Cyprus Mirror

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And the violence continues...

DHERINIA, Cyprus (AP) Turkish troops on Wednesday killed a Greek Cypriot demonstrator and wounded 11 other people in the second fatal clash this week in the buffer zone of this war-divided island nation.

Police spokesman Glafcos Xenos identified the slain protester as Solomos Spirou Solomou, 26, from Paralimni, southeast Cyprus.

One of the wounded, he said, was a 59-year-old woman who was shot in the abdomen. The others included two United Nations peacekeepers and two Cypriot policemen.

Waldimar Rokoszewki, spokesman for the 1,200-strong U.N. peacekeeping force in Cyprus, told the state-run Cyprus Broadcasting Corp. that one soldier was wounded in the arm and another in the back.

He would not give their nationalities or elaborate on their condition but the official Cyprus News Agency said they were British. The agency gave no source for its information.

Cyprus President Glafcos Clerides, meanwhile, called for an urgent meeting later Wednesday of the National Security Council to discuss the latest spate of violence.

Clerides chairs the council, which groups key cabinet ministers and political party leaders and debates issues of national security. The violence ... 3rd graf 1st Ld

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