the `Makpress' agency, the Minister of Urbanism, Civil Engineering and Environmental Protection within the Macedonian Government - Jorgo Shundovski - has resigned his office yesterday. `Makpress' further reminds the public of the statement given by Shundovski for Radio Bitola two days ago, in which he stressed his sense of innocence as regards the development of events at the `TAT' bank. The press release issued by the D.A.'s Office in Bitola at that same day, however, indicates that the spouse of Jorgo Shundovski had deposited 100 000 DM at the `TAT' bank - as well as that based on the influence of the now arrested Mayor of Bitola Siljan Micevski, funds from several companies in Bitola had been transferred to the accounts of this bank in order to disburse clients. The spouse of the former (?) Minister, Nada Shundovska, stated that the funds had been deposited by her on behalf of a third party, and never been withdrawn.* According to the most recent data obtained during NBM investigations of `TAT' business practice, which have been presented during the meeting of the Finance Minister and the NBM Governour two days ago, the overall deposits made by clients amount to 112 million DM. Of these one third falls off to calculated interest rates, and 62 million DM remain as the deposited capital. Analyses conducted so far have revealed the closing of around 3 000 loans at this Bitola-based bank. Of these again only one third has been checked as reconstructing a credit arrangement is a rather time-consuming matter. The value of assets belonging to `TAT' owner Sonja Nikolovska, which has been mortgaged by the NBM, is being assessed to amount to 4.5. million DM, i.e. app. 2 600 square meters of real estate property. The NBM has also confiscated 30 kilos of gold found at the flat of Sonja Nikolovska. * MTV reports that NBM Governour Borko Stanoevski is to meet the IMF mission headed by Robert Corker, in order to discuss issues concerning the hard currency market and the flow of such funds - as well as the banking system in general. During their three-day visit to Macedonia, the IMF mission is to focus on the terms in which the `ESAF' Arrangement is to be implemented - as well as on the situation in Macedonia brought about by the most recent pyramid savings affairs, i.e. their impact on the overall financial and monetary system. * A delegation of the Association of `TAT' Bank Clients - headed by Mende Mladenovski - has been received by PM Branko Crvenkovski yesterday, and forwarded their request to increase the NBM investigation team in order to speed up procedures as much as possible. It has further been requested to determine options for the disbursement of deposited funds. According to MTV PM Crvenkovski has promised to exert additional pressure onto the NBM Governour to fasten up investigations at the `TAT' bank, in order to be able to come up with a solution for the above mentioned issue within the subsequent seven days. In the opinion of Mladenovski, the meeting of the delegation with Finance Minister Taki Fiti has confirmed the promise given by the PM that deceived clients would receive support and restitution. * A-1 TV reported the arrest of `Makedonija Reklam' owner Zore Blazhevski in Slovenia yesterday, thus bringing another case of pyramid saving (resulting in the embezzling of around 20 million DM) one more step closer to its denouement. Blazhevski had been apprehended in Slovenia upon request of Macedonian authorities, and soon he is to be extradited to the latter form the corresponding prison in Slovenia. Such a measure embodies the implementation of a bilateral agreement between Slovenia and Macedonia addressing this issue. [02] LIBERALS DEMAND THE WITHDRAWAL OF MINISTERIAL IMMUNITYDuring a press conference given yesterday, the Liberal Parliamentary faction requested the revoking of ministerial immunity by the Macedonian Government, in order to facilitate the unobstructed investigation of the `TAT' banking scandal. According to party leader Stojan Andov, though PM Crvenkovski had promised that all written statements given by the ministers would be forwarded to law enforcement structures, this had not been the case.Neither had their immunity been revoked in order to provide legal grounds for their being investigated. Due to this Andov demanded the notification of the law enforcement that no member of the Government is to be granted immunity should there be any grounds to suspect involvement in this affair. The Liberals further assessed that it was inevitably necessary to examine all contracts, terms and transactions connecting the `Pelister' Construction Contractor, `Elektrostopanstvo' (`Electricity Supplies'), the Fond for Handling Residential and Business Real Estate Property and the Road Network Fund of Bitola - over the time span in which Mayor Siljan Micevski has been chairing the `Pelister' Executive Board. `Dnevnik' also reports that during yesterday's press conference the LP faction has requested the Government to provide more in-depth information on the danger of the expansion of drug abuse - on what measures are being undertaken to counter this threat and particularly on procedures regarding the destruction of confiscated drugs. In this context it has also been indicated that the LP was in the possession of data confirming that confiscated drugs were not being handled according to procedures by the police, i.e. that part of it was finding its way back to the market - and not to the judiciary and the destruction facilities. [03] GLIGOROV: `MACEDONIA IS TO PRESERVE THE PEACE'`Macedonia is to preserve its peace and stability, as it has all possibilities to do so', stressed Macedonian President Kiro Gligorov in an interview for the renowned French paper `Le Monde'. In this context Gligorov stressed that Macedonia would adhere to economic reforms and conduct the same as speedily as possible - in spite of all difficulties and the high social cost. He however also emphasised that this price would be higher if reforms should be delayed any longer. As regards the growing discontent among the Macedonian public and the attempts of the opposition to usurp the Government, Gligorov stated that such an adventure may be conducive to the disappearance of the state - while the request for early elections has been denoted as outdated as new election laws need to be enacted anyway.With respect to the radicalisation of the Albanian issue in Macedonia, President Gligorov stated that in Macedonia the Albanian minority is divided into old settlers and newly-arrived Albanians. In the opinion of Gligorov the latter ones are those of a radical orientation, in pursuit of the objective to create a `Greater Albania'. In this sense the Macedonian Head of State estimated that the legalisation of the `Tetovo University' would be a false move. [04] PANGALLOS: `GREECE SHOULD ESTABLISH STABLE TIES WITH MACEDONIA DURING GLIGOROV ERA'`Makpress' informs that the Greek Head of Diplomacy Theodoros Pangallos has given an assessment of Macedonian President Kiro Gligorov for the Sunday edition of `Elephterotypia'. In his opinion Gligorov represented one of the most eminent members of the former Yugoslav leadership, as well as that all the bloodshed in this region could have been avoided had Gligorov been the president of all involved countries. Pangallos further denoted the Macedonian President as a measured, self- controlled person and politician - completely dedicated to the idea of establishing a genuinely democratic society in his country. In this sense he stated that it was fortunate for Greece that the country was being led by such a man in these times. Pangallos also stated that Greece should do everything necessary to complete the establishing of friendly and stable relations with Macedonia.[05] NEW ROUND OF GREEK-MACEDONIAN NEGOTIATIONS DUE IN NEW YORK TOMORROWA new round of negotiations between Greece and Macedonia in connection to the name-issue are due to commence in New York tomorrow - `Makfax' reports. Thus Ambassadors Christos Zacharakis and Ivan Toshevski are to have one more meeting on this issue, mediated by Cyrus Vance.[06] FOREIGN OFFICE REQUESTS EXTENSION OF `UNPREDEP' MANDATE FOR ANOTHER SIX MONTHSToday the Macedonian Foreign Office is to forward a letter to the UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, in which it is requesting the extension of the `UNPREDEP' mandate (expiring on 31st May) for another six months - `Vecher' informs in today's edition. The daily is further quoting diplomatic sources upon revealing that in this letter such a request is being justified by the still vulnerable security conditions in the region (due to which the `UNPREDEP' mission had been set up initially) and by the escalation of the Kosovo crisis in particular. The request for the extension of the `UNPREDEP' mandate also includes the preserving of the full force component (1 050 troops) - bearing in mind that the reduction of forces, as it had been recommended by the Security Council, has not been conducted yet.[07] MACEDONIA TO BE EXCLUDED OF ELISABETH REHN'S MANDATEThe Macedonian Head of Diplomacy Ljubomir Frchkovski is to arrive in Geneva today, in order to attend the jubilee session of the UN Human Rights Commission. The latter, i.e. its members, are to be addressed by Minister Frchkovski on the subject of the human rights policy employed by the Republic of Macedonia - particularly with regards to minority rights. A-1 TV reveals that Minister Frchkovski is also to submit the request for Macedonia to be excluded from the mandate of Elisabeth Rehn (the Special Rapporteur on human rights in the constituents of the former Yugoslav Federation) to the Commission. In this context A-1 TV has broadcast the view of the Macedonian Government, concordant to which Macedonia has outgrown the mandate of Ms. Rehn with regards to human rights in the Former Yugoslav states - though our country would remain open for any form of cooperation.[08] NEW MEETINGS WITH `AUDI' AS REGARDS PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION IN MACEDONIADuring yesterday's session the Macedonian Government assessed that it has become necessary to schedule another meeting between the negotiators of the German company `AUDI AG' and the Macedonian negotiators' team, in order to bring about compatible views with respect to the implementation of the `AUDI Makedonija' project - session records reveal. In addition to this the session focused on analysing the reply by `AUDI' given with regards to the Government memorandum on the project, i.e. the production of the `AUDI A-3' model.[09] GOVERNMENT OUTLINED DRAFT-BILL ON RADIO BROADCASTINGAmong other things the Government has also outlined the Draft-Bill on Radio Broadcasting - which codifies the terms and modes of producing, emitting and distributing radio and TV programmes and other informative entities.According to official Government information, departing from the principle of competition i.e. pluralistic principles - the bill makes provisions for the establishing of public and commercial radio broadcasting corporations on a national and local level by legal entities and individuals. A particular section of the bill also regulates the basic criteria for granting concessions on radio broadcasting, in order to create an equilibrium between public interest and the interest of individuals and due to the limited number of frequencies (thus a restricted asset of public interest). In contrast to the initial version of this bill, the one processed yesterday also contains a separate chapter on the Radio Broadcasting Council - which is being defined as an independent body representing the interests of the population of the Republic of Macedonia, with its own competency in terms of compiling proposals for granting and revoking concessions - and in terms of allocating funds (obtained via subscription charges) to individual beneficiaries. To this purpose the bill also outlines the introduction of a public fee (radio broadcasting subscription charge), amounting to 3% of the average net income paid in the Republic of Macedonia over the past three months. This fee is to be incorporated into the electricity bill. [10] OUTLINING OF BILL ON EXECUTIVE PROCEDURESDuring yesterday's Government session, attending members have also adopted the proposal on the enactment of a bill on executive procedures, which is to regulate relations among subjects throughout legal procedures. The very compiling of this act focused considerably on the rationalisation / streamlining of these procedures, as this increases the efficiency of the final act. The draft- bill on this issue has been assessed as a contemporary act of law by Council of Europe experts - official Government session records reveal.[11] MINIMUM AGE LIMIT OF HEROIN USERS IN MACEDONIA: FOURTEENSince 1971 (the first time a register of drug addicts had been compiled in Macedonia) a total of 1 377 drug addicts have been registered till 1995. Of these 1 350 vary between the age of 15 and 25 - while the minimum age limit amounts to 14 years. 53.3% of all drug addicts in the country are of Macedonian descent, whereas 22.3% fall off to the Albanian ethnicity. This is a statistical survey of hard drug users in Macedonia, presented yesterday at the Conference for Containing the Damage Incurred by Drug Abuse in Skopje. During this international meeting (participants incl. representatives from the US, the Netherlands, Great Britain, Belgium, Italy, Bulgaria) - which is being organised as a contribution to the fight against drug abuse - it has been stated that out of the overall number of HIV carriers in Macedonia, 38.8% of the interviewees did not rule out the possibility of having obtained the virus by injecting heroin. In this context the activity of `MASKA' (`MASK' = the Macedonian Socio- Culturological Action Association) has been pointed out, as this association has been advocating the substitute of heroin with methadone, and the distributing of clean needles and syringes to drug addicts over the past four months in Skopje. Assessments on the countering, prevention and protection from the harmful consequences of drug abuse - as well as on the work of corresponding state structures (law enforcement, health sector) have been depicting a state of chaos. The seminar is to continue today, with its thematic focus on addiction treatment with methadone.MILS SUPPLEMENT[12] DELEGATION OF MOVEMENT OF LOYAL RELIGIOUS COMMUNITIES IN AUSTRALIA IN MACEDONIAThese days a delegation of the `Movement of Loyal Religious Communities in Australia' has arrived in Macedonia. This association advocates the permanent regulating of the integrity of the OCM in terms of religious life in Australia. The delegation is being headed by Michael Radin - an employee of the Asutralian Federal judiciary of Macedonian descent and the Secretary of the Macedonian Community in Adelaide. The delegation is further being comprised of the founder of religious life of the Macedonian community on this continent and the honorary member and counsellour of the `St. George and Sacred Virgin Mary' - Risto Altin; as well as of Gjorgji Pisevski (honorary Chairman of the `St. Nicholas' religious community), Kocho Kalinchev (Chairman of the Macedonian Community of Melbourne and Victoria), Jim Milanko (Chairman of the Macedonian Community of Adelaide and South Asutralia), Sam Christie (member of the leadership structure of the Perth community) and Ico Najdovski (Secretary of the `Ascension of the Sacred Virgin' Church and publicist). The basic objective of this mission are negotiations with the Sacred Synod of the OCM in order to transcend existing difficulties in Australia.So far this delegation of high-ranking activists has been received by top representatives of the Macedonian Immigrants' Association - including its President Dimitar Kreamitchiev - as well as by representatives of associations representing Macedonians in the Pirin, the Aegean area and in Mala Prespa. Throughout their stay the delegation is to meet several representatives of Macedonia's political leadership, and discuss the strengthening of ties between the Diaspora and the Republic of Macedonia. [13] `Press Release by the Association of Macedonians From the Aegean Part of Macedonia - Bitola'Today, on 30th March, 1997, a meeting of the Association of Macedonians From the Aegean Part of Macedonia with its seat in Bitola, was held at the premises of this Association. The meeting was attended by the Presidium of the Association, by representatives of the Movement of Loyal Religious Communities advocating the preservation of integrity of the OCM in Australia, by the President of the `Prespa' Association from Mala Prespa (Albania), by a delegation (headed by the President) of OMO `Ilinden' - the Democratic Movement from the Pirin region of Macedonia and by delegated of the `Vinozhito' party of the Aegean section of Macedonia.Extensive discussions regarding current issues of our community have yielded the following R E S O L U T I O N * With respect to the situation at Mala Prespa (Albania); the overall situation in the country and particularly that in Mala Prespa has been assessed as quite serious and critical - both from a security point of view as well as in light of the severely threatened material existence of the population in this region. Therefore it has been decided to devise alternatives conducive to remedying the situation. The activity of the `Prespa' Association - as a carrier of cultural and political in the Mala Prespa area - has been assessed favourably. Another important trait of this Association, is its function in elevating the cultural and spiritual level of Macedonians in Albania. The defence of the population from plundering, looting and destroying bands in this area has also been solid in terms of organisation. * Material conditions are hardly any better in the Pirin region of Macedonia. Thus it has been concluded to render assistance via OMO `Ilinden' - the Democratic Movement from the Pirin region of Macedonia, which is concerned with the upholding of human rights of Macedonians in Bulgaria. * The battle for human rights and liberty in the Aegean part of Macedonia is being successfully led by the `Vinozhito' party, which has also entered the objective of parliamentary representation in Greece into its agenda. At the Lerin Conference on 19th January 1997 both the Statute and the Manifesto of this party have been adopted, in addition to the establishing of the Central Council (consisting of 19 members) and a Secretariat (comprised of 5 Council members). The Newsletter `Nova Zora' (`New Dawn') - as the party information means - is available in Macedonian, the official Greek language and in English. The commitment to compile a Greek-Macedonian dictionary has also made, as it is to facilitate the study of both the standard Macedonian language and Cyrillic script. * In terms of the spiritual unification of Macedonians in Australia - via the activity of the OCM in this country - it has been registered that the religious life of Macedonians in Australia is being burdened by several problems. Therefore the appeal is being made to urgently suspend all legal suits commenced in order to address this issue, as these only lead to the inappropriate spending of church / public funds. The latter should rather be implemented to aid Macedonians at Mala Prespa, at the Pirin and the Aegean area. It is considered and requested of the OCM to withdraw from all political activity, as the Church has the rule of a spiritual unifier of Macedonians through conducting Orthodox service, through upholding Macedonian beliefs and tradition. It is further entrusted with devising methods for the spiritual unification of Macedonians - regardless of their place of birth. * The Movement of Loyal Religious Communities advocating the preservation of integrity of the OCM in Australia and the Australian-Macedonian Committee for Human Rights have granted financial support worth 4 000 AUD to all organisations attending this meeting. (end)mils news 01 April 1997Macedonian Information Liaison Service Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |