Elections '96


Thessaloniki 2 September (M.P.A.)

Prime Minister, Kostas Simitis in the second part of his interview to the Athens daily "Eleftherotypia" that was published today, mentions responding to the question on possible alliances after the elections that there are many personalities outside PASOK who must offer their cooperation in order for the PASOK government to do its job.

The Prime Minister also expresses the belief that PASOK will win the elections while he stresses that the future belongs to the center-left and appeals to the conservative voters not to give their support to the torn up leadership of New Democracy.

Mr.Simitis referred extensively to the issues of national importance, while he made a special referrence to the greek-turkish relations and said that the US government is possible to make certain moves for solutions in the region. He expresses scepticism regarding the problem with Skopje but at the same time he is optimistic that finally the problem will be resolved in a way that will justify the greek positions.

On the issue of the relations with Turkey, he explained how Greece will avert a "hot Winter" with the neighbouring country and reiterated that there can be no dialogue on Greece's sovereign rights. Mr.Simitis clarified that the Cyprus problem remains a priority and that there can be no normalizaton of the greek-turkish relations if no solution is reached on the Cyprus problem.

On the Balkan region and Greece's position, mr.Simitis stressed that developments in the neighbouring countries demand a new approach strategy.

He said that already Greece's Balkan policy gave results as it was made obvious by the recent meeting between Milosevic and Tudjman in Athens. Mr.Simitis also said that Greece normalized the relations with Albania and succeeded in opening greek schools in the cities of Argyrokastro, Delvino and Agii Saranta, adding that the greek-bulgarian relations were also developed and underlined that agreements were signed concerning the waters of Nestos River and the opening of three new border crossings that will contribute to the development of northern Greece.

© 1996 Macedonian Press Agency