1. Meeting Centres


The multi-cultural city of Thessaloniki establishes meeting centres which will offer hospitality to Greeks from abroad who face difficulties of adjustment due to the language and, also, to economic immigrants who feel alienated. The creation of such meeting centres is continued.



On 14 May, at the Sykies theatre,"Irene"by Aristophanes, will be

performed, in Russian, under the supervision of Christos Tsangas.



2. Workshops


The Organization, in its efforts to support institutions which will

remain in the city after the end of 1997, continues establishing

workshops, in co-operation with the Municipal Authorities and suburban

sectors. In May, the following workshops will be inaugurated:


Starting in September, the following workshops will be inaugurated:



Starting in October, the following workshops will be in




At the sound workshops, under a specific programme, young musicians and

groups will be given the opportunity to produce CDs with their own

compositions, at very low cost. Also, the theatre, photography and

visual arts workshops are in co-operation with the Municipal Authorities

for this year's Education Festival.



3. The Activities of the Literary Archive


The events organized by the Cultural Capital with regard to Literature,

will contribute to the support of the effort to create a Literary Archive in Thessaloniki, under the aegis of the Ministry of Culture, with the purpose of enabling this institution to become permanent and

self-sufficient. Within this framework, support is given to the creation

of "The Writer's Home", in one of the traditional buildings in the Upper

City, and, for the same reason, the events aimed at broadening the

public, which is involved with literature, are continued. For this

purpose, the following events have been programmed:




The invitations to foreign artists continue (at Avlea) with:



Other events:



In co-operation with the publishers of the city, there will be publications of books that have long been out of print.



4. Chamber Opera


The Thessaloniki Chamber Opera has programmed the following productions,

at Avlea, on 6 & 10 December:


At the same time, there will be an educational programme, seminars, scholarships, etc. (starting on 1 June).



5. State Museum of Contemporary Art


The State Museum of Contemporary Art organizes the following exhibitions:



6. Cinema Museum of Thessaloniki


Having as its central event the inauguration of "Olympion", in September, the Cinema Museum organizes tributes to:






The Organization has contributed financially to the films of Hoursoglou,

Smaragdis, Karkanevatos, Goritsas, Rentzis, Psarras and to the film

"Makedonissa" (Macedonian Woman), by Tseklenis, starring Anna Synodinou.

On 31 December 1997, the Organization invites everyone to the premiere of the film of the Cultural Capital: "Everything is a Road", directed by

Pantelis Voulgaris, script by Yorgos Skambardonis.




7. The Photography Museum of Thessaloniki


The Photography Museum of Thessaloniki organizes the following exhibitions:




Also on the programme:



8. The Design Museum


The Design Museum has programmed the following exhibitions: