MAKNWS-L (the MAK-NEWS list) is the principal carrier of news from the
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM). Both the MIC and MILS
agencies are carried on this list, and make up the bulk of the information
transmitted. Occasionally other information is distributed on this list,
and is archived by HR-Net under the MAK-NEWS heading.
Included in these irregular items is usually a "survey" of the slavic
macedonian electronic information systems ("Macedonian News General Info"),
of which a recent example is included below.
There is also a signature summary of FYROM electronic
information, included at the end of this page
Date: Sun, 13 Aug 1995 20:06:21 +1000
From: Sacha Shopov
Subject: MAK-NEWS 13/08/95 (Macedonian News General Info)
To: Multiple recipients of list MAKNWS-L
===================== M A K - N E W S ======================
MAK-NEWS 13/08/95 (Macedonian News General Info)
1. MAKNWS-L (MAK-NEWS) Information Guide.
2. MAKEDON (Macedonian Discussions) Information Guide.
3. MAKEDON Guidelines - English.
4. MAKEDON Guidelines - Macedonian.
This edition of MAK-NEWS contains the latest information on the
Macedonian news and discussion groups and instructions on
subscribing and unsubscribing. The MAKEDON Guidelines are also
included in this posting for those who may be interested in
following it as well. Redistribution of this document is granted
and encouraged.
Rgds, Sacha
MAK-NEWS Coordinator
Sydney, Australia
================================= MAK-NEWS ================================
Macedonian News (MAK-NEWS)
Contact: LISTSERV@ubvm.cc.buffalo.edu
Purpose: MAK-NEWS is a forum run by volunteers. Its goals are
to present and distribute information relevant to the events
in and about the Republic of Macedonia, and to serve as a basis
for further Macedonian related workgroups. The group is moderated.
Rapid Daily up-to-date reports arrive on MAK-NEWS from the Republic
of Macedonia, now largely recognised internationally. Various
Special Reports are also occasionally distributed.
The group has a Gateway to the UseNet Newgroup bit.listserv.makedon
See also the Macedonian Discussion List entry, MAKEDON.
To subscribe, send email to
with the message body
subscribe MAKNWS-L Firstname Lastname
List Administrator: OWNER-MAKNWS-L@ubvm.cc.buffalo.edu
================================= MAK-NEWS ================================
Contact: LISTSERV@ubvm.cc.buffalo.edu
Purpose: MAKEDON is a mailing group which caters for Discussions
regarding Macedonia. Both English and Macedonian language discussions
are carried on the list.
The MAKEDON List runs in parallel with MAK-NEWS - the Macedonian News
List, and to fully participate in the discussions readers should
ideally subscribe to both lists. The groups are both moderated.
Postings made to the MAKEDON Discussion Group are redistribted to
Inform BBS in Macedonia, the Macedonian BBS in Canada and elsewhere.
The group has a Gateway to the UseNet Newgroup bit.listserv.makedon
To subscribe, send email to
with the message body
subscribe MAKEDON Firstname Lastname
List Administrator: OWNER-MAKEDON@ubvm.cc.buffalo.edu
================================= MAK-NEWS ================================
Dear subscribers of MAKEDON,
The final version of the purpose and guidelines of MAKEDON are defined
and posted in this message. Please read them carefully and try to have
them in mind when posting on MACEDON.
The purpose and guidelines of MAKEDON
August 1, 1995
1. MAKEDON is an electronic mailing list where the social,
cultural, political, scientific and economic life of ethnic
Macedonians from the Republic of Macedonia and around the World
are promoted and discussed. The identity of the various ethnic
minorities residing in the Republic of Macedonia are respected
and they are also encouraged to contribute on MAKEDON on topics
of mutual interest.
2. MAKEDON is not a political tool of any kind other than a forum
for discussion. It is not aimed at promoting specific causes or
solving political issues and therefore may not be used for such
3. Postings submitted for consideration to MAKEDON should be
either in Macedonian or English. Submissions in other languages
will not be accepted unless they are an integral part of
citations or quotations or are accompanied by appropriate
explanations in the above two languages.
4. No discussions on the ethnicity of Macedonians and the
Macedonian language are allowed. Remarks about the origins of the
Macedonian people, their ethnicity and the name of the Republic
of Macedonia will not be tolerated.
5. The postings should be clear and concise and should not
promote inter-ethnic intolerance, irredentist tendencies or
contain insulting, inflamatory or ad hominem attacks. Postings
containing such material will be rejected and the authors will be
warned not to submit such material in the future and to focus
their arguments.
6. Discussions concerning former Yugoslavia and the war in former
Yugoslavian regions will not be allowed, unless they are related
to or of interest to Macedonians.
7. Anyone accepting and upholding these Guidelines is welcome to
8. Membership from the list will be revoked in cases where the
subscriber repeatedly violates these guidelines. Such expulsions
will be made at the discretion of the owners/editors.
9. The authors of the postings are solely responsible for their
content. The editors or owners of MAKEDON are not responsible
for opinions expressed on the list by other members.
10. The editors of MAKEDON reserve the right to refuse postings
which do not comply with the above guidelines. The editors also
reserve the right to change the guidelines. Any change of the
guidelines will be posted on MAKEDON promptly.
================================= MAK-NEWS ================================
Dragi pretplatnici na MAKEDON,
Definitivnata verzija na upatstvata za prakjanje na MAKEDON se naogja
vo ovaa poraka. Kje ve molime da gi imate vo predvid koga prakjate
poraki na MAKEDON.
Pravila za rabota na MAKEDON
Avgust 1, 1995
1. MAKEDON e elektronska lista nameneta za razmena na mislenja i
promoviranje na site aspekti (socijalen, kulturen, politichki,
ekonomski, nauchen) od zhivotot na Makedoncite vo Republika
Makedonija i na Makedoncite nasekade niz svetot. Identitetot na
drugite etnichki grupi od Republika Makedonija na MAKEDON isto
taka se pochituva i pripadnicite na ovie etnichki grupi mozhat da
prakjaat prilozi na MAKEDON povrzani so temi od zaednichki
2. MAKEDON pretstavuva iskluchivo forum za diskusija i ne e
namenet kako sredstvo za politichka propaganda. Promoviranje na
specifichni interesi ili reshavanje na politichki problemi ne e
vo duhot na MAKEDON i zatoa MAKEDON ne smee da se upotrebuva za
vakvi nameni.
3. Prilozite predlozheni za distribuiranje na MAKEDON treba da se
na Makedonski ili na Angliski jazik, oficijalni jazici za
upotreba na MAKEDON. Prilozi isprateni na drugi jazici nema da
bidat distribuirani osven ako ne se integralen del od citati
ili pak se proprateni so soodveten prevod/pojasnuvanje na eden od
oficijalnite jazici.
4. Ne se dozvoluva nikakva diskusija okolu potekloto na
Makedoncite ili pak na Makedonskiot jazik. Prilozi koi sodrzhat
zabeleshki/diskusii za nacionalnoto poteklo na Makedoncite i
nivnata etnichka pripadnost, ili pak za samoto ime na Republika
Makedonija, nema da bidat distribuirani.
5. Se preporachuva prilozite da se jasni, pregledni i koncizni i
ne smeat da sodrzhat elementi na etnichka netolerantnost,
iredentistichki tendencii ili pak da sodrzhat navredlivi,
zapalivi ili lichni napadi. Vo sprotivnost prilozite nema da se
distribuiraat i nivnite avtori kje se predupredat vo idnina da gi
popravat nivnite argumenti.
6. Diskusii za i okolu poraneshna Jugoslavija i vojnata na
prostorite na poraneshna Jugoslavija nema da se distribuiraat,
osven ako ne se povrzani ili se od interes za Makedoncite i
Republika Makedonija.
7. Sekoj koj kje gi pochituva pravilata za rabota moze da
uchestvuva vo rabotata na MAKEDON i da isprakja prilozi.
8. Chlenstvoto vo listata kje im bide otkazhano na onie
pretplatnici koi povekje pati gi prekrshuvaat pravilata za
rabota. Otpovikuvanjeto na opredelen pretplatnik e vo iskluchiva
nadlezhnost na sopstvenicite/urednicite na listata.
9. Avtorite na prilozite se lichno odgovorni za sodrzhinata na
nivnite prilozi. Sopstvenicite ili urednicite na MAKEDON ne
mozhat da se smetaat za odgovorni za mislenjata sodrzhani vo
10. Urednicite na MAKEDON go zadrzhuvaat pravoto da odbijat da
distribuiraat prilozi koi ne se vo soglasnost so navedenite
pravila za rabota. Sekoja promena na pravilata kje bide navremeno
distribuirana do site chlenovi na listata.
| * MAK-NEWS e elektronska lista koja se odrzuva preku rabota na |
| dobrovolci i e pred se rezultat na prilozi od pretplatnicite. |
| Prilozite mozhat da se pratat preuk e-mail do: |
| % MAK-NEWS is an electronic mailing list which is coordinated by |
| volunteers and is a result primarily from contributions from |
| subscribers which are e-mailed to: |
| MAKNWS-L@UBVM.CC.Buffalo.Edu |
| |
| * Vo princip davame dozvola za povtorna distribucija na napisite |
| od MAK-NEWS, so baranje da se navede izvorot na originalot. |
| % Permission is generally granted for redistribution of MAK-NEWS |
| articles provided original sources are preserved. |
| |
|=-=- Email Listserv requests to: Listserv@UBVM.CC.Buffalo.Edu -=-=|
| SUBSCRIBE: subscribe MAKNWS-L Your Name |
| SIGNOFF: signoff MAKNWS-L |
| MAKNWS-L DIGEST: set MAKNWS-L digest (Optional) |
|=-=- -=-=|
| MAKEDON: The Macedonian Discussion Group is accessed similarly. |
= MAKNWS-L/MAKEDON Coordinators/Editors: =
= Sasa Konecni (Subscription Database/Coordinator) sasha@west.nl =
= Sacha Alexander Shopov (General) shopo-sa@eelab.su.oz.au =
= Tihomir Stojcevski (R.Makedonija Coordinator) tiho@itl.mk =
= Steve Saragil (AMSUT Canada) 90saragi@wave.scar.utoronto.ca =
= Boris Soposki (MAKEDON Moderator) bvs4997@ritvax.isc.rit.edu =
= Vele Samak (MAKEDON Moderator) vsamak@midway.uchicago.edu =
= Igor Trajkovski (Miscellaneos) trajkovs@enuxsa.eas.asu.edu =
= Miscellaneous: =
= Canadian Macedonian News BBS canmac@io.org =
= Macedonian Information Liason Service [M.I.L.S] mils@itl.mk =
= Macedonian Information Center [M.I.C] mic@itl.mk =
Macedonia Network Resources Summary:
MAK-NEWS Macedonian News Listserv: MAKNWS-L@UBVM.cc.buffalo.edu
MAKEDON Macedonian Discussion Group: MAKEDON@UBVM.cc.buffalo.edu
[Both groups are archived and articles can be ftp'd from UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU]
UseNet Newsgroup: bit.listserv.makedon -and- alt.news.macedonia
IRC: /Channel #Macedonia -or- #Macos
Macedonian World Wide Web Servers:
Virtual Macedonia: http://www.rit.edu/~bvs4997/Macedonia
Soros in Macedonia: http://www.soros.org.mk
Vladimir's WWW: http://www.unm.edu/~vuksan/home.html
Plamen's WWW: http://ASUdesign.eas.asu.edu/places/Macedonia/republic/
General WWW Servers with Macedonian References:
Human Rights: http://www.essex.ac.uk/law/human-rights
European Map: http://wings.buffalo.edu/world/europe.html