Hellas has a long lasting tradition through the ages in the field of highly skilled and trained seamenand in particular of Merchant Marine Officers (Masters and Engineers) excelling both in seamanship and competence always deriving from high standard training.
Merchant Marine Officers are educated in Merchant Marine Academies operating in various cities and islands all over Hellas supervised by the Ministry of Mercantile Marine. Studies in Merchant Marine Academies entail advanced and specialised training of high quality standard offered in the form of sandwich sources according to which training takes place alternatively at the Academy and aboard ship.
During the training period spent at the Academy, Masters acquire thorough knowledge of ship's navigation, loading, stowage of different cargoes, ship's stability, handling and economic management and operation.
As regards engineers, they are tough in theory while at first they have to know relating to ship's engine operation and maintenance, electric generators, boilers, and in general all equipment fitted in modern ships. During practice training effected aboard ship, students apply theoretical Knowledge in real conditions under ship's officers supervision.
Merchant Marine Academies for Masters:
Aspropirgos, Macedonia, Preveza, Hydra, Kimi, Syros, Kefalonia, Chania, Oinoussai.
Merchant Marine Academies for Engineers:
Asprorirgos,Chania, Chios, Makedonia