The articles included in the present volume focus on the problems or examine particular aspects of the philosophy of Socrates. These examinations, which combine scholarship with a strictly philosophical approach, might be regarded as brush strokes, done with care and proportion, with finesse and artistry, on the large canvas set up each time in order that the Socratic portrait might eventually become clear.

While perhaps not presenting the complete portrait or revealing every aspect of the many-sided figure of Socrates, the studies in the present volume do, however, depict a significant part of his personality, since they deal, directly or indirectly, with issues and questions that include the following: How might we approach the Socratic problem; what was the real Socrates like and how was he seen by his contemporaries and later commentators; what influence did he exercise on the men of his age; how much do Plato , Xenophon and Aristotle owe to Socrates; what were the main Socratic beliefs concerning virtue, man and the state; what was Socrates like as a philosopher and teacher and what has remained of the Socratic model of the teacher in the age of artificial intelligence; what kind of relationship did Socrates have with the Athenians and with the spirit of the Athenian Constitution; why did Socrates obey the laws of Athens and choose to die in prison even though he had been unjustly sentenced; how did Socrates die and what kind of death is death by hemlock poisoning; what meaning does the Socratic model of life have for the man of today and how might he been seen as a guide in modern life, etc.

These questions, of course, have to do with the study of the history of Greek philosophy, yet they concern all men, whether students of philosophy or not, and contribute to the formation of the intellectual integrity and academic ethos of the man of today. From this point of view, the figure of Socrates and his philosophy as a way of life are ever present.


Abraham, W. E.,
On Plato's to Socrates: a skeptical view.
Barnes, Jonathan ,
Socrates the hedonist.
Berenson, Frances,
Socrates- the man.
Bodéüs, Richard,
Socrate et les Dieux. Ignorances et certitudes d'une position philosophique.
Brickhouse, T.C. and Smith, N. D.,
The Socratic doctrine of "persuade or obey".
Browning- Cole, Eve ,
Enchantment and semantics in Plato's Euthydemus.
Casertano, Giovanni,
Socrates, Parmenides und Zenon.
Charlton, William,
Xenophon's Socrates as a philosopher.
Classen, C. J. ,
Julian's portrait of Socrates.
Cleary, John,
Socratic influences on Aristotle's ethical inquiry.
Decharneux, B.,
Influences pythagoriciennes sur le Socrate. Des nuées d' Aristophane.
Evangeliou, Chr.,
Socratic intellectualism and Aristotelian criticism.
Giannantoni, G. ,
Pour une édition des sources antiques sur Socrate.
Georgiadis, C.,
Socratic eros and philosophical activity.
Graham, Daniel W.,
Socrates and the infallibility of the crafts.
Graves, Bonita,
Hemlock poisoning: twentieth century scientific light on the death of Socrates.
Hetzler, Florence ,
Socrates is known through art.
Ioppolo, Anna Maria,
Socrates' profession of ignorance and his claim to know
Iwata, Yasuo,
The philosophical implication of the daimonion of Socrates.
Juffras, Angelo,
Socratic hermeneutics and the pragmatist thesis.
Kenig-Curd, Petricia,
Socratic empiricism.
Luper-Foy, Steven,
Socrates and death.
Mallick, K. ,
Plato's Crito and Bhagavad Gita.
Mate Andras,
The virtues: Mass terms or pauline predication?
Michelsen , John M.,
Socrates, Protagoras and the unity of AÚÂÙ‹.
Nails , Debra,
Let all be virtuous: radical Socrates and the concept of democracy.
Nikelly, Arthur,
Socratic and Ionian worldviews.
Park, Chong-Hyun,
Socrates as an explorer of ergon and his successors.
Pigler-Rogers, Agnes,
Socrate: le sage et son demon
Placido, Domingo,
Plato, a source for the knowledge of the relationships between Socrates and Protagoras.
Purtill, Richard,
Socratic logic.
Robinson, David,
Is there a proton agathon in Socratic philosophy?
Rodrigo, Pierre,
Le nom de "Socrate" dans l'argumentation Aristotelicienne.
Rudebush, George,
Socrates on Ion's poetic representations.
Santos, José G. T. ,
Knowledge in Plato's elenctic dialogues.
Schwarzenberg, Erk.,
The portrait of Socrates by Aristoxenus and Demetrius of Phaleron.
Scolnicov, Samuel,
"To me, Callicles, he seems exceedingly in earnest". On taking Socratic irony seriously.
Sider, David,
did Socrates call himself a midwife? The evidence of the clouds.
Smith, N. D. and Brickhouse,
T. C. , The Socratic doctrine (see Brickhouse).
Sörbom, Göram,
Xenophon's Socrates on the Greek art revolution.
Tejera, Victorino,
Dialogical dynamics, Socrates and source criticism.
Tjattas, Mary,
Another look at the Socratic problem of akrasia.
Verrycken, K.,
The wisest of men: on Hegel's interpretation of Socrates.
Vincenzo, Joseph,
Nietzsche's Socrates.
Yamakawa, Hideya,
Socrates in the age of artificial intelligence.
Yonezawa, Shigeru,
Socrates and natural science.
Yumoto, Yasumasa,
Socrates on the analogy between virtue and craft.
Ward-Scaltsas, P.,
Virtue without gender in Socrates.
Wesoly, Marian,
Tracing the Socratic dialectic.
West, Elinor J. M.,
The mask of Socrates' protagorean argument in Plato's Euthyphro.
Wubnig, Judy,
Why Socrates would object to civil disobedience.