Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art
The permanent collection: Georgikis Scholis Ave. (5th km.) Philkeram-Johnson,
240002, 281567
Occasional exhibitions: Helexpo-Egnatias 154, 240002, 281567
Prehistoric Antiquities Museum of Thessaloniki
Former Kodra barracks, Kalamaria, 830538, 831037
Historical Archives of Macedonia
Papanastasiou 21, 816981
Museum of the Jewish Presence in Thessaloniki
Ag. Mina 13, 275701, 272840, 270256
Museum of the Course of Jewish History in Thessaloniki
Vas. Irakliou 26(24), 275701, 272840, 270256
Cultural Foundation of the Greeks of the Diaspora
Κομοτηνής 2, 234161
The Telloglio Foundation, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 280009
"Techni", Macedonian Society of Art
YMCA building, 222130
Museum of Anciet Greek, Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Instruments
Katouni 12-14, 238391
Thessaloniki Museum of the Cinema
Andreou Georgiou 44, 554464
Thessaloniki Museum of Photography
Andreou Georgiou 44, 554464
Water Works Museum of Thessaloniki
26th Oktobriou 49, 514029