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Addressed to the international academic community
His Holiness Pope John Paul, at Methodius' tomb in Czechoslovakia on April 22
1990, declared that these two isapostolic monks of Thessaloniki in Macedonia had
blazed the trail for the Greek and Byzantine tradition in Europe ant it was to them that
the Slavs owed their Christianity. In an encyclical in 1980, John Paul had already
pronounced "the Greek brothers" Cyril and Methodius "divine patrons of Europe"
(see Document No 19).
Skopjan historians and politicians have had the audacity ever since
1944 - and more
recently in the FYROM' school textbooks printed for 1992-93 - to claim that the
ancient Macedonians, Alexander the Great, the Prolemies, and Cyril and Methodius
were not Greeks, indirectly claiming for themselves links with the great deeds of the
Macedonian personalities as cited above. (see Document No 5)
Such allegations which undermine the very foundations of contemporary civilization,
are offensive not only to the Greek people, but to anyone with the most rudimentary
knowledge of history, to any honest person cherishing truth.
Macedonia is the home of the unique monastic community of Mount Athos, which was
founded in AD 863. This ark of Hellenism and the Orthodox Christian faith is
represented by twenty principal monasteries, 121 Skites (lesser monastic
establishments), 1,700 buildings, 100,000 m2 of frescoed surfaces, 15,000 icons and
15,000 manuscripts both illustrated (Martis The falsification of Macedonian
To recognize the people of FYROM as "Macedonians",
given their claim that the ancient Macedonians, Alexander,
the Ptolemies, the Seleucids, and even Cyril and Methodius
were not Greeks, would lead to such absurdities as, for
- Should we consider not Greek but Slav the
Macedonian Former President of the Hellenic
Republic, Mr. Constantine Karamanlis, and
some three million Greek Macedonians
throughout the world, who are proud to bear,
as Greeks, the Macedonian name?
- Should we give a new name to the Hellenistic
Period (336-30 BC) and, thencefore, call it the FYROMian Period?
- Should we "slavicise" in our history books the
Macedonian Ptolemy I (who built the Library
of Alexandria and preserved the works of the
ancient Greek philosophers for posterity),
Ptolemy II (who translated the Bible into
Greek), and Ptolemy V (whose vow on the
Rosetta stone, now preserved in the British
Museum, is in Greek, Egyptian and hieroglyphics)?
- Should more credence be given to Skopje's
distorters of history than to the Old and New
Testament texts and the works of ancient
Greek, Roman, and Jewish writers who
identify the Macedonians as Greeks?
- How should we identify the Macedonian
masses who watched Greek comedies
tragedies and- presented in the Greek
language, of course, in Macedonia's ancient
theaters at Dion, Vergina, Philippi, and
Thassos. Were they FYROMians, i.e. new style "Macedonians"?
- Was the "man of Macedonia" who appeared
in AD 50 to St. Paul in a vision in Troy in Asia
Minor and spoke to him in Greek (acts 16:9) not a Greek?
- Are St. Paul and Silas - who, as we are told in
Acts 17:4, 12, en- Intered Greek men and
women in Thessaloniki and Beroea - to be contradicted?
- Is more credence to be given to Skopje than
to three Popes who categorically stated that
St. Cyril and Methodius were Greeks, i.e. 1.
(ACTA) PIUS p.p.xi, 13.2.1927, 2. (ACTA)
IOANNIS p.p.xxiii, 11.05.1963 and 3. Pope
John Paul, who, since 1980, has repeatedly
confirmed, it despite Skopje's claim of ethnic
ownership of these two famous Greek
Byzantine personalities? Is Mr. Gligorov to be
condoned for his unseemly conduct in
attempting to mislead world opinion from the
United Nations rostrum with his statement that
"Christianity was the Macedonian people's gift
to the Slavs"? (see Document No 20).
I have already cited that in both the
Epistola Enciclica and in 1990 the Pope
himself declared in Moravia that if the Slavs
became Christians they owed it to the two
Greek monks from Thessaloniki.
- When the Romans minted coins bearing the
name "Macedonia", with Greek lettering and
Macedonian emblems, were they influenced in
doing this by the non-Greek ancestors of FYROM?
- The very fact that the ancient Greek gods
were perceived by ancient Greeks to have
their home on the Macedonian Mount
Olympus laughs to scorn the claim of
FYROM' politicians and authors that the
ethnic boundaries of their pseudo-Macedonian
nation extend to the top of Mount Olympus.
Should we deduce that the identity of the
Greek "12 Gods" run the risk of being
appropriated by the authorities of the new
"Macedonian Republic of Skopje"?
- The Macedonian language: Skopje's claim that
the ancient Macedonians' language was not
Greek is preposterous. The National Research
Center in Athens has collected and published
5,000 Greek inscriptions from Macedonia.
We challenge Mr. Gligorov and all those who
thoughtlessly accept Tito's fabrication of a
"Macedonian language" to produce just one
inscription in this supposed ancient
"Macedonian, non-Greek" tongue- and we
will give them the name of Macedonia.